The BIBLE VIEW #959 — Conviction

In This Issue:
Obstacles God Puts Forth
Out of the Cave
Troubled Thoughts

Volume: 959     May 27, 2024
Theme: Conviction

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Obstacles God Puts Forth
Bill Brinkworth

Many natural things are prickly. The thorns are the natural defense for many roses, orange trees, and weeds. Grabbing hold of a prickly stem results in one letting it go and coming up with another plan. The “pricks” are the plant’s protection.

God uses the “pricks” of uncomfortable circumstances to change our direction. He did this in Paul’s early life, as the unsaved but religious man traveled on the Damascus road.

“And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.”  Acts 9:5

Paul had spent much of his life trying to serve God his way. Unfortunately, he did not detect nor heed the “pricks” God sent in His life to turn him in the right direction that God desired.

“Pricks” that Saul ignored:
“Pricked” ears – When Paul heard the preachers of the Gospel, he did all he could to stifle their preaching. Instead of pricking his conscience so he could change his wrong path, it angered him and encouraged him to do more to silence Christians.

He even held the coats of those who stoned the deacon, Stephen. While standing there, he probably heard the Word of God, as he did when he was around Christians. Still, he held to his religion, even when the people of God preached and warned against his false beliefs.

“Pricked eyes” – Undoubtedly, he saw Christianity in action. He saw families split, people die, and heartaches inflicted. Yet, the Christians would not waiver in their obedience to God’s commandments. In all the trouble he instigated against Christians, he saw that they had a peace that he surely did not understand. He was like King Saul, who persecuted righteous David.

“Pricks” that others ignore:
Pricked by circumstances: Hard times, sickness, failures, tests, aggravating situations, disasters, etc., are often meant to draw us closer to God and to cause us to trust him more. Instead, folks many times grow farther from the source of strength they need during those hard times. They do not examine themselves and what they are doing in God’s eyes nor get the message that God is trying to send them through their trials.

Pricked ears: Perhaps God sent a godly parent, grandmother, neighbor, friend, or Sunday school teacher to us or let us hear a preacher on TV, but still, His invitation was ignored. People often do not “hear” what God is trying to tell them.

Pricked eyes: Many have seen bits of the Word of God in tracts and good Christian testimonies, yet His words and the godly examples allowed to cross our path are ignored. Too often, we do not heed God’s “pricks” to our hearts.

When examining your life, do you see any obstacles God may have put in the way to change your direction?  Is it possible you are fighting or ignoring the barriers God has allowed to be placed in your life to get you to turn in the direction He desires?

Are the “pricks” allowed in your life not changing your direction to where God wants you? If so, what will you do next?

“’Conscience’ is a faults alarm!” — Author Unknown

Out of the Cave

Suppose a traveler, on a stormy night, should take up his lodging in a cave with serpents and venomous creatures.  Because he sleeps, he sees them not.  He sleeps as soundly as if at home in his bed. 

When the morning comes, he sees what companions are about him.  He uses all means possible and haste to escape that cave.

In the same way is every sinner.  Beset with many “serpents” of his sins, he cannot see them and therefore fears them not.  He goes through life without their bothering his conscience or lifestyle.  He is “asleep” as soundly as if in Solomon’s bed.  (He certainly is not ‘woke” as many factiously claim to be today).

However, when he is “awakened” to see the sins that beset his life and see them as God sees them, he sees the dangers around him that his sins have exposed him to. Hopefully, after God opens his eyes, he will run away from his old, sinful life as fast as possible.

“Be quiet enough to hear God’s whispers.”

Troubled Thoughts
Dr. Robert G. Lee

One morning, when I was a boy, a preacher preached a sermon I believe must have been on “The Gates of Heaven.”  In the sermon, he asked, “If the gates of Heaven were opened, would you enter in?”

The question startled me.  I knew that if the gates of Heaven were opened that day, I could not enter because I could not claim to be a Christian.

That night, the preacher’s text was, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called the Christ?”  He said very simply that to accept Christ as Saviour meant Heaven and that to reject Him as Saviour meant Hell.

I went home that night with the most wretched feeling.  I could not sleep.   I got up in the night, slipped out of the window that opened on the back porch, and went down to the moonlit watermelon patch.  It was a beautiful, clear night, and I thought of Heaven beyond the stars and Hell somewhere in some vast region below.

