The BIBLE VIEW #946 — God’s Way

In This Issue:
His Ways Are Not Our Ways
Wild Vines
Tighten the Reins
Learned Sympathy

Volume: 946    February 26, 2024
Theme: God’s Way

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His Ways Are Not Our Ways
Bill Brinkworth

Sometimes, as Christians, we get confused and distraught by how circumstances in our lives seem out of God’s control.  We get perplexed over situations that appear to be severely altering what we thought was a good life.  Our desired path gets changed to one we never dreamed we would travel, and we certainly do not understand why. 

A doctor may have given a disastrous diagnosis, or a house may appear to be soon lost because of our inability to meet payments.  Children, who have been raised the best way we knew, seemingly are not turning out how we desired.  All that we saved and planned for is lost because of our inability to obtain employment.  Our lives and plans are in turmoil, and we wonder, “Where is God in all this chaos?”

Those feelings are not unique.  Other faithful believers have also found themselves going down a pathway they never dreamed they would travel.  Millions previously have also pondered, “Why is this happening to me?  What have I done to deserve this?”  

However, remember the trials of:

  • Joshua. Six times, Joshua and the Israelite army silently marched around the city of Jericho.  God promised Israel would get the victory over the fortress, yet they were not to say or do anything but walk around the city.  On the seventh day, they were told to shout and blow trumpets.  A seemingly illogical action resulted in something unexpected; the city walls supernaturally tumbled down so the enemy could easily be conquered. 
  • Ezekiel.  God told him to do some very bizarre things.  The prophet did all he was told to do.  Some of the tasks were humiliating to him, but he still did as he was instructed.
  • Paul.  That man of God was told to reach the lost with the saving message of the Gospel.  He did as God bid him, yet he faced beatings, attempts on his life, imprisonment, shipwrecks, and many other perils (II Cor. 11:23-27).
  • Jesus.  God’s only Son was the long-awaited fulfillment of many Old Testament prophecies.  However, when Jesus came, He was not welcomed by many.  He suffered humiliation, ridicule, cruelty, and eventually death so that all who trustedon   His sacrifices for them could go to Heaven.  It was the Creator’s plan, and His Son obeyed His Father.

There are many other examples throughout the Bible of how God used unusual circumstances and events to accomplish His will.  His plan was not the way a person would have solved the situation.  In many cases, the person was not even aware that there was a “situation.”

The events may not have made sense to the believers at the time, but they did as they were shown by God to do.  After being obedient, sometimes they saw why they were to do as they were told.  Sometimes, the reason was never realized.  

After the fact and recorded in God’s Word, we now see why God told people to do what they were told.  Some of those reasons were because:

  • Man’s ways do not usually work.  Man often does not see the real problem and, therefore, cannot fix a situation.
    “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Prov. 14:12  Also Prov. 16:25, Romans 3:16.
  • Man often does not know God’s way.
    “… They do alway err in their heart; and they have not known my ways.” Heb. 3:10
    “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.” Isa.55:8
  • God knows what the real need is in the situation.  Man does not.  God sees the hearts of men that require alteration and knows how to change them.  Man only sees the temporal needs and cannot see the spiritual needs.
  • God wants it done His way so that He will get the credit and not man!
    “… and they shall know that I am the Lord.” Ezekiel 24:27

All, even Christians, will face trials and tribulations in this world.  For non-Christians, the experience may be meant to turn them to have a relationship with the Lord.  For the believer, the situation may be God’s way of getting it done and teaching the child of God how to discern His will and way. 

Christian, the next time you are in a situation you do not understand and are convinced you are doing what the Lord has directed you to do, there may be another reason you do not see.  You may not know the reason, but in faith, remember that God is in control.

Trust!  Be in much prayer over the troubling situation, continue in faith, and do what you have been shown to be biblically correct.  Most of all, wait patiently for Him to accomplish His will and way in His timing!

“As men trim the feathers of fowls so they do not fly too high or too far, even so doth God diminish our riches, so that we should not pass our bounds, and glory too much of the things of this world.”  — Wermullerus, 1551

Wild Vines
Downame, 1644

We, who were wild branches barren of all good fruit of holiness, are through God’s infinite mercy in-grafted into the true Vine, Jesus Christ, from whom we receive all our grace and sap.  Once born into the family of God, we are enabled to bring forth the pleasant grapes of new obedience.  Yet, if we were left alone and allowed to run out with uncontrolled liberty, we would, like the wild vine that is never pruned, return to our old natural wildness and bring forth no other fruit than those sour grapes of iniquity and sin.  

