The BIBLE VIEW #972 — Telling Others

In This Issue:
“You’re Forcing Your Religion Down My Throat!”
Too Late!
Bloody Hands
Verses on Soul-winning

Volume: 972      August 26, 2024
Theme: Telling Others

All should read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day, and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

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“You’re Forcing Your Religion Down My Throat!”
Bill Brinkworth

Infrequently, after telling another what the Bible says one must do to know they are going to Heaven, I have heard, “You’re forcing your religion down my throat.” Often, that might be a tactic to halt what one doesn’t want to hear. 

In most cases, when someone is explaining the Bible’s way to Heaven or what the Scripture says about a subject, it is because they are concerned for another’s soul and life.  Why would anyone knowingly want another to spend an eternity of torment?  How can anyone not say anything when they know, according to God’s Word, that the person may face terrible consequences for their actions?  A caring, concerned Christian should want to do one’s best to alert any from a terrible future.  It is not “forcing” a belief on anyone.  It is a warning!

Can you imagine being on a nearby hill overlooking cars traveling on a two-lane road?  From that vantage point, an onlooker could see a distant truck swerving all over the road, from one lane to another. 

From that point of observation, down the road, traveling toward the upcoming danger, the observer could also see a car traveling in the direction of the dangerous swerving truck.  Unless the car pulls over to the safe side of the road, the vehicle may be struck by the oncoming lane-wandering vehicle.  Someone could be hurt from the possible danger the observer could see.

Would the onlooker not do his best, if it was possible, to warn the car of what may await it in the immediate future?  The vehicle could be damaged, and the driver and any passengers could be harmed or killed. 

Would he not scream as loud as possible to get the driver’s attention?  I am sure arms would frantically be waved or anything done to prevent the accident that would soon happen.

One warning another of a burning eternity in Hell or consequences of a drastic wrong decision are similarly alerting another, as anyone should do, when one sees an imminent danger.  That person knows of the Bible’s promises about everyone’s future and cares enough to attempt to keep anyone from being eternally punished or affected by wrong decisions.   At the cost of possibly being misunderstood, disrespected, or disliked, the believer bravely heralds the upcoming danger.  He is not “forcing” anyone to do anything.  He is just relaying dangers he has learned from God’s Word.

Listen to those delivering the truths from God’s Word.  Heed the biblical warnings they are sharing with you.  Their cautions are to help you.  They may be the last opportunity to prevent you from a nearby eternal disaster.

Too Late!
D. L. Moody

Many years ago, a merchant lay dying.  When the physician who attended him saw there was no chance for him, he thought it would be time to talk about Christ to the dying man.  

There are many Christians just like that physician.  They wait until a man is just entering the other world, just when the sands of his life are about to run out, and when the death rattle is in their throat before they speak of Christ to the person.

The physician stepped up to the dying merchant and began to speak of Jesus, the beauties of Christianity, and the salvation He has offered to the world.  The merchant listened quietly to him and asked, “How long have you known of these things?”

“I have been a Christian since I came from the East,” he replied.

“You have been a Christian so long and have known all this and been in my store daily.  You have been in my house, associated with me, knew all these things, and why didn’t you tell me before?”

The doctor went home and retired to rest, but could not sleep.  The question from the dying man rang in his ears.  He could not explain why he had not spoken before but saw he had neglected his duty to witness.  He went back to his dying friend, intending to urge upon him the acceptance of Christ’s salvation, but when he began to speak to him, the merchant only replied in a sad whisper, “Oh, why didn’t you tell me before?”

Oh, my friends, how many of us do the same as the physician?  We do not make the eternity of those we meet a priority, and we let too many slip through the cracks into an eternal Hell.  If we do not tell them while we have the opportunity, they will continue stumbling in a godless direction.

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Proverb 11:30

Bloody Hands
Bill Brinkworth

“If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he [the watchman] blow the trumpet, and warn the people; 4 Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.  … 6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” Eze. 33:3-6

When God gave His words to Ezekiel, as recorded in Ezekiel 33:1, He first gave the prophet an example so he would understand the importance of the task he was to be given.  The parable was about a watchman who was selected and placed in a position to observe any enemy entering the country.

If the guard saw the enemy arriving in the land, he would blow a warning trumpet (Eze. 33:3).  The watchman was not responsible if any perished for not heeding the instrument’s blast in either fleeing or facing the enemy; their blood was not “on his hands”.  He was not guilty of any deaths (Eze. 33:4) if they occurred.

However, if the lookout saw the enemy coming and did not alert the people with the instrument’s warning sound, the death of any slain would be on his hands.  He would be guilty of their demise (Eze. 33:6).  His negligence made him accountable (Eze. 33:6) for their shed blood. 

God then gave Ezekiel the task to be the nation’s watchman (Eze. 33:7).  It was not so much a physical enemy he was to warn his people of, nor was he to man a trumpet and perch high on an observation post.  The prophet’s task was to take the warnings God gave him and ensure God’s people heard His words.  After Ezekiel delivered the message, it was up to the people what they did with the warnings.  The rest of the book’s chapters reveal that Ezekiel fulfilled his commission.

Today, according to God’s Word, there are no longer prophets (I Cor. 13:8), no matter what many claim.  All God wants us to know is preserved within the pages of the King James Bible for English-speaking people, so there is no longer a need for one to give us the message from God’s lips, as did Ezekiel.

However, since we have God’s Word, it is still imperative that all hear His message.  Every Christian is responsible not only for reading God’s Word and obeying it but also for making sure as many as possible hear God’s warnings.  We are to be watchmen warning of a horrifying eternity, telling of the one Way (Jesus) to avoid it, and telling all we can about how God wants us to live.  Yet, most Christians have not done what is expected of them.  There is blood on many hands!

God’s name is cursed, while most are silent.  Our Savour is mocked and ridiculed, yet not much is said.  Many live an ungodly life, yet nary a word that would help them leaves few Christians’ lips.  Most around us have never trusted Christ as their Saviour and are doomed to eternal torment, yet not a word is offered to rescue them from a horrible future.  Too many of today’s watchmen are silent! 

Their warning “trumpets” are hushed as many are never warned of God’s words.  There is innocent blood on too many hands.  Oh, that we would have diligent, bold watchmen who would sound the warnings God wants us to announce.  Sound the “trumpet” loudly as danger is close, lives are at stake, and it is up to us to sound the alarm!  Keep your hands clean from the blood of others!

“Oh, how many we have encountered could have been saved or have their lives changed if we were bold enough to share the Word of God with them!”

Verses on Soul Winning

“Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.” James 5:20
“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23
“To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” I Cor. 9:22
“For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.”  I Cor. 9:19
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
“If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.” Rom. 11:14
“Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.” I Tim.  4:16

The BIBLE VIEW #958 — Christian Fruit

In This Issue:
Producing Any Fruit?
Godly Fruit
Fruits of the Flesh
He Thought He Lost His Arrow
What One Tract Did
What Can You Lend?

Volume: 958     May 20, 2024
Theme: Christian Fruit

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to
 receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day,  and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

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Producing Any Fruit?
Bill Brinkworth

Jesus likens our relationship to God and Him as to grape vines.  The vines are planted byand watered by the Father (John 15:1, I Cor. 3:9).  

The vines represent Jesus and are cared for by Him (John 15:1).  If we are saved and spiritually born into God’s family, we are the branches on the vine.

