The Bible View #799 — Dishonesty

In This Issue:
Lies People Tell Themselves
Three Will Know
Never Gone
Troublesome Lies
He Has No Guilt
Reward of Honesty

Volume: 799    March 1, 2021
Theme: Dishonesty

Lies People Tell Themselves
Bill Brinkworth

In I John 1 and 2, John the Apostle covers areas that many are not completely honest with themselves about. These areas include:

  • When Christians claim to be in fellowship with God, but are not!
    “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:” I John 1:6

Many times folks fool even themselves into believing that they can talk to God, He is listening to them, answering them, and they are in full fellowship when they are involved in sin. They lie to themselves.

A believer cannot have close fellowship with God when there is sin in one’s life! God hates sin, and although people do not lose their salvation when they fall for sin’s enticement, they certainly grieve Him (Ephesians 4:30). That grieving will keep the sinner from having a close relationship with God. The only remedy for that broken relationship is to turn from sin (Acts 8:22) and again “… walk in the light …” (I John 7). One should then live in the manner God requires.

  • When Christians claim to have no sin.
    “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”
    I John 1:8

Some consider themselves sin-free.  Christians are saved from iniquity’s eternal wage, but are not sinless.  They will have to battle to not obey their sin nature with which they had since birth. 

  • When a person claims to be a believer but does not keep God’s commandments, John called one such person a liar (I John 1:4). God’s truth is not in him when he does not obey what God commands.

    Going through life as a Christian, our ears, eyes, and discernment are often on others that claim the same faith.  We are confused when we hear their profession of faith, yet see that they are not living the life they are supposed to live.  Although we scratch our heads in confusion when one says one thing but lives another, the Holy Spirit says, “… the truth is not in them.”
  • When one claims to be a child of God but hates other saved people. God says one that does not love the brethren “… is in darkness even until now” (I John 1:9).  If one is saved, he should love the other members of the family of God.  Real love puts up with a lot, is kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not prideful, does not cause one to act improperly, does not get mad quickly, does not think the worst about another, is not happy when a person does wrong, believes people, has hope for them, and never stops loving others (I Cor.13:4-8).  Getting bitter, holding a grudge, and wishing bad things on others are not signs of love, no matter what one claims!
  • When people love this world more than anything.  They are also fooling themselves.
    “… If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (I John 2:15), no matter what they claim!
  • Another deceiver is one that says Jesus is not the one God promised to come (I John 2:22).  Some of the most popular religions, when examined, are deceptive in this area.  Some claim to be Christian but say Jesus was just a good man, a prophet, or a good example, but not God’s only Son. No matter the cult’s popularity and numbers, as far as God is concerned (and no other opinion matters), they are liars.

There is much deception in this world.  Sometimes people even deceive themselves.  However, adhering to what God says in His Word and using it as a guideline make it possible to see what is of God and what is not.  If actions and words line up with the Word of God, then it is of God.  Anything opposing it is not of Him.  God is not the author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33).

“As truth stretches, trust breaks!” — Author Unknown

Three Will Know
Author Unknown

A Chinese convert, newly brought to the faith, was being tempted by one of his countrymen to cheat.  Upon his refusal, his tempter asked why he would not do wrong.

“Because three will know that I cheated,” replied the Christian. “You will know, I will know, and Heaven will know.”

“Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.” Hebrews 4:13  

Never Gone
Sunday School Times

A storekeeper went away for the day and left his clerk in charge.  A customer came in and asked the clerk a favor, which meant he would have to do something dishonest.  “You can do it if you want to,” tempted the customer, “because your boss is gone, and he will never know.”

The clerk looked the man straight in the eyes and said, “You are wrong.   My Boss is Jesus Christ, and He is never gone!”

Troublesome Lies
Edited from an Article by Addison (1871)

Truth is always consistent with itself and needs nothing to help it.  It is easy to remember and is ready to drop out of our mouths before we are aware. Rarely are we embarrassed for telling it!

A lie, however, is troublesome. The liar cannot relax, as he always must remember to whom he had told what.  Another lie is often required to defend the others.

Lying is much like a building built upon a terrible foundation.  It continually needs propping up, supports, and an attentive eye on its stability.  Usually, the building will collapse, as will the fabrications of a liar.  It is so much easier to tell the truth!

“These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”  Proverbs 6:16-19

He Has No Guilt

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose,
An evil soul producing holy witness,
Is like a villain with a smiling face,
A goodly apple, rotten at the core.