At the next morning’s breakfast table, my mother said, “Son, you look like you didn’t sleep much last night.”

“No, ma’am,” I said, “I didn’t.”

“What was the matter?”

“I feel awfully sinful,” I admitted.

I had to plow that day.  My misery grew until I finally drove out to the end of a long row and dropped the plow by the side of my old white mule.  I got down in the fence corner and told God how bad and sinful I felt, and I wanted to be saved.

“If one must accept Jesus to be saved,” I prayed, “then I accept Him.” There, in a fence corner, the Lord saved me.

I do not remember the text of the preacher’s sermon that night.  I walked down the church aisle and let it be known that the Lord had saved me.  I do remember the hymn they sang.
“Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night;
Jesus, I come!  Jesus, I come!
Into thy freedom, gladness, and light;
Jesus, I come to Thee.”

The peace that came to me in the fence corner is in my heart to this day.

“Failing morally is bad.  Failing to repent is worse.

The BIBLE VIEW #958 — Christian Fruit

In This Issue:
Producing Any Fruit?
Godly Fruit
Fruits of the Flesh
He Thought He Lost His Arrow
What One Tract Did
What Can You Lend?

Volume: 958     May 20, 2024
Theme: Christian Fruit

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Producing Any Fruit?
Bill Brinkworth

Jesus likens our relationship to God and Him as to grape vines.  The vines are planted byand watered by the Father (John 15:1, I Cor. 3:9).  

The vines represent Jesus and are cared for by Him (John 15:1).  If we are saved and spiritually born into God’s family, we are the branches on the vine.

God’s watchful eye sees what, and if, we produce anything that He considers is good “fruit”.  That “fruit” is what is done to bring honor and glory to God and what helps others come to know and serve Him better.

John 15 tells more about what Jesus said about “fruit”:

  • It is impossible to have any spiritual fruit unless one is saved and in the “body of Christ” (vs. 2, 4).
  • God removes branches that do not produce any “fruit” (vs. 2), although one does not lose their salvation.  Many are professors of Christ but not yielders of what God requires of them. 

    Their power and help are taken away because they refuse to do what they are commanded.  This is why so many who have been saved but do nothing for God have no answered prayer, changes in their lives, and or leadership from God.
  • God prunes (“purgeth”, vs. 2) those that are producing some Christian “fruits.”  As a husbandman trims the branches of his fruit trees to get them to make more branches and more fruit, so does God allow testing and tribulation to produce more godly “fruits” in our lives.
  • If a Christian does what the Scriptures commands, he will have answered prayer (vs.  7).
  • God is honored and gets the glory when we produce “fruit”.  Many look at a person and know what he was before he was saved, see how the Lord has changed his life, and know that it could only have been done by God.

Many claim to be Christians and even try to produce godly fruit.  They do not fool the Father, and their hypocrisy and lack of genuine Christianity do not even fool the ungodly (vs. 6).  They are like wild grapes that have little fruit.  What they produce is very small, sour, and can be distinguished from a good, cultivated crop.

Examine your fruit.  The Husbandman is also a fruit inspector.  What does Jesus think about your “produce”?

Sow little; produce little.  Sow much; produce much for the glory of God.
— Author Unknown

Godly Fruit

With godly guidance and spiritually correct decisions, one’s life can produce good, spiritual consequences, as defined in Galatians:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.  And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.” Galatians 5:22-26

“If you’re waiting for something to turn up to do for the Lord, try your sleeves.”— Author Unknown

Fruits of the Flesh

What we do is often viewed as our “fruit”.  Here ares some “fruit” which the Bible says is produced from behavior that God’s leadership is not involved in:
“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”  Galatians 5:19-21

“The train of failure often runs on the track of laziness.”

He Thought He Lost His Arrow
W. Smith

A young boy once shot an arrow in the air.  Its flight was so high that he soon lost sight of it and failed to find where it had landed.  He spent a long time looking for the arrow in the meadow, but in vain.

Thirty years passed by.  The boy was now a man and he visited the haunts of his boyhood.  Walking around the meadow, he gazed at an oak that frequently sheltered him from the sun rays in his younger days.  He paused under the old tree and found a curious feather protruding from a hollow in the tree.  As he drew out the “feather,” he realized it was the arrow he thought was lost many years ago.