God’s watchful eye sees what, and if, we produce anything that He considers is good “fruit”.  That “fruit” is what is done to bring honor and glory to God and what helps others come to know and serve Him better.

John 15 tells more about what Jesus said about “fruit”:

  • It is impossible to have any spiritual fruit unless one is saved and in the “body of Christ” (vs. 2, 4).
  • God removes branches that do not produce any “fruit” (vs. 2), although one does not lose their salvation.  Many are professors of Christ but not yielders of what God requires of them. 

    Their power and help are taken away because they refuse to do what they are commanded.  This is why so many who have been saved but do nothing for God have no answered prayer, changes in their lives, and or leadership from God.
  • God prunes (“purgeth”, vs. 2) those that are producing some Christian “fruits.”  As a husbandman trims the branches of his fruit trees to get them to make more branches and more fruit, so does God allow testing and tribulation to produce more godly “fruits” in our lives.
  • If a Christian does what the Scriptures commands, he will have answered prayer (vs.  7).
  • God is honored and gets the glory when we produce “fruit”.  Many look at a person and know what he was before he was saved, see how the Lord has changed his life, and know that it could only have been done by God.

Many claim to be Christians and even try to produce godly fruit.  They do not fool the Father, and their hypocrisy and lack of genuine Christianity do not even fool the ungodly (vs. 6).  They are like wild grapes that have little fruit.  What they produce is very small, sour, and can be distinguished from a good, cultivated crop.

Examine your fruit.  The Husbandman is also a fruit inspector.  What does Jesus think about your “produce”?

Sow little; produce little.  Sow much; produce much for the glory of God.
— Author Unknown

Godly Fruit

With godly guidance and spiritually correct decisions, one’s life can produce good, spiritual consequences, as defined in Galatians:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.  And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.” Galatians 5:22-26

“If you’re waiting for something to turn up to do for the Lord, try your sleeves.”— Author Unknown

Fruits of the Flesh

What we do is often viewed as our “fruit”.  Here ares some “fruit” which the Bible says is produced from behavior that God’s leadership is not involved in:
“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”  Galatians 5:19-21

“The train of failure often runs on the track of laziness.”

He Thought He Lost His Arrow
W. Smith

A young boy once shot an arrow in the air.  Its flight was so high that he soon lost sight of it and failed to find where it had landed.  He spent a long time looking for the arrow in the meadow, but in vain.

Thirty years passed by.  The boy was now a man and he visited the haunts of his boyhood.  Walking around the meadow, he gazed at an oak that frequently sheltered him from the sun rays in his younger days.  He paused under the old tree and found a curious feather protruding from a hollow in the tree.  As he drew out the “feather,” he realized it was the arrow he thought was lost many years ago.

Is not this often true of the efforts of God’s children?  They speak in the ears of sinners; they give a tract; they utter an exhortation, or tell someone about the things of God.  They often do not see where their efforts’ “arrow” landed.  It is impossible for them to track it as it enters the mysterious regions of one’s mind, and they too often deem it lost.

Often, it is not lost.  It has done its work.  Either in future years or in eternity, that effort, like the long-lost arrow, shall come back to its owner, bringing a blessing and even the reward of a duty faithfully performed.

What One Tract Did
W. Smith

While journeying in America, Dr. Coke attempted to ford a river.  His horse lost its foothold, and he was carried down the stream. 

The doctor narrowly escaped drowning by clinging to a branch that overhung the riverside.  A neighboring lady helped him, sent someone to retrieve his horse, and other kindnesses.  Just before he left her house, he gave her a tract about salvation.

For five years the doctor toiled on in the cause of Christ in England and America.  Whether his tract had been destroyed or had pierced a human heart, he did not know.  One day, a young man approached him at a mission conference and requested a couple minutes of the doctor’s time.

“Do you remember, sir, being nearly drowned in the river some five years ago?”

“I remember it quite well,” replied the doctor.

“Do you remember the widow lady at whose house you stayed after escaping from the river?”

“I do and shall never forget the kindness she showed me.”

“And do you remember giving her a tract when you bade her farewell?”

“I do not, but it is possible I did.”

“Yes, sir, you did leave a tract.  That lady read it and was converted.  She lent it to her neighbors, and many of them were saved also.  Several of her children were also saved.  A Bible society was formed, and still flourishes today.”

The statement moved the doctor to tears.  The young many continued, “I have not quite told you all.  I am her son.  That tract led me to Christ.  Now, sir, I am on my way to the mission field to reach others.”

We never know what fruits we can produce when we do the Master’s work.

“Better to wear out than to rust out.” — Cumberland


What Can You Lend?
Author Unknown

Peter lent a boat,
To save Jesus from the press;
Martha lent her home
With genuine kindliness.

One man lent a colt,
Another lent a room;
Some threw down their clothes,
And Joseph lent a tomb.

Simon lent his strength,
The cruel cross to bear;
Mary spice brought,
His body to prepare.

What have I to lend?
No boat!  No house!  No lands!
Yet, Lord, I gladly lend
The work of heart and hands.

When a man turns to God desiring to serve Him, God directs  the man’s attention to the world and its need.” — Brunner

The BIBLE VIEW #957- Soul Winning

In This Issue:
Tell Them about Jesus!
Soul Winning
Talking Business  Suppose

Volume: 957     May 13, 2024
Theme: Soul Winning

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to
 receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day,  and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

 Tell Them about Jesus!

Bill Brinkworth

One of the blessings of reading the Bible is learning how biblical characters solved problems, got through hardships, and lived godly lives.  Peter is one of those personalities that can be a good Christian example to pattern ourselves after.

After Jesus left to return to His heavenly home, Peter, although sad and grieving, pushed forward to live for God.  After his humbling experience of denying Jesus three times (John 18), it seems Peter learned an important lesson from that trial.  From that time forward, the Bible shows that Peter had a single-minded purpose.  That purpose was to take any opportunity to tell others about Jesus.

In Acts 4, after being used to heal a lame man, the religious people were angered at what Peter had done.  Soon, they were questioning and grilling Peter.  Instead of getting down to their level and having a debate that accomplished little, he preached a subject he knew could have a positive influence.  He preached about Jesus and how He was the only way to Heaven.

Acts 3 found Peter among a crowd who wanted to get closer to him after God had used him to heal a lame man.  Instead of taking any credit for the miracle, Peter took the opportunity to tell the crowd about Jesus.

Earlier in Acts 2, after having been used by the Holy Ghost to heal a man, some had accused Peter and the others of having been drunk.  Instead of entering into a big discussion to defend himself, he again told the onlookers about Jesus.

In many circumstances Peter found himself, he told others about Jesus.  We, too, should model his heart to speak to others about the Saviour and how Jesus can change lives.  The great commission (Mark 16:15) God gave to every believer is to go and tell.

Every day, each one of us comes into contact with people.  If we would use those opportunities to point them to the One who has all of life’s answers, this world would certainly be a different place.

Our opinions are not always wanted and rarely change anything.  Many of the world’s solutions also do not always work.  However, when one gets saved, they will have been born into the family of God.  Their heavenly Father can then help them with any problems they face if they go to Him.

Be like Peter, take every opportunity you can to point as many as you can to Jesus.  He is the solution to every problem or trial anyone faces.

Jesus saves.  Tell someone today!

Soul Winning
Bill Brinkworth

When a person is saved, all his sins are forgiven.  Although God will not remind us of our iniquities at our time of judgment, the believer will be rewarded for what he did for Christ after he was saved.  Every Christian is expected to tell others the biblical way to Heaven.  Although it is the commandment most neglected by Christians, it is the one most important!  