Reward of Honesty
Edited from an Article by F. W. Robertson

Christian businessmen often complain that their honesty is a hindrance to their success.  They see the amount of money that pours into the coffers of less scrupulous people in business while they have much longer to wait for their honest living to come.

Do you think God is always going to reward honor, integrity, and honesty with this world’s coin?  Do you believe He will pay spiritual excellence large amounts of money?

Now consider the price that the unmoraled, less scrupulous businessman is paying for his “success.”  Perhaps he is paying for his dishonesty by having mental degradation and inward dishonor. Maybe he has to take pills to sleep at night. His advertisements are all deceptive.  His treatment of his workmen is poor.  His cheap prices are made possible by inferior articles.  Sow that man’s seed, and you will reap that man’s harvest.  Cheat, lie, advertise dishonestly, be unscrupulous in your business transactions, and money will come to you, but at what price? 

If the price that he will pay is too much for you to pay, let him have his harvest and take your reward.  Your reward will be a clear conscience, a pure mind, pride in what you are doing, no guilt, and God’s hand of blessing.  Will you part with that for the other’s pittance?  Then why do you complain?  He will pay his price.  Hopefully, you will not choose to pay his price as well.

“Honesty is the best policy.”

The Bible View #798 — Transformation

In This Issue:
Godly Sight
The Great Transformation
The Most Wonderful Plant
Earthly Changes Are Not the New Birth
A New Captain

Volume: 798    February 22, 2021
Theme: A Great Transformation

FREE Printable Versions (including large
print, and church bulletin insert)
are available at

Godly Sight
 Bill Brinkworth

It had been a long time since the older woman had been considered “legally blind.”  Many years ago, the sight had totally gone in her left eye, and slowly the right eye’s vision deteriorated.  In the last few years, all she could see from the right were some shadows and outlines.

When a doctor told her that surgery might improve what she saw out of the right eye, she hesitated.  She remembered how previous medical attempts removed the left eye’s sight completely. Still, she pondered the surgery and soon gave her approval.  The day of the operation found her being wheeled down to surgery.

After the surgeon’s work was complete, and she awoke from the anesthesia, the bandages were slowly removed.  It was not long until she opened her eyes to see color, then as her right eye came into focus, she could see details.  She saw what the doctor looked like as he explained what had occurred.  She saw the room’s decor, the chairs, her daughter, and the papers that were clipped to the doctor’s clipboard.  The one eye could once again see.  Her world differed greatly from what it had been previously.

As she continued to scan the room, she saw one thing that she did not like. In the room’s mirror, the senior saw her image and the wrinkles time put on her face.  When she last saw her reflection, all she had seen was youthful, smooth skin.  Now, her observation was different. She saw the real her, not what only her hands felt, and could “show” her.

Likewise, a person’s spiritual understanding is different when they get saved (John 3:16).  Many of the things they were involved in previously now appeared different. What was then “normal” and done by many is currently seen as the Saviour sees it.  A realization of sinfulness and guilt is felt when that activity is even considered.

Lies that used to be a quick defense for getting out of trouble now bring a guilty feeling when they are uttered. Watching many television programs now bring shame to one’s heart, as those shows are now realized to be obscene and ungodly. The obscenities spoken on the same programs are no longer funny but are now perceived as “filthy.”  Some are even recognized as mocking or blaspheming the Saviour.

Habits and other activities that were performed for many years are now felt as “inappropriate” and certainly not exhibiting good Christian behavior. Much of what was done, said, and seen is now frowned upon after being “born again.”

This transformed vision and understanding come with the “new birth” (John 3:3). It is part of the attitude and inward change that happens when one is saved.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” II Cor. 5:17.

The “new creature” in a saved child of God has a new mind that perceives their condition differently.  It is the mind that thinks similarly to Christ: “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ” I Cor. 2:16 (Also: I Cor 1:10, Philippians 1:27).

Although many claim to be Christians, few see any changes in their thinking processes or behavior.  They see no difference in their lives after a profession of being saved.  That is not what the Bible tells us happens to a person when they get saved.  They should think differently, and their lives should change. Perhaps, they have a profession without possession.

If you claim to be saved, has there ever been a time in your life where your “vision” was changed?  Do you see your life and the world around you differently?  After being born again, did you see the “wrinkles” of your own sin’s depravity?  Did the sight of how you were thinking and living shock you enough that you wanted to change your lifestyle and follow God’s direction?  Is your spiritual life different than it ever was?  Are you saved?

If you are not sure you are saved and have no one to talk to about this matter, please e-mail me at

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found.
Was blind, but now, I see!”