Is not this often true of the efforts of God’s children?  They speak in the ears of sinners; they give a tract; they utter an exhortation, or tell someone about the things of God.  They often do not see where their efforts’ “arrow” landed.  It is impossible for them to track it as it enters the mysterious regions of one’s mind, and they too often deem it lost.

Often, it is not lost.  It has done its work.  Either in future years or in eternity, that effort, like the long-lost arrow, shall come back to its owner, bringing a blessing and even the reward of a duty faithfully performed.

What One Tract Did
W. Smith

While journeying in America, Dr. Coke attempted to ford a river.  His horse lost its foothold, and he was carried down the stream. 

The doctor narrowly escaped drowning by clinging to a branch that overhung the riverside.  A neighboring lady helped him, sent someone to retrieve his horse, and other kindnesses.  Just before he left her house, he gave her a tract about salvation.

For five years the doctor toiled on in the cause of Christ in England and America.  Whether his tract had been destroyed or had pierced a human heart, he did not know.  One day, a young man approached him at a mission conference and requested a couple minutes of the doctor’s time.

“Do you remember, sir, being nearly drowned in the river some five years ago?”

“I remember it quite well,” replied the doctor.

“Do you remember the widow lady at whose house you stayed after escaping from the river?”

“I do and shall never forget the kindness she showed me.”

“And do you remember giving her a tract when you bade her farewell?”

“I do not, but it is possible I did.”

“Yes, sir, you did leave a tract.  That lady read it and was converted.  She lent it to her neighbors, and many of them were saved also.  Several of her children were also saved.  A Bible society was formed, and still flourishes today.”

The statement moved the doctor to tears.  The young many continued, “I have not quite told you all.  I am her son.  That tract led me to Christ.  Now, sir, I am on my way to the mission field to reach others.”

We never know what fruits we can produce when we do the Master’s work.

“Better to wear out than to rust out.” — Cumberland


What Can You Lend?
Author Unknown

Peter lent a boat,
To save Jesus from the press;
Martha lent her home
With genuine kindliness.

One man lent a colt,
Another lent a room;
Some threw down their clothes,
And Joseph lent a tomb.

Simon lent his strength,
The cruel cross to bear;
Mary spice brought,
His body to prepare.

What have I to lend?
No boat!  No house!  No lands!
Yet, Lord, I gladly lend
The work of heart and hands.

When a man turns to God desiring to serve Him, God directs  the man’s attention to the world and its need.” — Brunner

The BIBLE VIEW #957- Soul Winning

In This Issue:
Tell Them about Jesus!
Soul Winning
Talking Business  Suppose

Volume: 957     May 13, 2024
Theme: Soul Winning

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to
 receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day,  and
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 Tell Them about Jesus!

Bill Brinkworth

One of the blessings of reading the Bible is learning how biblical characters solved problems, got through hardships, and lived godly lives.  Peter is one of those personalities that can be a good Christian example to pattern ourselves after.

After Jesus left to return to His heavenly home, Peter, although sad and grieving, pushed forward to live for God.  After his humbling experience of denying Jesus three times (John 18), it seems Peter learned an important lesson from that trial.  From that time forward, the Bible shows that Peter had a single-minded purpose.  That purpose was to take any opportunity to tell others about Jesus.

In Acts 4, after being used to heal a lame man, the religious people were angered at what Peter had done.  Soon, they were questioning and grilling Peter.  Instead of getting down to their level and having a debate that accomplished little, he preached a subject he knew could have a positive influence.  He preached about Jesus and how He was the only way to Heaven.

Acts 3 found Peter among a crowd who wanted to get closer to him after God had used him to heal a lame man.  Instead of taking any credit for the miracle, Peter took the opportunity to tell the crowd about Jesus.

Earlier in Acts 2, after having been used by the Holy Ghost to heal a man, some had accused Peter and the others of having been drunk.  Instead of entering into a big discussion to defend himself, he again told the onlookers about Jesus.

In many circumstances Peter found himself, he told others about Jesus.  We, too, should model his heart to speak to others about the Saviour and how Jesus can change lives.  The great commission (Mark 16:15) God gave to every believer is to go and tell.

Every day, each one of us comes into contact with people.  If we would use those opportunities to point them to the One who has all of life’s answers, this world would certainly be a different place.

Our opinions are not always wanted and rarely change anything.  Many of the world’s solutions also do not always work.  However, when one gets saved, they will have been born into the family of God.  Their heavenly Father can then help them with any problems they face if they go to Him.