Our heavenly Vintager, for His glory and our good, cuts away the superfluities of our licentious liberty and prunes us with His knife of affliction; that being kept from our carnal desires, we may become more fruitful in all holy duties.

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.  Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.” John 15:1-2

“Some ships behave best in a gale.  In light winds, they can rock themselves to pieces.  To a Christian, adversity is not the most dangerous condition; fine weather tries him more.  When we are least visibly strained, we are often most sharply tested.” — Birreli

Tighten the Reins
Wermullerus, 1551

When a horse-breaker gives a wild, young horse too much leeway on his bridle, the horse is wild, out-of-control, and may slip, fall, or hurt himself.  A horseman often jerks his horse’s reins or urges the animal’s sides with a firm boot to go forward.  He does this not out of meanness but that he may enjoy the horse, and that the animal may perform all he can.

In the same way, if our Creator should give us too much liberty, we too may wax wild and may harm ourselves physically and spiritually.  This is often why the Lord frequently gives us a sharp “bit” in our mouths and “bridles” our flesh so that our precious souls do not suffer.   

“The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how
you use them.” 
— Author Unknown

Learned Sympathy
W. M. Taylor

Harry the Eighth, wandering one night in the streets of London in disguise, was met at a bridge by some of his castle’s guards.  Unable to convince them of who he was, he was carried off to the jail and shut up for the night without food, a heating fire, or a candle to light the dungeon.  On his liberation, he made a grant of thirty caldrons of coal, a large quantity of bread, and candles for the night prisoners in the prison.  His experience taught him sympathy.

Those who have felt sharp afflictions, terrible tragedies, and forceful temptations can be zealous in consoling those in a similar condition.  Our “hard times” can be when our character is improved, and our new found compassion can be used to encourage others.

“Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” II Cor. 1:4

“A great number of God’s best servants have trodden the depths of the valley of many shadows, and this may be so that they one day may comfort you.  The
good steps of the holy are often in the Valley of Weeping.”
— Author Unknown

The BIBLE VIEW #945 —Christianity

In This Issue:
Bee Gone
The Unwanted Watchman

Volume: 945    February 19, 2024
Theme: Christianity

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day and much more spiritual food!

Bee Gone
Bill Brinkworth

One of God’s smaller creations, honeybees, is very important to the Earth’s ecosystem.  Their buzzing from one flower to another while gathering nectar and pollen is critical in producing fruit and plant reproduction.  Some estimations calculate that more than one-third of our food supplies depend on the tiny bees’ hard work.  Without them, man’s food supply would be in danger.

In recent years, particularly after 2006, something unexplained and disturbing has happened to the critical, tiny pollinators.  All over the world, in many countries, including Belgium, China, Egypt, France, Italy, Japan, Spain, Germany, and the United States, beekeepers have discovered many bee colonies have just disappeared!

The hives have been found empty of adult bees, with few or no dead bees left behind.  Many of their unborn hatch, along with their honey food supply, are left behind, which bees rarely do.  The phenomenon has been termed the “Colony Collapse Disorder.”

If not controlled or stopped, the loss of bees could drastically hinder man’s food supply.  It could be a very serious problem.

Many theories as to why the bees are disappearing have been presented.  The explanations for this unusual happening include viruses, malnutrition, pesticides, mites, fungi, beekeeping procedures, and radiation from cellular phones.

Although many scientific communities are working diligently to solve the problem, many are realizing what could happen if God’s key to plant reproduction disappeared.  Without the bees fulfilling their tasks, the entire world will suffer.  They are an essential cog in this world’s wheel of survival.

Prayerfully, the mysterious bee disappearances will be stopped shortly.  Examining what could happen from the loss of bees and their work reminds me of another small but essential, unseen worker who is very important to the present and eternal future of all humanity.  It is the Christian, particularly the practicing, obedient believer.

The world is doing all it can to stifle and silence Christians.  The once permanent fixture in all public schools, the Bible and prayer, has been removed.  Within the same walls where God’s Word was once taught and read, young people are now trained to show disrespect to Christianity, as it is ridiculed, scorned, and questioned. 

TV and other media have had an open season on Christianity by mocking, scoffing, and ridiculing the things of God.  Special days originally celebrated to help America remember their Benefactor and Saviour, including Christmas and Easter, have been banned or altered.  Those once “religious” days are now just holidays in which many do not even murmur the name of the Person the day is honoring.