Here is some of what the Bible says about our personally winning a soul to Heaven:

  • It is the primary way a lost person will hear about God’s way to Heaven.  “And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?  And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? … Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.” Acts 8:30 -35  How will the spiritually lost be saved unless a child of God tells them how?  Most of us who are saved were led to the Lord by someone else telling us either by their mouth or written word.
  • It will rescue a soul from spending an eternity in Hell.
    “Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.” James 5:20
  • It should be done in every house, as did the early church.  Door-to-door witnessing is still the way we are expected to witness.  It is how the early church grew, and it is how today’s church will grow.
    “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” Acts
    5:42   Also: Acts 2:46-47.
  • It should be done by EVERYONE, not just the disciples, missionaries, pastors, and deacons!
    “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
    “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” Matthew 28:19  Also: John 20:21, Luke 24:47
  • It is some of the Christian “fruit” a born-again believer should produce.
    “And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.” John 4:36  Also: John 15:16, 20:21.
  • The lost need to be “compelled”, as were the visitors in the parable of the Great Supper (Luke 14:16-24).  “Compelling” is done one-on-one!
    “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23
  • God commands it!
    Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.” Matthew 28:19-20
  • It is the wise thing to do.
    “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”  Proverbs 11:30 
  • Many commentators teach that believers will receive a crown of rejoicing for witnessing and winning a lost soul to Christ.
    “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 12:3
    “For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing?  Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?” I Thessalonians 2:19

God chose us to win as many to Heaven as we can.  What a shame it would be for a Christian to live a full life on Earth and never, or rarely, have won a soul to Heaven.

“Well, I just can’t do it,” or “I am too shy to talk to anyone” are not excuses that biblically excuse anyone from their God-commanded duty to witness.  I never met a person who thought that it was easy to witness to strangers in the beginning.  However, God always helped them when they showed they were willing to obey His commandments.

I am sure it was hard for the early church members to win souls to Christ, but because they obeyed God, their church grew.  After they witnessed to others, God blessed their church.

There are too many bound for Hell (Mark 7:13).  Do not be a selfish Christian and not share the way to eternity with the Lord with anyone.  Someone probably shared it with you.  If they did not, you would most likely not be Heaven-bound. 

Soul winning is the biblical way to get the message of salvation to others.  It still works today!  Have you witnessed to anyone this week?

It has been estimated that probably 95% of all church members have never
led anyone to Christ!”

Talking Business
Author Unknown

A pastor was passing a big department store and followed a sudden impulse to go in and talk to the proprietor about his salvation.  Finding the owner, the preacher asked, “Mr. T., I’ve talked beds, carpets, and bookcases with you but never talked my business to you.  Would you give me a few minutes to do so?”

Being led to a private office, the pastor took out his New Testament and showed the man passage after passage about his duty to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour.  Finally, the tears began to roll down the man’s cheeks, and he said to the preacher, “I’m 70 years of age.  I was born in this city, and more than a hundred ministers and more than 500 hundred church officers have known me as you have in doing business with me.  You are the only one who ever spoke to me about my soul in all these years.”

What a sad commentary to the many who talked with that businessman.  Yet, many who have crossed our paths have never heard the Gospel from anyone, including us.

“Many Christians complain of the condition of the world today.  If they believed what they confessed, they would lead the lost to Christ, and then the world would be different!”

“Suppose”, A tract from the Great Commission Prayer League

Suppose someone were to offer me a thousand dollars for every soul I might earnestly try to lead to Christ.  Would I endeavor to lead more souls to Him than I am endeavoring to do now for the money?  Is my love of money stronger than my love of God or souls…?

“I cared not where or how I lived or what hardships I went through so that I could gain souls to Christ.  While I was asleep, I dreamed of these things, and when I awoke, the first thing I thought of was this great work.  All my desire was for the conversion of the heathen, and all my hope was in God.” — David Brainerd, Missionary to Native Americans (Early 1700s)

The BIBLE VIEW #956 —Creation

In This Issue:
He Made It All
Three Heavens
Back to Step One

Volume: 956     May 6, 2024
Theme: Creation

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to
 receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day,  and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

He Made It All
Bill Brinkworth

Genesis, the book of beginnings, started with an answer to a question most have.  The popular queries are, “How did life start?  How did all the first plants and animals get here?  Where did we come from?”

Many try to explain the Earth and its origins with their logic.  The explanations go from “a star blew up, and that is how it all started.”  Others offer, “Chemicals got together and over millenniums changed the form accidentally to a more complicated lifeform, then over billions of years developed into the plants, animals, and people we have today.

In 1806, Professor Lyell claimed that 80 geological theories were “hostile” to the Scripture account at the time.  There are far more today.

All the opinions have no proof to explain the theories.  Scrutinizing those explanations soon reveals no credibility for any of those suppositions.  A lot of speculation and assumptions fill the gaps where proof is non-existent.

God knew we would wonder about our origin and ensured that mankind would have accurate answers to our questions.  All that is on the Earth was not here by millions of accidents.  Simple life forms did not evolve into more complex beings.  God created it all!

The Bible documents the beginning of Earth and all that resides on it.  One can read how God created all that we are and see.  He did it all in six days, not billions of years that current “science” claims.  Genesis One explains it all:

Day One: In the beginning, the Earth was dark and without shape.  By God’s words, the dark and shapeless mass was lit up.  Although He created day and night at this point, there was no sun or moon to give that light.  (Genesis 1:2-5)

Day Two: The Earth was surrounded by water.  On that day, God separated the Earth from the waters.  He called the dividing space a firmament (the heaven where birds, clouds… are found).   (Gen.  1:6-8)

Day Three: On that day, God separated the waters under the sky further.  That division revealed dry land whereplant life He created thrived.  (Gen.  1:9-13)

Day Four: In the heavens, God created the sun to give light in the day and the moon to provide light at night.  It was on this day He also made the stars.  (Gen.  1:14:-19)

Day Five: On the fifth day, God created life in the waters, including the whales and all birds.(Gen.  1:20-23)

Day Six: Now, Earth was able to support animal and humanlife by the sixth day.  There was water, breathable air, and food to support the animals and man He created.  (Gen.  1:24-31)

Although there are numerous theories about how Earth and all on it came into existence, all the ideas boil down to two ideas.  J. Vernon McGee defined them as speculation and creation.

”Speculation” encompasses all the theories, none of which have solid proof.  How can people know how it all began?  They were not there.  Besides, the theories change from day to day, person to person, and few agree with each other.

Even inventions that supposedly measure vast amounts of time can not be trusted, as no one knows for sure how accurate they are.  How old would man’s machine declare a rock on the first day it was made?  It takes faith in mankind to believe what is claimed to have occurred, which is not very reassuring and reliable.

Creation also takes faith to believe.  However, that trust is in what God had Moses pen.  Our Creator was there at the beginning and He knows better than man’s speculations. 

A whole world of understanding becomes clear and makes sense with simple faith in what God says happened.  God said it, so believe it!

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  2 For by it the elders obtained a good report.  3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Heb 11:1-3

Three Heavens
J. Vernon McGee

God called the firmament Heaven.  This is not heaven as you and I think of it.  Actually, three heavens are mentioned in Scripture.