Be like Peter, take every opportunity you can to point as many as you can to Jesus.  He is the solution to every problem or trial anyone faces.

Jesus saves.  Tell someone today!

Soul Winning
Bill Brinkworth

When a person is saved, all his sins are forgiven.  Although God will not remind us of our iniquities at our time of judgment, the believer will be rewarded for what he did for Christ after he was saved.  Every Christian is expected to tell others the biblical way to Heaven.  Although it is the commandment most neglected by Christians, it is the one most important!  

Here is some of what the Bible says about our personally winning a soul to Heaven:

  • It is the primary way a lost person will hear about God’s way to Heaven.  “And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?  And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? … Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.” Acts 8:30 -35  How will the spiritually lost be saved unless a child of God tells them how?  Most of us who are saved were led to the Lord by someone else telling us either by their mouth or written word.
  • It will rescue a soul from spending an eternity in Hell.
    “Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.” James 5:20
  • It should be done in every house, as did the early church.  Door-to-door witnessing is still the way we are expected to witness.  It is how the early church grew, and it is how today’s church will grow.
    “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” Acts
    5:42   Also: Acts 2:46-47.
  • It should be done by EVERYONE, not just the disciples, missionaries, pastors, and deacons!
    “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
    “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” Matthew 28:19  Also: John 20:21, Luke 24:47
  • It is some of the Christian “fruit” a born-again believer should produce.
    “And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.” John 4:36  Also: John 15:16, 20:21.
  • The lost need to be “compelled”, as were the visitors in the parable of the Great Supper (Luke 14:16-24).  “Compelling” is done one-on-one!
    “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23
  • God commands it!
    Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.” Matthew 28:19-20
  • It is the wise thing to do.
    “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”  Proverbs 11:30 
  • Many commentators teach that believers will receive a crown of rejoicing for witnessing and winning a lost soul to Christ.
    “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 12:3
    “For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing?  Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?” I Thessalonians 2:19

God chose us to win as many to Heaven as we can.  What a shame it would be for a Christian to live a full life on Earth and never, or rarely, have won a soul to Heaven.

“Well, I just can’t do it,” or “I am too shy to talk to anyone” are not excuses that biblically excuse anyone from their God-commanded duty to witness.  I never met a person who thought that it was easy to witness to strangers in the beginning.  However, God always helped them when they showed they were willing to obey His commandments.

I am sure it was hard for the early church members to win souls to Christ, but because they obeyed God, their church grew.  After they witnessed to others, God blessed their church.

There are too many bound for Hell (Mark 7:13).  Do not be a selfish Christian and not share the way to eternity with the Lord with anyone.  Someone probably shared it with you.  If they did not, you would most likely not be Heaven-bound. 

Soul winning is the biblical way to get the message of salvation to others.  It still works today!  Have you witnessed to anyone this week?

It has been estimated that probably 95% of all church members have never
led anyone to Christ!”

Talking Business
Author Unknown

A pastor was passing a big department store and followed a sudden impulse to go in and talk to the proprietor about his salvation.  Finding the owner, the preacher asked, “Mr. T., I’ve talked beds, carpets, and bookcases with you but never talked my business to you.  Would you give me a few minutes to do so?”

Being led to a private office, the pastor took out his New Testament and showed the man passage after passage about his duty to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour.  Finally, the tears began to roll down the man’s cheeks, and he said to the preacher, “I’m 70 years of age.  I was born in this city, and more than a hundred ministers and more than 500 hundred church officers have known me as you have in doing business with me.  You are the only one who ever spoke to me about my soul in all these years.”

What a sad commentary to the many who talked with that businessman.  Yet, many who have crossed our paths have never heard the Gospel from anyone, including us.

“Many Christians complain of the condition of the world today.  If they believed what they confessed, they would lead the lost to Christ, and then the world would be different!”

“Suppose”, A tract from the Great Commission Prayer League

Suppose someone were to offer me a thousand dollars for every soul I might earnestly try to lead to Christ.  Would I endeavor to lead more souls to Him than I am endeavoring to do now for the money?  Is my love of money stronger than my love of God or souls…?