It is now upsetting to the news media and others when God is called upon to help our nation.  This happened when a past governor of Georgia called to God in prayer to help his state with their drought situation (by the way, it did rain shortly after he prayed). 

Laws once inspired by the Word of God are being changed to limit the public recognition of Him.  Many have attempted to remove public displays of the Ten Commandments and other biblical references from courthouses and government buildings.  If public prayer is performed, great offense is registered if Jesus’ name is mentioned.

In response to the pressure put on them by a God-hating, immoral few, many Christians have succumbed to the pressure put on them.  Public figures, preachers, and many others, afraid of not being politically correct, have toned down and quieted their cry against ungodly practices and sin.  The once stalwart Christian influence in America has become a weak whisper.

Just as the world would face disaster if the bees disappeared, so will this world if Christianity and the Bible continue to be silenced.  God and His word are the root of all morality.  Without the Bible’s influence and standards, there would be no stopping crime and ungodly behaviors. 

Crime and sin are often identified by the Word of God, which puts its finger on sins such as stealing, murder, adultery, homosexuality, and many more.  Without the Bible’s guidance, why would those crimes be wrong to a culture that does not accept the Bible’s truths?  Without biblical influence, what would keep an ungodly world from doing “whatever feels good,” no matter how disastrous it would be to society? 

Sadly, this is already happening.  Adultery is commonplace and even somewhat tolerated when performed by governmental and educational leaders who are supposed to be examples of good behavior to our society. 

The crime rate is so high that much of our tax dollars are spent trying to control it.  Generations have grown up and have not even known what is right or wrong, according to God’s guidelines. 

Right and wrong are being redefined by whatever power or group has the loudest voice and can put the biggest scare into the people.  In many places, godless anarchy is in control.

The world is suffering greatly because Christians, who have God’s only truth and know better, are silent.  Obedience to the Word of God can improve this world and has done so for thousands of years.  It can be done again if only more would hear His truths. 

Like the bees, practicing and obedient Christians are essential to have an in-control world.  Although unpopular and unwanted, the only hope for this world is when Christians take the truth they have hidden and bring it to light again to help this world. 

Christians have God’s truth.  How will the world know it if we do not share and show them it?

“In the Christian life, we must lose to gain; we must give to obtain; we must be last to be first; we must be humble to be exalted.”  — Henry

The Unwanted Watchman
Bill Brinkworth

Ezekiel had a daunting task that many preachers and obedient Christians have today.  He was to watch over the people God appointed him to minister to and to warn them of what God would tell him (Ezekiel 3:17).

To make the prophet’s mission more difficult, God told the watchman that the people he would deliver his message to would be rebellious against God (Eze. 2:3, 3:7), would be shameless in their involvement in sin, and would be stubborn in changing their ways (Eze. 2:4).  His task, as is ours, was to be the “delivery boy” of the Word of God, no matter what happened.  What they did with the Truth was up to them, but Ezekiel was to broadcast God’s Word.

God knew how hard it would be for Ezekiel to continue giving God’s commandments to a people who did not want to do God’s will and way.  He knew many would not stop their determination to do their “own thing”.  The Lord knew those resisting His commandments would speak hurtful, degrading words to the prophet, would give him demeaning looks (Eze. 2:6), and eventually jail him for his persistence in trying to help them (Eze. 3:25).  Still, the man of God was to continue to be faithful in warning the people of the inevitable judgment for their sins.

Ezekiel’s message to the people differs from what every child of God is responsible to give to those they encounter today.  Still, all we have an opportunity to speak to should be made aware of God’s warnings to those who violate His will and way.

Since few read the Word of God for themselves and will not know God’s commandments without reading it, Christians must tell as many as possible what His truths are.  Most of us would not be saved (Romans 10:9) and have God’s promise of Heaven if someone had not planted a seed of God’s Truth or attempted to tell us what the Bible said.  We also have the same unselfish responsibility to tell others (James 5:20, Mark 16:15, John 4:36, Luke 14:23).

Not everyone who hears God’s Word will happily repent after being told what God says about their lifestyle, sin, or actions.  The first time we heard God’s Truth, most likely we did not heed God’s commands, nor will others always obey it.