The Lord Jesus spoke of the birds of heaven, which I think is the heaven mentioned in Genesis 1:8.  Then, there are the stars of heaven, meaning the second heaven.  The third heaven is where God dwells.  So, the first layer up there is the deck where the clouds are and where the birds fly.

Back to Step One
Bill Brinkworth

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis.  1:1

STEP ONE: “Let me understand, you believe that all living things on Earth started when two chemicals somehow got together and changed into something more advanced?  That life changed or evolved into something more complex and developed?”

“Yes, basically, that is what happened over millions of years?”

“Hmm.  So, these chemicals got together after many accidents and failures and finally became an advanced combination of some more developed type?  Then how did it duplicate itself?”

“Well, it had to start all over again.”

STEP TWO: “So after, say 100,000 years of ‘accidents’ and returning to STEP ONE, these chemicals finally produced, by chance, a more advanced compound that duplicated itself.  Then the next step would be for this ‘duplicating chemical’ to create another advancement like the ability to sense something that may be a danger to itself, like direct sunlight that could dry it out, or heat that could kill it.”

“Something like that.  It makes sense.”

“So, let’s think this out logically.  After failing to develop a system in this chemical to protect itself, it had to keep returning to STEP TWO for 100’s of thousands of years before this ‘chemical’ finally got it right by accident.  Finally, there was a chemical that could duplicate itself and protect itself from something before something in its environment killed it.  Perhaps this developing chemical had to start all over and return to STEP ONE.

“So now to develop into something more advanced, say a motion like rolling or swimming, it would take a whole bunch of 100’s of thousands of years for this duplicating, self-protecting compound, after returning to STEP THREE, to be able to move.”

“Well, those 100’s of thousands of years may have been millions of years, they say.”

“Oh, I see, so it was probably much longer to get to STEP THREE.  I just used 100’s of thousands to make the number smaller so I could somehow grasp your theory.  By the way, is there any proof of these improvements or transitions?”

“No, I don’t believe there are any.  There are just intelligent people’s suppositions and theories.”

“Hmm.  This basic starting block had to have more developments, like feeding itself, recognition, and senses.  So conservatively, that is three more important functions, chemical changes, and a lot of returning to STEP FOUR, FIVE, SIX, and maybe even back to STEP ONE.  So, using conservative numbering, we’re up to about one million years.  Then this ‘accidental’ chemical would eventually progress into a living organism with 100’s of thousands of cells, bodily, and chemical functions added to it.  That would put us conservatively at 11,000,000 years, again using my 100,000 years as a base.

“Then if this creature, by chance and a whole lot of ‘visits’ to STEPs ONE through 100,000 were to develop into a more advanced creature, it would have more bodily functions such as cell reproduction, nerves, white cells to fight infection, chemical transportation of hundreds of chemicals, more senses, maybe some organs and glands, reproduction of tissues and all chemicals/hormones involved, brain development with its millions of cells and functions, memorization, blood and all its functions, ability to break down and disperse food to the body, and an ability to reproduce this organism that is actually like itself.   This creature would conservatively have 100’s of thousands more functions.  So after 100,000 ‘trips’ back to at least STEP 1000, plus all the original returns to previous STEPS, that would perhaps put it at 11,012,000,000 (11 billion+) years to develop.

“Then this species would supposedly change into other forms.  I don’t think anybody knows how many intermediary steps there would have to be with at least 100,000 improvements.  Say it were only five steps until it developed into a man.  That would put man’s evolving to around 50 billion)years.

“Now the human body has easily 100’s of thousands of other functions including hair growth, thousands of enzymes that control chemical and other functions, cell growth and reproduction, advanced organs, memory, sight, hearing, taste, muscles, billions of cells, millions of nerves, food consumption, fighting off more diseases, glands, layers of skins, healing abilities for most parts of the body, ability to reproduce with a male or female, …..  So that human ‘step’ would easily be another 10 billion years.  That would put us at 60 billion years — roughly.

“Oh, my word.  And if something went wrong, a disease, or accidental death, or inability to handle something in the environments development of man would have to go back to STEP ONE again and start all over for another 60 billion years.”

“Well, there’s no real proof of all these steps you said, but it makes sense.”

“And there is no proof for evolutionists’ assumptions or theories?  Hmm.  But officially, they claim man is between 2.4 and 7 million years old, of which there is no actual proof of any chemical, tissue, bodily developments of the human body and other transitionary phases (except for a few fragments of bone and certainly not even a complete skull or skeleton).  Let’s not forget that mutations of an organism, which is what they are saying have happened to the different parts of the body, have never been known to reproduce themselves. 

Also, trusting that all this happened to develop into man denies many scientific laws, such as the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics.  The Theory of Evolution is man’s idea, and not too many of these ‘scientists’ can agree with each other’s theories of how we got here without God’s intervention.  In addition, there is no proof of all these ideas.

“Man alive.  Sooo, if anyone believes any of this, they have to have a lot of faith in men’s notions.  One that believes this ‘Theory of Evolution’ laughs in the face of real science and must have more faith to believe this fairy tale than anyone I have ever met!”

My “scientific,” evolution-believing acquaintance got very quiet and had a very glazed look.

“Believing God’s explanation of His creation makes more sense, answers thousands of man’s questions, and is more scientific than man’s “science.”

The BIBLE VIEW #955 — Assorted

In This Issue:
Listening for the Trumpet
“Hold the Fort for I am Coming!”
Fault Finding
The Christian’s Ruby Ring

Volume: 955     April 29, 2024
Theme: Assorted

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to
 receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day,  and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.
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Listening for the Trumpet
Bill Brinkworth

“… 14 For if we believe Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.  15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord….” I Thessalonians 4:13-18

Hundreds of biblical prophecies have been fulfilled.  In I Thessalonians 4, there is one mentioned that will be the next to be fulfilled.  In the last two thousand years, millions have awaited that event (I Thessalonians 4:13-18).  It is the great catching up of the dead in Christ and the living Christians (I Thessalonians 4:16- 17).

The Greek word for “caught up” (I Thessalonians 4:17) is “harpazō,” and it means “to catch away, to seize, pluck, pull, and take by force” (Noah Webster, 1828).  It is very similar to the English word “rapture,” which means “transport, seizing away.” Although “rapture” is not used in the preserved King James text, this futuristic happening is often referred to by that name.

When the Lord shouts, the archangel’s voice is sounded, God’s trumpet will be blown, and the rapture will occur (I Thessalonians 4:16).  The first to ascend will be the dead in Christ.  Those that have trusted Christ as Saviour and died will be called up.  Their souls are already joined with him (II Corinthians. 5:8, Ecclesiastes. 12:7) as a soul never dies, but the body sleeps (I Thessalonians 4:14), awaiting its wake-up call by the rapture’s heavenly summoning.

The second group to meet the Lord in the air will be living Christians.  Before the tribulation’s terrible events occur, somewhere after Revelation 4:1, many Christians will be called up without dying.  No one knows when this catching away will occur (Matthew. 24:36).  It could be today.  It could be tomorrow or twenty years from now, but it will happen; God promised!

If the heavenly trumpet were blown to call the living saved from this world, are you sure you would be called home to Heaven?  It will be a terrible time when many well-intentioned, good-deeders and many religious-but-lost discover the heavenly call did not summon them.  It will be too late for those that have already heard God’s message and have rejected it.  What a frightful time it will be when the prophesied wrath of God is finally poured out on Earth to give those that have never heard the Gospel message a chance to turn to Christ for salvation.