“I cared not where or how I lived or what hardships I went through so that I could gain souls to Christ.  While I was asleep, I dreamed of these things, and when I awoke, the first thing I thought of was this great work.  All my desire was for the conversion of the heathen, and all my hope was in God.” — David Brainerd, Missionary to Native Americans (Early 1700s)

The BIBLE VIEW #956 —Creation

In This Issue:
He Made It All
Three Heavens
Back to Step One

Volume: 956     May 6, 2024
Theme: Creation

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to
 receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day,  and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

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He Made It All
Bill Brinkworth

Genesis, the book of beginnings, started with an answer to a question most have.  The popular queries are, “How did life start?  How did all the first plants and animals get here?  Where did we come from?”

Many try to explain the Earth and its origins with their logic.  The explanations go from “a star blew up, and that is how it all started.”  Others offer, “Chemicals got together and over millenniums changed the form accidentally to a more complicated lifeform, then over billions of years developed into the plants, animals, and people we have today.

In 1806, Professor Lyell claimed that 80 geological theories were “hostile” to the Scripture account at the time.  There are far more today.

All the opinions have no proof to explain the theories.  Scrutinizing those explanations soon reveals no credibility for any of those suppositions.  A lot of speculation and assumptions fill the gaps where proof is non-existent.

God knew we would wonder about our origin and ensured that mankind would have accurate answers to our questions.  All that is on the Earth was not here by millions of accidents.  Simple life forms did not evolve into more complex beings.  God created it all!

The Bible documents the beginning of Earth and all that resides on it.  One can read how God created all that we are and see.  He did it all in six days, not billions of years that current “science” claims.  Genesis One explains it all:

Day One: In the beginning, the Earth was dark and without shape.  By God’s words, the dark and shapeless mass was lit up.  Although He created day and night at this point, there was no sun or moon to give that light.  (Genesis 1:2-5)

Day Two: The Earth was surrounded by water.  On that day, God separated the Earth from the waters.  He called the dividing space a firmament (the heaven where birds, clouds… are found).   (Gen.  1:6-8)

Day Three: On that day, God separated the waters under the sky further.  That division revealed dry land whereplant life He created thrived.  (Gen.  1:9-13)

Day Four: In the heavens, God created the sun to give light in the day and the moon to provide light at night.  It was on this day He also made the stars.  (Gen.  1:14:-19)

Day Five: On the fifth day, God created life in the waters, including the whales and all birds.(Gen.  1:20-23)

Day Six: Now, Earth was able to support animal and humanlife by the sixth day.  There was water, breathable air, and food to support the animals and man He created.  (Gen.  1:24-31)

Although there are numerous theories about how Earth and all on it came into existence, all the ideas boil down to two ideas.  J. Vernon McGee defined them as speculation and creation.

”Speculation” encompasses all the theories, none of which have solid proof.  How can people know how it all began?  They were not there.  Besides, the theories change from day to day, person to person, and few agree with each other.

Even inventions that supposedly measure vast amounts of time can not be trusted, as no one knows for sure how accurate they are.  How old would man’s machine declare a rock on the first day it was made?  It takes faith in mankind to believe what is claimed to have occurred, which is not very reassuring and reliable.

Creation also takes faith to believe.  However, that trust is in what God had Moses pen.  Our Creator was there at the beginning and He knows better than man’s speculations. 

A whole world of understanding becomes clear and makes sense with simple faith in what God says happened.  God said it, so believe it!

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  2 For by it the elders obtained a good report.  3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Heb 11:1-3

Three Heavens
J. Vernon McGee

God called the firmament Heaven.  This is not heaven as you and I think of it.  Actually, three heavens are mentioned in Scripture.

The Lord Jesus spoke of the birds of heaven, which I think is the heaven mentioned in Genesis 1:8.  Then, there are the stars of heaven, meaning the second heaven.  The third heaven is where God dwells.  So, the first layer up there is the deck where the clouds are and where the birds fly.

Back to Step One
Bill Brinkworth

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis.  1:1

STEP ONE: “Let me understand, you believe that all living things on Earth started when two chemicals somehow got together and changed into something more advanced?  That life changed or evolved into something more complex and developed?”

“Yes, basically, that is what happened over millions of years?”

“Hmm.  So, these chemicals got together after many accidents and failures and finally became an advanced combination of some more developed type?  Then how did it duplicate itself?”

“Well, it had to start all over again.”

STEP TWO: “So after, say 100,000 years of ‘accidents’ and returning to STEP ONE, these chemicals finally produced, by chance, a more advanced compound that duplicated itself.  Then the next step would be for this ‘duplicating chemical’ to create another advancement like the ability to sense something that may be a danger to itself, like direct sunlight that could dry it out, or heat that could kill it.”