Ezekiel was warned three things could happen to a person because of the prophet’s expounding what God’s Word said.  Those principles can also apply today when a Christian does or does not warn his neighbors of what the Word of God says.  They include:

  • When there is an opportunity to tell others about the consequences of their sin, and we do not, their blood can be on our hands!  Their demise from sin could have been averted if we had told them, and we may be held accountable!
    “When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.” Ezekial 3:18   Also: Eze. 3:20, II Cor. 2:16, Heb. 13:17.
  • If we warn others of their involvement in wickedness, and they do not cease their participation in sin, they may even die!  We, however, will not be held accountable.
    “Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.” Eze. 3:19
  • If a person is warned and they refrain from their sin, they may not face chastisement, and we will have helped that person.
    “Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul.” Eze. 3:21  

It may not be popular when a person is warned that they will not go to Heaven unless they trust Christ alone for their salvation.  Nor will many be receptive when we tell them what the Bible says about the iniquities of adultery, drunkenness, lying, cheating, disobedience, or any other sinful behavior.

Warning others about what God says about their involvement in sin may earn us their unkind words or cross looks, as it did Ezekiel.  However, being a caring watchman for their souls will be doing what the Lord requires of us.  If we do not tell them, who will?

“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” — Aristotle

The BIBLE VIEW #944 — Converted

In This Issue:
B. C. — Before Christ
A Man Drank Up a Farm
A Notable Conversion

Volume: 944    February 12, 2024
Theme: Conversion

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day and much more spiritual food!

B. C. — Before Christ
Bill Brinkworth

When Christ saves a soul, God does tremendous work in that person we do not always see.  A new spiritual life will begin, and the old ways should be behind that person.

The old ways were before Christ.  The new life results in much freedom and joy!
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” II Corinthians 5:17

Before people were saved, no matter who they were, they were enslaved.  They may not have mindfully planned to be servants, but they were enslaved.  They were:

Slaves to self.
People did whatever felt good to them.  “Gimme, gimme, gimme,” was their selfish attitude.  “Me first,” they lived.  “Who cares what happens to others, just as long as I make out okay,” they believed.

Because of our selfishness, we are commanded: “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: … 7 In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.  8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.  9 Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; 10 And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” (Colossians 3:5-10)  

“Die” (“mortify”,  quit) your self-gratification and other acts of selfishness.  Let the new creature in you live a life of freedom in Christ without self-centeredness!

Slaves to sin.
Before the Holy Spirit controlled one’s life, it was common to think:

  • “Can’t live without that cigarette.”
  • “I need a drink to think.”
  • “I need to lie to cover up past lies…”

“Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.” John 8:34

See in the following verses what the lost did and what he is expected to do now that he is on the Heaven-side of Calvary:
“That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; 23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24  With God’s help, we can put off our old ways and let the new person in us give us new freedom.

Slaves to sin’s fruits.
Do not be deceived; there is a price tag on all sins.  AIDS and other diseases are often the wages of the sin of fornication, homosexuality, and adultery.  Cirrhosis of the liver comes many times as a consequence of drinking.  Lung cancer can come from defiling the temple with smoking.  The sins of lying and dishonesty reap loneliness, being cut off from others, mental illness, and guilt.  Consequences may be slow in coming, but there are often visual wages from iniquity.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Galatians 6:7  Also: Romans 6:23.

Slaves to Satan’s whims.
Because an unsaved person is not a child of God, like many would have us believe, they obey their father, Satan.
“Ye do the deeds of your father.  Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.  Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: …Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do .…” John 8:41-44   Also: Ezekiel 11:19-21.  When we become born-again, we are born into the family of God, and we can obey our new Heavenly Father and have more freedom.

Slaves without hope of an eternity in Heaven.
There is a price tag on our “slavery” without Christ as one’s Saviour.  That cost is one’s eternal life in the Lake of Fire.
“For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness.  21 What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed?  for the end of those things is death.  22 But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.  23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:20-23 Also: Ephesians 2:1-6.

There can be freedom from the “slavery of sin” which ruins so many.  By acknowledging one’s sinnership and accepting God’s only Son’s death on the cross as payment for our sin, we can have God’s promise of Heaven and freedom from sin’s hold.

Even after being saved, the hard part is listening to the new Master and not the flesh.  When we do let our new Master have control, we can be free in a way the unsaved world cannot even imagine.  We can have a new life better than the one we had before Christ saved and changed us.