If you are not sure you will go up during the catching away, make sure of your transport “ticket” today.  Admit your sinnership, and trust Christ’s death on the cross as the only payment for your sins.  If you do, then you may be one of many that will hear the heavenly trumpet sound its victory call to Christians one day soon.

“Hold the Fort, for I am Coming!”
D. L. Moody

I am told that when General Sherman went through Atlanta towards the sea, he left a few men in the fort at the Kennesaw Mountains to guard some rations that he brought there.  General Hood got into the outer rear and attacked the fort, driving the men in from the outer works into the inner works.  For a long time, the battle raged fearfully.

Half of the men were either killed or wounded.  The general, who was in command, was wounded seven different times.  When they were about ready to run up the white flag and surrender the fort, Sherman got within fifteen miles.  Through the signal corps on the mountain, he sent the message, “Hold the fort; I am coming.  W. T. Sherman.”   That message fired up their hearts, and they held the fort until reinforcements came, and the fort did not go into the hands of their enemies.

Mr. Bliss wrote a hymn entitled “Hold the Fort for I am coming.”  We must hold our “fort” and not give up serving the Lord.  Our Saviour is in command, and He is coming.

Ho!  My comrades, see the signal
Waving in the sky!
Reinforcements now appearing.
Victory is nigh!

Chorus: “Hold the fort, for I am coming,”
Jesus signals still,
Wave the answer back to heaven,
“By Thy grace we will.”

See the mighty hosts advancing,
Satan leading on;
Mighty men around us falling.
Courage almost gone.

Chorus: “Hold the fort, for I am coming,”
Jesus signals still,
Wave the answer back to heaven,
“By Thy grace we will.”

See the glorious banner waving.
Hear the bugle blow.
In our Leader’s name we’ll triumph
Over every foe.

Chours: “Hold the fort, for I am coming,”
Jesus signals still,
Wave the answer back to heaven,
“By Thy grace we will.”

Fierce and long the battle rages,
But our Help is near;
Onward comes our Great Commander,
Cheer, my comrades, cheer!

Chours: “Hold the fort, for I am coming,”
Jesus signals still,
Wave the answer back to heaven,
“By Thy grace we will.”

“Don’t shoot the rescuers if you are on a sinking ship!”  — Author Unknown

Fault Finding
J. West

Napoleon said that the man who never makes a mistake makes war.  Those who content themselves with standing aloof from revival and temperance work and devote their energies to pointing out the errors and blunders of those in the struggle are making themselves the greatest blunders.  Nothing is easier than fault-finding.  No talent, self-denial, brains, or character are required to set up in that grumbling business.

“In judging and criticizing our brethren, we meddle with that which does not belong to us.  We have enough work to do at home, and if we must judge, let us exercise our faculty upon our own hearts and ways.  —  Henry

The Christian’s Ruby Ring

A king once gave a ring to his favorite subject.  He said to him, “I know that tomorrow, a charge of heresy will be brought against you.  Answer them if you will when you come in, but you need be in no fear.  If you are in trouble, simply show them the ring, and they will go no further.  The accusation will be dropped.”

It is even so with us.  The Lord has given us the precious blood of Christ to be like a ruby ring upon our finger.  When accusations bother our conscience or guilt is laid on us by Satan, we have only to remember that Christ’s sacrifice covers all our sins.  Our accusations should then be behind us.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18

Trust Christ, and you shall live.  The bloody sacrifice of Calvary is the only hope of sinners.”  — C. H. Spurgeon

The BIBLE VIEW #952 —Filling in the Gaps

In This Issue:
Devoted Workers Needed!
So Gread A Heritage

Volume: 952     April 8, 2024
Theme: Stand and Serve

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to
 receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day,  and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

Devoted Workers Needed!
Bill Brinkworth

It has been a challenging, exciting 43+ years of being saved and serving the Lord.  During that time, there were many battles and sacrifices to preserve righteousness, souls saved from Hell, and society had some protection from many sinful influences.

Men and women quit high-paying jobs to teach the youth in Christian schools.  Often, many worked at the schools for minimum pay or nothing.  Christian education and to keep many from worldly false teachings were important in the minds of those believers.

Many who pioneered the Christian school movement went to jail rather than close their ministry.  Hosts of young people were saved in those outreaches, and worldly, godless philosophies were kept from our precious future, our youth.  Despite the world’s attempts to stop the schools, many grew and saturated their communities with God’s truths.  Lives were changed, and some areas dealt with less violence and sin that scarred many neighborhoods.

Preachers stood boldly behind pulpits and exposed false religious doctrines and preached God’s Word truths.  They stood bravely against sin, which so many were involved in, and were a tremendous influence to many. 

Many rebelled against those church leaders and did all they could to stop biblical teachings and those exposing unrighteousness.  However, those who endured criticism and challenges often saw miraculous changes in many lives.

Ministries grew to reach as many as possible.  Some outreached into dangerous neighborhoods and put themselves and their families in unpleasant situations so that the needy sinners could hear the saving words from God.  Multitudes turned their lives over to Him, resulting in them being changed and improved citizens.

Some surrendered all to go to foreign and domestic mission fields.  Most faced tremendous opposition.  Many faced dangers, diseases, and even death,  Still, those unsung heroes went and stayed and made great improvements in so many lives.!

Others got involved in their local government to stop the spread of ungodly practices.  They, too, faced great opposition and chastisement.  Still, they kept on despite the trials they endured.

Many of those who sacrificed what this world had to offer for what God would have them do are now fading off the scene.  Disease and age are silencing their great voices that once changed lives, helped those who had little hope, rebuilt families and relationships, and taught godly principles.

However, as their voices are no longer heard and many are going to their heavenly reward, I wonder who will pick up the burdens of those who no longer can?  Where are those who will carry the torch that will illuminate the future world with godly, biblical messages and proper lifestyles?  Who will fill the voids left by those that no longer can serve?

Some still obey their convictions and endure opposition so that others can hear God’s message.  However, their numbers are dwindling.  Even fewer are those who know what God’s Word commands and fewer are those who do not obey what they are shown to be His way.

Many church leaders who should stand for God’s Word, ways, and truths are not.  The populace’s cry to halt convicting messages, to stop preaching against sin, not to go door-to-door soul-winning, and to do what everyone else is doing sways them from standing against unrighteousness. 

Their message may be comfortable to sinners’ ears, but God’s truths are no longer pounded from many pulpits.  Biblical truths and practices are often ridiculed and taught to be false and unnecessary today.  Thus, few convictions against unrighteousness are experienced among churchgoers.  Outreaches are limited.  Workers are fewer, and communites succumb to the wiles and ways of ungodly, unbridled behavior.

Rarer are those ministries that see the damage done by worldly public school education and support or create Christian schools.  Many, including church leaders, send their children to public schools falsely believing that “I will teach them what is right at home, and they will know better than falling for the worldly teachings in the government schools.”

Children are saturated with propaganda about threatening global destruction, how they have rights to do whatever they want, and that “right” is whatever they think it should be.  Few hear how there is a God that can change any situation, loves them, and has great plans for them if they will only trust, obey, and follow His way.

Few surrender to serve and live for the Lord.  Worldly excuses justify their not filling in the gaps from aged, ailing servants of God.

“Why,  I need more money than the ministry offers.  It must not be God’s will for me to work in the ministry full time.”  The faith to trust God’s provision is missing in their life.  God met the needs of ministry predecessors.  He can do it today if people will only trust Him.