“Something like that.  It makes sense.”

“So, let’s think this out logically.  After failing to develop a system in this chemical to protect itself, it had to keep returning to STEP TWO for 100’s of thousands of years before this ‘chemical’ finally got it right by accident.  Finally, there was a chemical that could duplicate itself and protect itself from something before something in its environment killed it.  Perhaps this developing chemical had to start all over and return to STEP ONE.

“So now to develop into something more advanced, say a motion like rolling or swimming, it would take a whole bunch of 100’s of thousands of years for this duplicating, self-protecting compound, after returning to STEP THREE, to be able to move.”

“Well, those 100’s of thousands of years may have been millions of years, they say.”

“Oh, I see, so it was probably much longer to get to STEP THREE.  I just used 100’s of thousands to make the number smaller so I could somehow grasp your theory.  By the way, is there any proof of these improvements or transitions?”

“No, I don’t believe there are any.  There are just intelligent people’s suppositions and theories.”

“Hmm.  This basic starting block had to have more developments, like feeding itself, recognition, and senses.  So conservatively, that is three more important functions, chemical changes, and a lot of returning to STEP FOUR, FIVE, SIX, and maybe even back to STEP ONE.  So, using conservative numbering, we’re up to about one million years.  Then this ‘accidental’ chemical would eventually progress into a living organism with 100’s of thousands of cells, bodily, and chemical functions added to it.  That would put us conservatively at 11,000,000 years, again using my 100,000 years as a base.

“Then if this creature, by chance and a whole lot of ‘visits’ to STEPs ONE through 100,000 were to develop into a more advanced creature, it would have more bodily functions such as cell reproduction, nerves, white cells to fight infection, chemical transportation of hundreds of chemicals, more senses, maybe some organs and glands, reproduction of tissues and all chemicals/hormones involved, brain development with its millions of cells and functions, memorization, blood and all its functions, ability to break down and disperse food to the body, and an ability to reproduce this organism that is actually like itself.   This creature would conservatively have 100’s of thousands more functions.  So after 100,000 ‘trips’ back to at least STEP 1000, plus all the original returns to previous STEPS, that would perhaps put it at 11,012,000,000 (11 billion+) years to develop.

“Then this species would supposedly change into other forms.  I don’t think anybody knows how many intermediary steps there would have to be with at least 100,000 improvements.  Say it were only five steps until it developed into a man.  That would put man’s evolving to around 50 billion)years.

“Now the human body has easily 100’s of thousands of other functions including hair growth, thousands of enzymes that control chemical and other functions, cell growth and reproduction, advanced organs, memory, sight, hearing, taste, muscles, billions of cells, millions of nerves, food consumption, fighting off more diseases, glands, layers of skins, healing abilities for most parts of the body, ability to reproduce with a male or female, …..  So that human ‘step’ would easily be another 10 billion years.  That would put us at 60 billion years — roughly.

“Oh, my word.  And if something went wrong, a disease, or accidental death, or inability to handle something in the environments development of man would have to go back to STEP ONE again and start all over for another 60 billion years.”

“Well, there’s no real proof of all these steps you said, but it makes sense.”

“And there is no proof for evolutionists’ assumptions or theories?  Hmm.  But officially, they claim man is between 2.4 and 7 million years old, of which there is no actual proof of any chemical, tissue, bodily developments of the human body and other transitionary phases (except for a few fragments of bone and certainly not even a complete skull or skeleton).  Let’s not forget that mutations of an organism, which is what they are saying have happened to the different parts of the body, have never been known to reproduce themselves. 

Also, trusting that all this happened to develop into man denies many scientific laws, such as the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics.  The Theory of Evolution is man’s idea, and not too many of these ‘scientists’ can agree with each other’s theories of how we got here without God’s intervention.  In addition, there is no proof of all these ideas.

“Man alive.  Sooo, if anyone believes any of this, they have to have a lot of faith in men’s notions.  One that believes this ‘Theory of Evolution’ laughs in the face of real science and must have more faith to believe this fairy tale than anyone I have ever met!”

My “scientific,” evolution-believing acquaintance got very quiet and had a very glazed look.

“Believing God’s explanation of His creation makes more sense, answers thousands of man’s questions, and is more scientific than man’s “science.”