“Walk by new rules towards new ends from new principles.  Make a new choice of the way.  Choose new paths to walk in, new leaders to walk after and new companions to walk with.  Old things should pass away, and all things become new.  The man is what he was not and does what he did not.”  — Henry

A Man Drank Up a Farm
Excerpts from D. L. Moody

Years ago, I was going away to preach one Sunday morning when a young man drove up in front of us.  He had an aged woman with him.

“Do you see that beautiful meadow?” said the young man, pointing to a nearby property, “and that land there with the house upon it?”


“My father drank that all up,” said he.  Then he went on to tell me all about himself.  His father was a great drunkard, squandered his property, died, and left his wife in the poor house.

That young man is one of the finest young men I ever knew.  He toiled hard, earned money, and bought back the land.  He had taken his mother out of the poorhouse and was now taking her to church.

That is a wonderful illustration.  The first Adam in Eden sold us for naught, but the Messiah, the second Adam, came and repurchased us.  The first Adam brought us to the poorhouse, as it were; the second Adam makes us kings and priests unto God.  That is redemption.  

In Christ, we get all that Adam lost and more.  Men look on the blood of Christ with scorn and contempt, but the time is coming when the blood of Christ will be worth more than all the kingdoms of the world.

“Conversion is separating ourselves from the course and custom of this world, and devoting ourselves to the conduct according to the word of God.”  

A Notable Conversion
Excerpts from a D. L. Moody Article

A jail chaplain once told me a surprising case of conversion in which the covenant of grace was the chief instrument of the Holy Spirit.  My friend had under his charge a man most cunning and brutal.  He was repulsive, even in comparison with other convicts.  He had been renowned for his daring and the utter absence of all feeling when committing acts of violence.

Several times, the chaplain had spoken to him but had not succeeded even in getting an answer.  The man was sullenly set against all instruction.  At last, he desired a particular book, but it was not in the library.

The chaplain pointed to the Bible, which was placed in his cell, and said, “Did you ever read that Book?”

He did not answer but looked at the good man as if he would kill him.  The question was kindly repeated, with the assurance that he would find it well worth reading.

“Sir,” said the convict, “you would not ask me such a question if you knew who I was.  What have I to do with a book of that sort?  It would do me no good,” he snapped.  “I am past all feeling.” Doubling up his fist, he struck the cell’s iron door and said, “My heart is as hard as that iron.  There is nothing in any book that will ever touch me.”

“Well,” said the chaplain, “do you want a new heart?  Did you ever read the covenant of grace?” The man answered sullenly by inquiring what he meant by such talk.

The preacher replied, “Listen to these words, ‘A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.’” (Ezekiel 36:26)

The words struck the man with amazement.  He asked to have the passage found for him in the Bible.  He read the words again and again.  

When the chaplain came back to him the next day, the wild beast was tamed.  “Oh, sir,” he said, “I never dreamed of such a promise!  I never believed it possible that God would speak to men in such a way as that.  If He gives me a new heart, it will be a miracle of mercy.  Yet, I think He will work that miracle upon me, for the hope of a new nature is beginning to touch me as I never was touched before.”

That man became gentle in manner, obedient to authority, and childlike in spirit from then on.  He was a new creature.

When a preacher heard a convert bragging about his wicked past, he remarked, “Never mind what you did while you were asleep.  Let us hear what you did when you were awake!”  — Author Unknown

The BIBLE VIEW #943 — Salvation

In This Issue:
The Question and Answers
Two Eternal Destinations

Volume: 943    February 5, 2024
Theme: Salvation

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign-up to receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day and much more!

The Question and Answers
Bill Brinkworth

If you were to die today, tomorrow, or 100 years from now, are you sure you would go to Heaven?

“I think I would.”

“But, the Bible teaches that it should not be an I-guess-I’m-saved salvation.  You can and should know you are saved.  No guessing should be involved.”
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” I John 5:13
“But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)” Mark 2:10  Also: Luke 5:24.
“By this shall all men know [one’s godly behavior will make one’s salvation apparent to even others} that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:35
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24 — God’s promise is one will be saved if one believes what He said.


“If you were to die today, tomorrow, or 100 years from now, are you sure you would go to Heaven?

“I know Jesus.”

“Satan knows Jesus, has talked to Him, and even knows what God’s Word says, but he will not be spending an eternity in Heaven.  Knowing about Jesus and what He has done for sinners is not enough!”
“Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil… 3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread… 6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee….” Mark 4:1-11

“Satan will one day be permanently bound in Hell even though He knew God’s son.”
“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” Revelations 20:10

“If you were to die today, tomorrow, or 100 years from now, are you sure you would go to Heaven?