“I can’t teach that Sunday school class.  The kids are so rowdy.”  Those people, too, are not relying on the power God gives to those who do His will.

“Go soul-winning.  No way.  I don’t know what to say, and it could be dangerous going into some neighborhoods and homes.”  All have had to battle the same fear of speaking to strangers about salvation and God’s will and way.  However, they went, and God’s grace and protection were sufficient as they will be for those who will go now!

“Ride a Sunday school bus to bring children to church?  Not me.  I work all week and need to have some time to myself.” The bus workers of the past also had to sacrifice their time, but because of their volunteering, millions came to churches and were saved.

This world desperately needs another generation of convicted, concerned, and courageous believers.  Who will step to the front and stand for God’s righteousness?  Whoever you are, please start now.  The world must hear God’s Word’s saving and life-altering news today.  Who will go and tell?
“And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me?  And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.” Acts 8:31

“What about all the lost souls around you?  They have an eternity.  Please show them how to go to Heaven!  You may be their only hope in knowing God’s way!”  — Bill Brinkworth

So Great A Heritage
Bill Brinkworth

Christians today, both in America and worldwide, have so much for which to be grateful.  Our faith, Bible, doctrines, and freedoms were obtained at high prices paid by our Christian predecessors.  It cost many their lives and much suffering, yet we take for granted what believers of the past had to pay dearly for and place little value on our godly heritage.

Believers should not be surprised if they face persecution, as their namesake, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, also received much.  His righteousness and exposing of false teachings were so grievous to the followers of man-made worship that they ensured our Saviour was beaten, ridiculed, mocked, and eventually nailed to a cross.  If God allowed His Son not to escape the world’s wrath and hatred for the things of God, Christians should also expect it.
“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.  Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord.  If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you….” John 15:19-20

We get upset if someone jokes about our faith or scoffs at us.  Most of us today have little understanding of what Christians before us suffered for their beliefs.  Here are some reminders of the sacrifices and suffering early Christians faced for their faith and godly lifestyles:

Millions of men, women, and children died for their faith in the past.  The walls of Rome’s catacombs and other hidden places reveal how many lived and died in fear of being caught and tortured for their beliefs.  Many had to worship in secret places for fear of being killed or imprisoned for attending a church service.  

Landmark Baptist College’s (Haines City, FL) collection of ancient Bibles has a Bible with fire-scorched pages.  It was plucked out of the flames that burned its owner.  A saint of the past refused to denounce his faith in Christ and His Word, and the man was burnt to death.  Today, his Bible is preserved as a reminder of what Christ and His Word meant to some and how many died for reading or living God’s way.

With the freedom that most have today, many professing Christians do not live for Christ, let alone die for Him.  It is easy to attend a nearby church, yet countless excuses are given by those not attending. 

Most households contain at least one copy of the Word of God.  However, few have bothered to read it.  Baptistries are now heated and always available, yet few follow the Lord in believer’s baptism.  Although we are quickly losing our religious freedoms in the United States, it is still possible for a believer to obey the Lord’s command and tell others how to go to Heaven, yet few do.

What does your faith in Christ mean to you?  Does God’s Word mean so much that you read it faithfully and would not sway from its teaching?  Is the price Christ paid on the cross for our salvation so precious to you that you are determined to live for Him, no matter the cost, socially or monetarily?  Are the Bible’s truths so important to you that you share them with others no matter the cost in time, money, or others’ opinions?

We are nearing an era’s end when many lived their faith in Christ and shared it with others without paying a high price.  However, because many have not stood up for their beliefs and freedoms, the ungodly are taking away those liberties.

For most of us, compared to what our predecessors have paid for their religious convictions, the cost to us has been minimal.  That fact may change shortly. 

Will you be willing to pay the price for your faith, no matter what it is?  Many say they will die for their faith, but for most of us, God only requires that we live for Him. Are you living boldly for Him today?

“If Christians do not tell the lost how to be saved from a tormenting eternity, who will?”  It is the responsibility of believers to tell others how to be saved!
— Bill Brinkworth

The Bible View #906 — Separation

In This Issue:
Stay in the Henhouse
A Worldly Christian
Safe in the Ark
Get Far from Evil
The Danger of the World

Volume: 906   May 1, 2023
Theme: Separation

Start your day with some good news from the Bible!  Sign-up at to receive the DAILY VIEW devotion.  The daily e-mail includes a KJV chapter, a brief commentary on the chapter’s teachings, and more spiritual food for the hungry soul. 

Are you a Sunday school teacher or pastor?  There are over 400 FREE lessons and sermon ideas at: There are also puzzles there to be used as classroom activities.  Why buy Sunday school material when it is free at

Stay in the Henhouse  
Bill Brinkworth

I have endeavored to raise chickens to raise as much food as possible.  After hearing the locals tell of coyotes and seeing evidence of a fox, coupled with the knowledge of nearby black snakes, I knew that the pen and the henhouse must resist those predators.

When building their coop, I accommodated for all those dangers in the design.  Their outside run was wrapped with strong chicken wire.  Even the floor was laid with the fence material in case one of the raiders tried to gain entrance by digging in.  The wire was doubled stapled so no creature could gain entry by tearing off the covering.  Even the roof was partly covered with wire and sheet metal to keep out airborne enemies like hawks.

The house was sheathed in strong material, with even the smallest gaps eliminated, so an egg-hungry snake could not slither in.  Windows were covered with heavy screening that would keep them out and was higher than any ground predator could reach.  When finished, the house was safe for all the fowl that lived within.

Afterward, the squeaking and squawking chicks were brought into their new living quarters.  Their daily needs were met.  They got their daily food, water, and occasional kitchen waste that they devoured.  Soon, they grew and were nearing the age that they would produce eggs.

However, their behavior began to change.  They no longer fear me as I come to feed, water, and clean their living quarters.  At times, they were a bit hostile to me as I tried to feed them. 

As I left their pen or henhouse, they kept following me to get outside their protected environment.  Sometimes, as I went, they attempted to dart out to the unprotected outside.  Usually, they could be herded back into their safe environment and were discouraged from escaping. 

One morning, however, one hen managed to get out.  Fortunately, before she got too far, I was able to catch her and put her back in the safe area I had created for her.

I realize their discontentment with their secure environment and curiosity to go “outside” was very much what too many Christians spend their lives trying to do.  Instead of following God’s commandments, as preserved in the Bible, they take every opportunity to go outside God’s protection. 

The rules that they ignore, disobey, and often dislike are there for their protection.  A life within those guidelines will be safe and guarantee a closer walk with God.  A life lived outside those guidelines will be one without God’s protection and guidance and may result in hardship, unhappiness, and even destruction.  

God knows what waits “outside.”  He knows all about the luring temptations, the strangling grip of sin, and the devouring Devil that can ruin any man, woman, or child once they are outside His protection.

Man may learn God’s commandments and what God warns him not to do, but he often looks “outside.”  He sees most of the world doing things he knows he should not do. 

Often he observes that it appears that nothing happens when the world commits sin or even gets close to it.  It seems that they get away with it. 

He considers that the biblical warnings are wrong or for a different time and that now they must be okay to do, as so many appear to get away with iniquity.  (If man could follow those people’s lives and learn of all the details, he would find they did not get away with it after all!).