— From “Amazing Grace” by John Newton (1725-1807)

The Great Transformation
C. H. Spurgeon

I know a village, perhaps once the most profane in England.  It was a village inundated by drunkenness and debauchery of the worst kind.  An honest traveler could not stop in the public house without being annoyed by blasphemy.  It was also a place noted for robbers.

One man, the ringleader of them all, listened to the voice of God and got saved. That man’s heart was broken. The entire gang then came to hear the Gospel preached, and they sat and listened to the preacher and believed what he taught from the Word of God. These men became changed and reformed.  Everyone who knows the place affirms that such a change had never been wrought but by the power of the Holy Ghost.

“No one should disregard a faith that can make sinful men good!”
— Author Unknown

The Most Wonderful Plant
Edited from an article by C. H. Spurgeon

A man had a garden that produced nothing but weeds. One day, he got some seeds from a rare plant of which he had heard wonderful stories.  

He sowed a handful of the seed in his overgrown garden and let it work its way. He slept and rose and knew not how the seed was growing until one day, he opened the gate and saw a sight that astounded him.

He knew that the seed would produce a dainty flower, and he looked for it, but he had little imagined that the plant would cover the entire garden as it did. The flower exterminated  every weed.  As he looked from one end to the other, from wall to wall, he could see nothing but the fair colors of that rare plant and could smell nothing but its delicious perfume.

Christ is like that plant. If He is sown in the soil of your soul, He will gradually eat out the roots of all ill weeds and poisonous plants and “turn under” your old nature.  All that will be seen will be Christ in you.

Earthly Changes Are Not the New Birth
John Bate

A man may pass from the lowest ignorance unto the highest intelligence.  Degraded poverty may be exchanged for the most exalted riches.  A person may come out of the greatest obscurity into the largest publicity.  He may rise from the narrowest circle of influence into the widest sphere of power.  He may pass from one extreme to another in all things, be they moral, intellectual, political, social, and civil changes.

However, through all those changes, he may keep his innate bias to do evil, have an aversion to doing good, and continue to be a stranger to the new-birth as it exists in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  No earthly change can substitute for the changes that only come from Above when one is saved.

“Deathbed repentance is burning the candle of life in the devil’s service and then blowing the smoke into the face of God.”  — Billy Sunday

A New Captain
Edited from an article by C. H. Spurgeon

There was a poor man about sixty years old.  He had been a rough sailor, one of the worst men in the village.  It was his custom to drink, and he seemed to be delighted when he was cursing and swearing.  He came into a church one Sunday and heard preaching about Jesus weeping over Jerusalem.

The man thought, “Why did Jesus Christ ever weep over such a wretch as I am?” He thought he was too bad for Christ to care for him.

At last, he came to the preacher and said, “Sir, sixty years have I been sailing under the standard of the devil.  It is time I should have a new owner. I want to scuttle the old ship and sink her altogether! Then, I shall have a new owner, and I shall sail under the colors of Prince Jesus.”

Ever since that moment, that man has been a praying man and has walked before God in all sincerity. Yet, he was the very last man you would have thought would be saved and converted.  Somehow God does not choose just the “best” men.  He will also take the filthiest and the vilest and fashion them into glorious beings, making them saints. Whereas they were sinners, He then sanctifies them and makes them holy.

The Bible View #797 — Difficulties

In This Issue:
He Will Help
He Will Carry You
Better, If Broken
Fixer of Broken Things

Volume: 797    February 15, 2021
Theme: Dealing with Difficulties

FREE Printable Versions (including large
print, and church bulletin insert)
are available at

He Will Help
Bill Brinkworth

Life can be rough, even for Christians. We may face financial hardships, physical problems, relationship challenges, and hosts of other types of trials. 

What does one do? Where can one run?  How can a great burden of grief or heartbreak be tolerated that seems so impossible to carry?

In the Bible, we are told that, as heavy as one’s problems weigh on us, God will not allow one more than one can bear.  Whatever we face, God will only let us go through what we can handle with His help. Somehow, the trials many are facing can be endured.
“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” I Corinthians 10:13 

With the confidence that God will help, the next avenue of relief from trials and tribulations is prayer.  Be thankful for what you do have, ask God to help, and hang on by faith that He will intervene!
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6

After knowing that God will help us through hard times and seeking His aid in the time of need, there is one more area that must be handled. That area is one’s thought life.