“I believe in God.”

“Satan and the devils believe in God, but they are not saved from the Lake of Fire.  To be a child of God requires more than knowing who He is.”

“One must know they are a sinner bound for the Lake of Fire.  They must also understand that the only way to escape eternal torment is by trusting Christ’s payment for our iniquities.  Jesus paid for our sins with His blood.  Accepting His payment is the only way anyone will escape Hell, not by works, religious rites, religious affiliation, or being good.”
“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” James 2:19
“And, behold, they [devils] cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God?  art thou come hither to torment us before the time?” Matthew 8:29
“Saying, Let us [devils] alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?  art thou come to destroy us?  I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God.” Mark 1:24

“If you were to die today, tomorrow, or 100 years from now, are you sure you would go to Heaven?

“I go to church.  I am very religious.”

“Church is a good place to learn what the Bible has for us to know and an excellent place to serve God, but no church affiliation or attendance will get anyone higher than the coffin lid.

“According to the Bible, many religious people hindered Jesus and His work.  It was some of that crowd that was responsible for His death.  So, just attending church or being a member of some religion has nothing to do with being saved from one’s sins and bound for Heaven.

“Jesus had much to say about the ‘religious’ but unsaved temple/church attenders:”
“O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Matthew 12:34  
“Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” Luke 3:7
“Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” Matthew 23:33

“If you were to die today, tomorrow, or 100 years from now, are you sure you would go to Heaven?

“I’m a good person.  I have helped many and done many good deeds.”

“Compared to others, you may be not as bad as them, but the Bible says:”
“As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:” Romans 3:10
“The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.” Psalm 10:4
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

“If you were to die today, tomorrow, or 100 years from now, are you sure you would go to Heaven?”

“There is no God, so I will not waste my time worrying about my eternity and trying to please Him.  When one dies, that’s the end of them.”

“One day, all even the God-deniers will realize they were wrong.  There is a God that one day all, at two different judgments, will stand before.”
“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.  They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” Psalm 14:1  Also: Psalm 53:1.
“For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” Romans 14:11
“That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;” Philippians 2:10

“If you were to die today, tomorrow, or 100 years from now, are you sure you would go to Heaven?”

“Yes, I would.  One day, I realized I was a sinner with no hope of any place but Hell.  All my iniquities grieved my soul.  But, I understood now that there was one that paid for ALL my sins.

“That person was Jesus.  I begged Him to forgive my wickedness against God.  I knew there was nothing I could do to earn Heaven.  He did it all!

“The only hope I had was trusting on Jesus’ sacrificed blood on Calvary’s Cross that was shed for what I had done.  I then asked Him to be my Saviour, and He accepted.

“So, when I die, although not worthy, Jesus is my Saviour.  He died so I could go to Heaven one day.  Now I am determined to do all I can for Him, as He has done so much for me.”

“To be almost saved is to be totally losts —Author Unknown

Two Eternal Destinations
C. H. Spurgeon

The Czar had died suddenly, and in the dead of night, one of the counselors of the empire came to Princess Elizabeth and said to her, “You must come at once and take possession of the crown.” She hesitated, for there were difficulties in the way, and she did not desire the position.

He then said, “Now, sit down, Princess.” Then he drew her two pictures.  One was the picture of herself and the Count thrown into prison, racked with tortures, and presently both brought out to die beneath the axe.  “That,” he said, “you can have, if you like.”

The other picture was of herself with the imperial crown of all the Russias on her brow, all the princes bowing before her, and all the nations doing her homage.  “That,” he said, “is the other side of the decision.  Tonight, your Majesty must choose which it shall be.” With the two decisions vividly depicted before her mind’s eye, she did not hesitate long but cast in her choice for the crown.

I lack the skill to draw such a picture of the decision you must make.  You will either sink forever down in deeper and yet deeper woe, filled with remorse because you brought it all upon yourself, or else, if you decide for Christ and trust in Him, you shall enter into the bliss of those who forever and forever, without grief, enjoy felicity before the throne of God.

To my mind, there ought to be no halting as to the choice.  Make the right decision!  I pray God’s Holy Spirit will help you make it today.  The choice of Heaven or Hell is yours alone: torment or bliss.  What is your decision?

“Worry not who are, but whose you are!” —  Spurgeon