Mankind often lurches outside the protection God has provided.  For a short time, doing what everyone else is doing is fun.  There are no repercussions for sin or getting too close to it.

However, his life changes so slowly that he often does not see the changes that happen.  His desire to please God and obey Him is usually the first thing that is eroded, along with the fear of the consequences of getting involved in sin. 

Lack of concern for others also disappears.  What remains is a self-centered individual bent on satisfying one’s selfish desires. 

Often involvement in sin does physical damage or changes.  Again, the sinner never sees the damage exposure to the “outside” has done.

No one gets away with sin.  That is why God commands us not to get close to it, so it can never get a hold of a person.  There is a wage to iniquity’s commission.  Stay inside God’s boundaries, and you can escape the dangers that lurk “outside.”

“If we could look steadily at the world and see it as it is in the eyes of God, many of our estimates would be amazingly changed.”   — Edward Gareshe

A Worldly Christian
C. H. Spurgeon

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Mat.  6:24

No man can serve God and mammon because there is not enough life in the heart to serve the two.  Alas!  Many people try this, and they fail both ways.

I have known a man who has tried to let some of his heart run into the world and another part he allowed to drip into the church.  The effect was that he was suspected of hypocrisy when he came into the church.

“Why,” they said, “if he were truly obeying the Lord, could he have done yesterday what he did and then come and profess so much today?”  Other believers look upon him suspiciously, or if he deceives them, they feel he cannot be trusted because he has not given all his heart to the Lord.

What is the effect of his conduct to the world?  Why, his religion is a constraint to him there.  Any mention of God or His commandments, especially any expression of guilt, makes the world uncomfortable around him, and they also do not trust him.

The world will not have him, and other Christians will not have him.  He wants to go between the two, and both avoid him.

“If you can get along with the world, then you are out of step with God.”
— Dr. Harold Sightler

Safe in the Ark
D. L. Moody

When the voice came down from Heaven to Noah, “… Come thou and all thy house into the ark, for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation,” there was a minute when Noah was outside the ark and another when he was inside.  By being inside, he was saved.  As long as he was outside the ark, he was exposed to the wrath of God just like the rest of the people.  

If he had stayed out and remained with the others, he would have been swept away, as they were.  It was not his righteousness.  It was not his faith or works that saved him; it was the ark.  

God has provided an ark for us (His Word), and the question is, “Are you inside or outside this ark?”  If you are inside, you are safe; if you are outside, you are not.

Get Far from Evil
Adam Clark

Abstain from all appearance of evil (I Thes. 5:22).  Sin not and avoid even the appearance of it.  Do not drive your morality so near the bounds of evil as to lead even weak persons to believe you touch, taste, or handle it.  Let not the form of it appear with or among you. 

Ye are called to holiness.  Be ye holy, for God is holy.

 “If you are saved, you are on the winning side.  Why would you want to look or act like the losing side that is headed for Hell?”

The Danger of the World
J. Mason

Beware of the world.  It has slain its millions!
What ruined Lot’s wife?  The world.
What ruined Achan?  The world.
What ruined Haman?  The world.
What ruined Judas?  The world.
What ruined Demas?  The world.
What will ruin you?  The world.
“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mat.  16:26

The BIBLE VIEW #905 — God’s Word

In This Issue:
God Kept His Word
What the New “bibles” Do

Volume: 905   April 24, 2023
Theme: God’s Word

Start your day with some good news from the Bible!  Sign-up at to receive the DAILY VIEW devotion.  The daily e-mail includes a KJV chapter, a brief commentary on the chapter’s teachings, and more spiritual food for the hungry soul. 

View 16+ years of printable, free BIBLE VIEWs at  Make as many copies as you need.  Use them at your church, nursing homes (large print version available), Sunday school, deaf ministry, bus ministry, and as a church bulletin insert. 

God Kept His Word
Bill Brinkworth

God said He would keep His Word for and with us, and He has done so!
“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” Isa. 40:8 According to verse seven, the grass refers to people.  People will come and go, but God’s Word will always be amongst us. 
“But the word of the Lord endureth for ever.  And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.” I Pet. 1:25   Also: Psalms 102:12, Luke 16:17.

God preserved His Word in written form.
“For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” Mat.  5:18   Jot and tittle refer to the dialectical marks of the languages used.  This implies that the preserved word is in written form!

Its preservation is essential to our faith.  Why would God require it if He would not keep it for us?
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Rom. 10:17

Many places in the Scriptures were quoted accurately at a later date by prophets, leaders, rulers, and even Christ.  “As it is written” is used in 49 verses, indicating that the preserved Word was trusted then.

It is inspired!  “God breathed” into the originals, and He has preserved His original inspiration.
“The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.  Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” Psa. 12:6-7
We have the inspired, preserved Word of God!

There have always been copies.  The originals have never been gathered together in one place.  There are now no originals!  From the beginning, God has used and blessed copies:

  • Moses broke the first tablets.  God made sure His people had an accurate copy of them.
  • King Jehoiakim (Jer. 36) did not like what Jehudi read from the Word of God and burnt them.  God again gave it to Jeremiah.  Then it was thrown in the river (Jer. 51:63); end of original #2, but we still have it now.  It is preserved!

The Hebrews preserved the Old Testament in the Masoretic Text. The New Testament was preserved in Greek in the Textus Receptus.  There have been copies from those translated texts since 150 AD.

Different men had a burden that the Word of God be written in a language the common person could read.  Before their work, only certain clergy could read it.  They only told the masses what they wanted them to hear, often in a language the people did not understand.  The work of many preserved God’s Word in these forms from such men as Erasmus, William Tyndale, Miles Coverdale, and the six companies of 47-54 (according to different accounts) translators that translated the 1611 King James.

The King James 1611 had several changes done to it up to 1769.  The KJV that we read today is the 1769 version.  All the 400 changes from the 1611 to the 1769 version were spelling and grammatical changes as the written English language grew more consistent and changed.  Compare those minimal changes to the thousands of alterations reportedly changed in the New King James Version in the 5th version from the 1st version.

KJV 1611: “For God so loued the world, the he gaue his only begotten Sonne: that whosoeuer beleeurth in him, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life.”  John 3:16   Notice where we used a “v” the earlier language used a “u”.  Also: “I”’s were used as “J”’s,  “f”’s for “s”’s….
KJV 1769: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 

Since the beginning, Satan has gotten man to doubt and question the Word of God.  If you doubt it, you will not believe it or live it.  I am sure this is why Satan has done much to water down God’s Word, hide His Word, or get people confused enough not to read or believe the Bible.
Gen. 3:1 “ Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.  And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”

Even the early church had to deal with Satan’s attack on the Truth.  That attack continues even more so in these last crucial days!
“For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.” II Cor. 2:17

If the Bible is missing or has words changed, it is not the preserved Word of God that God promised to keep.  All modern translations and revisions have changed words.  They cannot be trusted.  They are tampering with the Word of God!

The modern translations and revisions are counterfeits!

  • Their root is from Egypt.  The Bible has a negative outlook on Egypt (Rev. 11:8.), especially Alexandria (Acts 6:9, Col. 2:8).  Alexandria is where the philosophy that the Bible is fallible (Origen) grew and that it has mistakes and must be corrected.  Most modern translations come from the Alexandrian manuscripts.
  • They remove or change words.  i.e.: NIV is 90,000 words short of what is in the KJV.
  • They change the meaning of the verses.  Bible teachings are altered many times to suit the author or organization producing the “bible” and their beliefs.  Often the new perversions change verses dealing with the deity of Christ, Jesus’ virgin birth, Hell, and salvation. 
  • The new “bibles” bring confusion.  Who is the author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33)?  Not God!  Satan is behind the perversion of God’s Word.  The perversions change biblical doctrine!
  • They profess to make the Word of God easier to understand, but they do not!  The Holy Spirit reveals the understanding of God’s Word to man, not man’s intellect.  The “bible” is said to be made “easier” to understand, yet fewer than ever are reading any version!