If there is any “strength or moral goodness” (virtues), allow your mind to have only the right thoughts.
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8

Do not allow yourself to think about what could happen or things that are not true, not right, filthy, unrighteous, bad news, scary, and frightening. Doing so will never help; it will always make matters worse. 

Christian, you have the mind of Christ. Do not fill it with worldly thoughts because the dark things of this world will only try to put out your “light.”  Keep your eyes and mind on the things of God, and let God handle them!

“O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Saviour,
And life more abundant and free!

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face;
And the things of Earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.”
From Helen Lemmel’s hymn, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”

He Will Carry You
D. L. Moody

I think of Christ as a burden bearer.

A minister was moving his library upstairs. As the minister was going up the stairs with his load of books, his little boy came in and was very anxious to help his father.  

His father told him to go and get an armful and take them upstairs. When the father returned, he met the little fellow halfway up, tugging away with the biggest in the library. He could not manage to carry it. The book was too big, so he sat down and cried.

His father found him, took him in his arms, book and all, and carried him to where the books were put.  So, Christ will carry you and all your burdens.

Better, If Broken
Dr. J. Hamilton, 1871

  • It is the broken ground that needs to be opened up for the reception of seed, which springs up and brings forth fruit abundantly.
  • It is the broken cloud that discharges its showers that usher in the spring and cheer the thirsty ground.
  • It is the broken corn that is separated from the chaff and laid up in the garner of the husbandman that saved lives from starvation.
  • It is the broken berries that the olive press’s millstones have crushed and give forth a precious oil that fills lamps that brings light to the darkness.
  • It was the broken alabaster box from which the poor penitent woman anointed the Savior’s feet and its contents, which filled the whole house with the odor of the precious spikenard perfume.
  • It was Christ’s broken body, which was nailed to the cross and the spear of an enemy that furnished the blood that cleanses all souls from sin.
  • It is the broken veil of the temple that opened to us the Holiest of all and allows the believing soul to go directly to the Lord in prayer.
  • It was the broken grave that announced the reality of the resurrection and proclaimed to the unbelieving disciple that the Saviour was risen.

So, it is with Christians. It is by means of breaking and the crushing processes to which the providence of God subjects them that they will become the spiritual salt of the Earth and the lights of this world

Fixer of Broken Things
Bill Brinkworth

As a child, when something was broken, an adult would fix it. It seemed whatever happened, an older person, be it a parent, teacher, or neighbor, could easily solve the problem that troubled us younger folk.

As I got older, there were problems that an adult could not fix. They tried and gave it their best attempt, but their solutions often did not work. They often shook their heads and admitted they had the same thing broken in their own lives and did not know how to repair it for themselves.

After I was saved, I learned that there was one that could fix situations and dilemmas that no other could fix. It was not the psychiatrist, for they had their unfixable problems. It was not the doctors’ pills, for they often fixed only the symptoms and not the root of the problem. It was not the teachers’ wisdom, for many of them had no idea or experience to fix many of the traumas one faced in life. It was the wisdom delivered by God that could fix anything!

“Unfixable” things could be fixed by following the advice in God’s Word, heard from the preaching of His Word, or even gleaned from Bible-explaining writings. His wisdom has helped billions upon billions. Our heavenly Father has raised trillions. His advice, when obeyed, can fix many broken things in our lives. His Word advises us how to fix:

Broken hearts and feelings:
“The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” Psalms 34:18
He can be close to those that have had their hearts broken by tragedy, rejection, or disappointment. Not only can He be with you when you go through the valley of despair, but He can also help you get the victory.

Broken confidences:
“And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” Psalms 9:10
Others may fail you, but God never will neglect one of His children. He promises, “… I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” (Hebrews 13:5b)

Broken Lives:
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” II Corinthians 5:17
If you have come to a point in your life where you have realized you have messed up your life, God can change you from the inside out and give you a second chance.

Broken fellowships, relationships, and even a broken body of poor health:
“For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 1:37
When all earthly hope seems to have vanished, there is a God that can do anything and can change any situation.

Not all things that are “broken” should be fixed. There are times things need to stay broken and discarded. Sometimes they are allowed to be “broken” because if something is not changed, our lives will not be what they should or could be. That is why God’s wise help is the only one we should seek.

God loves us and desires what is good for us and our relationship with Him. His intervention and direction are always the best.

If God’s discernment is that something broken in our lives needs fixing, He is the one that can remedy the situation. If it is best for you and God’s will, God can be the fixer of what is broken in your life. There is hope!

