The BIBLE VIEW #977 — Why?

In This Issue:
There Is A Reason
… But God Had Different Plans

Volume: 977    October 4, 2024
Theme: Why?

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There Is A Reason
Bill Brinkworth

While walking my four-footed friend, Buddi, I almost walked into a thread from which a one-inch green worm descended.  It hung 10 feet from a hanging oak branch.  The barely noticeable thread was used to safely lower the creature that distance.

As I watched the creature work, he struggled and wiggled.  His efforts, however, seemingly did nothing to lower him, let alone the five more feet to the ground.  Finally, he was still, but to my surprise, more thread was quickly produced from his posterior, and he was lowered safely and speedily to the ground.  After touching the ground, he wiggled away as if nothing had happened.

How similar is that creature’s 15-foot journey to what many experience.  Life often throws serious obstacles in the way of many.  They start out attempting to deal with the situation.  There may be some progress, but shortly they quit.

As the little worm experienced, many attempts to remedy a bad situation do not seem to get anywhere.  People struggle; they wrestle with the problem the best they can, but soon, they get tired and stop.  Then, out of nowhere, it seems the problem is solved, and they glide gently through the situation they never thought they would conquer.

For a Christian, a daunting situation is often when God will allow a change in one’s life.  Nothing that happens to us is a surprise to God.  He always has a plan for us that we often do not recognize.

Some believe life’s catastrophes are a punishment allowed by God.  For some, they may be.  The unpleasant predicament may be a price-tag for doing wrong, disobedience, or even sin.  Hopefully, the struggle will get the person’s attention, and they will change the direction they are going.

Years ago, my friend Kenny fell off a high ladder.  As he lay there knowing parts of his body were broken, he immediately went to God in prayer and asked, “Is this accident for something I have done or haven’t done?”  When no reminder of wrongdoing evaded his thought life, Kenny quickly assumed the fall would have another purpose in his life and prepared to endure what the Lord allowed.

For others, the challenge may be for another purpose.  The reasons can be different for each person.  No one should assume they know why a person has the trials they are experiencing.  Only God knows the real reason!
“When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.” Job 22:29

Some may go through fires of tribulation to teach a lesson requiring trust or patience for future benefits.  For others, the trial may move one in another direction, to keep them from further hurt from an unseen future calamity, the consequences of living in a sin-cursed world (sin often hurts more than the sinner), to use their character to show others how they should react in a similar situation, or many other reasons.
“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:” I Peter 5:6
“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you.” James 4:10

As the wiggling inchworm soon figured out, when attempts to fix a situation are seemingly for naught, relax and trust God to do what He will.  Do not develop a blame-God-attitude, but trust, be patient, and have faith that His leadership in handling the bad situation will bring glory to God and be for your best.

… But God Had Different Plans
Bill Brinkworth

We all, at one time or another, have had hard times.  Sometimes, those difficulties are caused by a group or an individual.  It seems that they are in control and changing the direction of one’s life. 

However, even if situations are meant to hamper or hurt, there could be a good result in the future.  Joseph in Genesis can certainly attest to that. 

The young man could not help that his father, Israel, favored him.  Israel’s blessings on his son made Joseph’s siblings quite jealous.  Their jealousy festered, and their hearts became bitter to the innocent younger brother.  It was not long until their bitterness resulted in their throwing the boy into a pit.  An opportunity arose, and they sold their sibling into slavery.

From there, many hardships happened to the teenager.  Joseph was sold in Egypt to Potiphar.  There, he served his master, but “.. the Lord was with Joseph…” (Genesis 39:1).  He was in a bad situation, but God had a purpose for the boy.

Later, a lie from Potiphar’s wife got Joeseph thrown into prison.  Even in this horrible situation, “… the Lord was with Joseph…” (Gen. 39:21).

While in prison and after some time, God used Joseph.  After a series of God-directed events, Joseph became second in command over Egpyt. 

Joseph spared Egypt and his family from a consuming famine using his new lofty leadership role.  All the terrible happenings in his life were to place him where God would use him to help many. 

Those hard times may have been intended to abuse and use him, but the hand of God allowed those circumstances to put Joseph in the place where the Lord needed him.  As the powerful man stood before his family, Joseph was able to say to his brothers, “Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.” (Gen. 45:5  Also: Gen. 45:7, 8).  Joseph realized that God had plans for him and put him in the right place by allowing him to face some difficulties.

Others have also found themselves facing unfair treatment, as did Joseph.  While wearied and discouraged from tumultuous trials, they also discovered that God used events to put them in a position where God could use them.

God allowed Satan to do his worst to the godly Job.  After perhaps a year of losing possessions and having friends and family turn against the non-wavering child of God, Job was blessed with much more than he originally had.
“And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.” Job 42:10

Moses remembered all the years Israel faced hardship and servitude in Egypt.  Still, he saw how God dealt with the pharaoh and the Egyptians in His timing.  Israel then saw that their prayers for freedom were answered as God led them to a land He had for them.
“… 4 Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself.” Exodus 19:3-4

God used the hatred of the Jews,  the cruelty of Roman soldiers, and the betrayal of Judas to give us eternal hope because of Jesus’ death.  God’s only Son was beaten, mocked, embarrassed, and nailed to the cross so that sinners would have an acceptable payment to cover their sins.  We are blessed because of His sacrifice, and now Jesus sits on the right hand of God.

The apostle Paul also was on the receiving end of unfair treatment.  However, what seemed like misfortune on his part, God used those methods to make him a witness in Rome.
“And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said,  Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.” Acts 23:11

We should also recognize that perhaps something happening in our life is ordered by the Lord.  A child of God was bought by the price of His Son’s blood.  If born-again into His family, we are His.  God will use His own as he sees fit.
“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” I Corinthians 6:20  Also: I Cor. 7:23.

So, child of God, first examine yourself if you find yourself in trying times.  Are you reaping what you have sowed in sin’s field, and maybe you are facing iniquity’s consequences?  Is it possible that you are not a child of God, and He is using your situation to get you to turn to Him for salvation?  If you are sure of your salvation, is God trying to get your attention to change your course?

If self-examination does not reveal any reasons, it may be quite possible that you are in the same boat as the above heroes of the faith were and where many other Christians have found themselves.  It may be God has future plans for you, and He is moving you to a place where He can use you.
“Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.  4 The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.”  Proverbs 16:3-4

Be encouraged, Christian, if you find yourself in a similar situation like so many others had.  You are on the winning side, so be patient, always do right, and wait for the Lord to use you the way He desires.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

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