“By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.  3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;  4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope:  5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”   Romans 5:2-5

The Bible View #796 — Service

In This Issue:
Whatever You Want, Lord
Do Sumthin’

Volume: 796    February 8, 2021
Theme: Surrendered to Serve
Printable Versions (including large
print, and church bulletin insert)
are available at

Whatever You Want, Lord”
Bill Brinkworth

“Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?” Matthew 20:15
Does a Christian have the right to do whatever he wants with his life? According to God’s Word, no!

The context in Matthew 20, where this verse is found, is the millennial reign when Christ rules this earth for 1,000 years (Matthew 5).  It gives one an idea of what will happen during that time and how some will be rewarded.

In Jesus’ illustration, He told how workers starting at different times of the day got paid what the master thought was fair. They got paid the same, whether they worked 10 hours or one hour. The “boss” was doing the hiring, and all agreed to work for what he offered them. The illustration’s whole point was to teach that the master was the one in charge, and it was by his rules by which they had to abide.

Although Matthew 20:15 was the landowner’s reply that was doing the hiring, it illustrates a great truth in describing a Christian’s relationship with the Lord. We are not our own. Those that are born-again are purchased with Christ’s blood. We have a promise of Heaven. Everything after getting saved is a bonus! Let us surrender our lives and do with our lives what God will have for us!

When an adult is asked what they want to do in their future, they usually respond with what they would like to happen. When a child is asked the same question, one similarly gets a battle plan of their intentions. Seldom does one answer, “Whatever the Lord wants me to do, I’ll do!”

Sadly, that open-invitation to do God’s will is rarely even thought of by Christians. Unfortunately, when you hear of someone handing their life to God with no reservations, it is often only after they had tried it their way and that way had failed.

It would save many heartaches and much of a “wasted” life if one would immediately, after they are saved, hand their life over to God as a blank check. “Fill it in with what you want me to do, God, and I will gladly, happily, and faithfully do it until you tell me otherwise!” Boy, would that attitude change lives and Christendom as we know it.
“Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? 21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?” Romans 9:20-21

Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord to Thee;
Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love
At the impulse of Thy love.
”Take My Life, and Let It Be,” Hymn by Frances Havergal

Do Sumthin’
Bill Brinkworth

After one is saved, God’s intention for each person is not to sit around and soak up God’s goodness.  His desire is for each to do something that would get more people saved and more living for the Lord. It is God’s hope for each of us that we serve Him.  

Each child of God should be a tool that God can use for His glory, using the spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:4-8) He has entrusted with each individual. Those gifts, special talents, and abilities can be used to reach the lost and glorify God in many ways. Each of us can be an important cog in winning the world for the glory of God.  We all can do something.

Here are some ministries in which I have seen many serving the Lord:

  1. Preaching ministry.  Some are called by God and directed to reach the world with His message by enabling them to preach. Preaching is not always from the pulpit on Sunday.  Many have preached at subway stations, by the side of the road, public gatherings, or wherever they can publicly expound God’s Word.  Some have “preached” without uttering a word, but “spoke” boldly by their public Christian example.  Most of us would not be saved if it were not for someone’s “preaching” God’s truths to us!
  2. Teaching ministry.  Some have been burdened to teach the world what God’s Word says.  If a teacher does not teach them, who will (Acts 8:30-31)?

    Many have used their talents, hobbies, or interests in making God’s Word clearer to those they have taught.  I have seen some use Gospel magic, art, puppets, and even their interest in animals to get the attention of many and use their teaching medium to instruct audiences in biblical principles.
  3. Visitation ministry.  Many churches have organized visitation at least one day a week where all go.  They often go in groups of twos to visit shut-ins, those that have previously visited the church, or just to knock on neighboring doors to invite people to church.  Sometimes there are even opportunities to tell the people how to be saved.  Millions have been saved by this method. 

    If a church does not have this opportunity, then people can still visit their neighbors, canvas their community, or contact anyone the Lord puts on their heart as a ministry unto the Lord. Telling others God’s Good News is not just a pastor’s responsibility.  We are all to go and tell!
  4. Nursing home ministry.  I call it the “Last Chance Ministry.”  For many of the home’s residents, it is the last opportunity they may have to hear how to be saved or to learn more of God’s Word before they leave this world.  In this ministry, one can preach to those living at the facility or just visit them.  Many in the homes have lost their loved ones, are lonely, and could use an encouraging visit.
  5. Tract Ministry.  A “tract” is a little piece of paper with the plan of salvation on it or teaches some biblical truth.  They can sometimes be gotten at one’s church or purchased at a Christian bookstore (The Bible Views available at were created for that purpose).  These tracts can be left in bathrooms, given to toll booth attendants, handed to a person waiting in line with us in a restaurant, included in an envelope when paying bills, or be given out to those that we encounter every day.
  6. Van or Bus ministry.  Many churches have a bus or van ministry where a vehicle picks up children and adults and brings them to church. Get involved as a driver or worker.  If your church does not have such a ministry, start one with your vehicle.  Bring as many as you can to hear God’s message. Someone may be saved because of your efforts.
  7. Singing or music ministry.  Singing in church services is available in most churches.  Some have taken their ability and sung on their own in hospital or nursing home rooms.  One nursing home worker asks if she can sing a hymn as she visits each patient and sings one if the resident desires.  Another man visits those sick in the hospital.  He brings his guitar with him and sings and plays for anyone that wants him to.
  8. Minister to those that are sick or shut-ins.  Have you experienced health problems where you were bed or house-bound?  Perhaps you felt cut off from the world because no one visited you.  Others feel the same way.  When you hear of one that is not well, send them a card or call on them.  It is a wonderful opportunity to be a Christian influence for someone that needs encouragement.
  9. Prison ministry.  Prisons are often a place where folks will listen to what the Bible has to say.  It may be difficult to get into this ministry.  However, if the Lord desires you to get involved with those that are detained, He can open the doors of opportunity.
  10. Card Ministry.  People need encouragement.  Send a birthday, sympathy, get well, or “praying for you” card to people God puts on your heart to encourage.  E-mailing or calling them are also ways to be a Christian encouragement to others. 
  11. Writing ministry.  God has always preserved His teaching with the written Word.  His Message can still be given out using this media.  One can expound what the Bible teaches by getting articles published in newspapers (letters-to-the-editor).  Articles can be published in Christian newsletters, web sites, and other publications. Some have even prayerfully picked names out of phone books, written those strangers, and given them the plan of salvation.
  12. Help ministry.  Some notice a need in others’ lives and help meet it.   They may visit a lonely person, babysitting for a working single parent, or even doing household chores for someone who physically cannot do certain things.
  13. Prayer ministry. People have needs everywhere you look.  We cannot always do something physically to help others, but we can pray for them.  Make others’ needs your prayer burdens and bombard God’s throne with pleas for His help in the lives of those that are needy.
  14. Discipling.  People may be saved, but they rarely know what to do next or how to do it.  For this reason, many never grow spiritually.  If you feel led by the Holy Spirit, take a person under “your wing.”  Spend time with that person.  Perhaps your influence will encourage them to live for the Lord. 
  15. Meals.  Prepare meals for those that may be going through a difficult time and may not be able or have the time to cook a meal. 
  16. Exhorting others.  Everyone gets discouraged or goes through hard times.  While down in their “valley,” they could use someone’s kind words of encouragement.   Checking up on people by telephone when they are missed in church or elsewhere tells them that they are important to someone. 
  17. Widows ministry.  There are not too many things harder than being married to a person for a long time and losing them in death.  Widows need to be encouraged.  Visit them.  Help them do things that perhaps their deceased spouse used to do.  They are often alone, can use a friend, and help.
  18. Reading the Bible to people that cannot read it anymore.  Some cannot read or cannot see to read.  Make it your ministry to faithfully read to them. 
  19. Be a friend.  Some take it upon themselves to be a friend to someone who does not seem to have one.
  20. Deaf or language interpreting ministry.  Hearing the Word of God is essential.  The deaf, or those that speak another language, may not understand it unless someone helps them hear God’s truths in the language they know.
  21. Hospitality ministry.  Meet others’ needs by allowing visiting preachers or others to stay in a spare room. 
  22. Flea market or fair ministry.  One man goes to a flea market, rents a booth, and witnesses to all that pass his table.  He gives out tracts, gives out Bibles, and even hands out “Bible Views.”  Others have a full-time ministry doing the same thing at state fairs.

One of the great commandments that each Christian is to obey is to “… love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31   Doing something for others and making their needs important to you is showing them that you  love to them.  Making others a priority in our lives also gets our minds off ourselves. It can enable others to see the love of Christ through our efforts.

If you have the desire to make a difference in this world for the cause of Christ, ask God to give you the ministry He wants you to have.  After that, look for the opportunity He gives you to do something for Him. There is something all can do.  Everyone has a hurt, a discouragement, or a need.  God often uses other Christians to meet those needs.  He wants to use you if you are willing.

“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” Eccl. 9:10