There is a battle raging over the souls of man.  The warfare can only be won with the Word of God.  Many, including Satan, are working hard to dull the only spiritual weapon man has.  God has made sure the Bible is still preserved in the KJV.  Do you read and obey it?

If the modern ‘bibles’ are supposed to make it easier to understand and also correct ‘mistakes,’ why did 300+ different English versions still not make it easy enough and get it right, and why are they still creating more versions?  The answer is that the goal is not to make the Word of God clearer, but to make money and make it say what they want!”

What the New “bibles” Do
Bill Brinkworth

There are thousands of changes in all the different versions.  Here are a few so one can get an idea as to how man has changed what God has said! 

They change God’s Commandments.
King James (KJV): “And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest.  And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” Acts 8:37
New International Version (NIV): Verse removed and footnoted
New American Standard Version (NASV): Verse removed and footnoted
New World Translation (NWT — Jehovah Witness Bible): Verse removed.
Revised Standard Version (RSV): Verse removed and footnoted
New Century Version (NCV): Verse removed and footnoted.
These re-writers wanted to do away with the biblical teaching of baptism!

They alter truths about Christ.
(KJV) “And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” Mat.  1:25
(NASV) “and kept her virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called his name Jesus.”
(RSV)  “but knew her not until she had borne a son; and he called his name Jesus.”
(NIV) “But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son.  And he gave him the name Jesus.”

Other versions remove wording that indicates Jesus was Mary’s firstborn son.  
(KJV) “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.” Mat.  18:11
(NASB) This verse is footnoted and implies that it should not be there.
(NIV) Verse removed and footnoted (footnote is changed, however).
(NWT) Verse removed.
(NCV) Verse removed.
The important reason for Jesus Christ’s coming has been deleted!  The way of salvation is removed!

They alter truths about judgment and Hell!
“Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.” Mark 9:46
(NIV) Omitted and footnoted
(NWT, NASB, NCV.  RSV, Amplified) Omitted.

They do not make God’s word easier to understand, as they claim!
(KJV) “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;” Eph. 5:18
New King James Version (NKJV)  “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation….”
(NIV) “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery.  Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”

(KJV) “Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the princes, the governors, and the captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.” Daniel 3:2
(NKJV) “And King Nebuchadnezzar sent word to gather together the satraps, the administrators, the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates, and all the officials of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up.” A difficult word was inserted, and facts were changed.
(NIV) “He then summoned the satraps, prefects ….”

They change facts:
“Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel’s table.” I Kings 18:19
 (NKJV, NIV, NCV, NASB, RSV) “… and the four hundred prophets of Asherah ….”
(NWT) “… four hundred prophets of sacred pole ….”
In the Catholic Confraternity Version (1963), this verse is found in III Kings 18:19.

They not only remove and change words, but they add words.
“And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Rev. 22:19
(The Amplified Bible) “And if any one cancels or takes away from the statements of the book of this prophecy — these predictions relating to Christ’s kingdom and its speedy triumph, together with the consolations and admonitions (warnings) pertaining to them — God will cancel and take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the city of holiness (pure and hallowed) which are described and promised in this book.” — wheeww!

“Things That Are Different Are Not the Same!”  
— Title of Dr. Mickey Carter’s book on the Bible version issue

The BIBLE VIEW #895 — Assorted

In This Issue:
 The Church That Would Not Help
Trust God
The Clock Ticks On

Volume: 895     February 5, 2023
Theme: Assorted

Start your day with some good news from the Bible!  Sign-up at to receive the DAILY VIEW devotion.  The daily e-mail includes a KJV chapter, a brief commentary on the chapter’s teachings, and more spiritual food for the hungry soul.  

View 16+ years of printable, free BIBLE VIEWS at  Make as many copies as you need and use them at your church, nursing homes (large print version available), Sunday school, deaf ministry, bus ministry, and as a church bulletin insert. 

 The Church That Would Not Help
Dr. Ralph Yarnell

Once upon a time, there was an average preacher who pastored an average church in an average city.  The church was always short on mission funds.  One day a salesman approached the pastor with the following proposal.

“If you allow me to speak to your congregation for 15 minutes, I will show you how to easily add $10,000 to your mission program now and an extra $1,000 each month, if the church members cooperate.”

The average preacher consulted with the average church board.  They put it to a vote of the average congregation and quickly accepted the proposition.  A date and time were set.  Announcements were made, and every church member was urged to attend. 

The time arrived; the church was packed, and the salesman began:
“Ladies and gentlemen, I represent a home training program.  If you use our equipment, I guarantee you will quickly learn at least 32 things that will give you a thrilling experience.  Our equipment sells from $100 to several thousand dollars and $20 each month from then on.  Our equipment will teach you:

  1. How to murder anyone you don’t like
  2. How to deceive
  3. How to commit adultery
  4. How to get drunk
  5. How to use and push drugs
  6. How to curse
  7. How to have an abortion
  8. How to display your nakedness
  9. How to embrace Humanism
  10. How to get a divorce
  11. How to spread violence
  12. How to enjoy vulgarity
  13. How to be anti-God and anti-Christian
  14. How to be anti-American
  15. How to show hate
  16. How to tell lies
  17. How to be a thief
  18. How to live immorally
  19. How to have illicit sex
  20. How to be a homosexual
  21. How to show vengeance
  22. How to become a gambler
  23. How to commit suicide
  24. How to be an arsonist
  25. How to cheat others
  26. How to be continually fighting
  27. How to be a mugger and a rapist
  28. How to commit hideous crimes
  29. How to torture others
  30. How to loot
  31. How to riot
  32. How to disobey both God and the government.

“The 32 things are only the beginning of what our equipment will teach you.  I guarantee it!

“Now, by showing raised hands, let me see how many of you are willing to invest in our equipment.  None?  Can it be there is not one raised hand?

“Now, by the raised hand, let me see how many of you have a television or DVD player.  Nearly every hand is raised.

“Evidently, someone beat me to the sale, for I am selling TVs and DVDs.  I promised this church an opportunity for $10,000 plus more than $1,000 each month for your mission program if you would follow my suggestions.  The suggestions are for each of you to sell your TVs and DVDs, give the proceeds to your church missions program, and donate the monthly cable charge to your church’s program.

“Now, how many of you are willing to follow my suggestions?  Raise your hands, please.  Can it be not one hand is raised?  Tell me, why are none of you willing to help missions?”

“Wait, we don’t want to be too hasty.  There are some benefits of controlled TV,” said the pastor.

The salesman questioned, “Do you control the TV, or does it control you?  Few, if any Christians can overcome the erosion of clear thinking, traditional values, and Biblical living caused by improper exposure to TV and DVDs.”

“There are still some good things on TV,” retorted a deacon.

“Yes, of course; even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day.”

“I believe there is some good in everything,” a Sunday school teacher added.

“Yes, there is no doubt some good food in the garbage can, but we do not go there to get our dinner,” answered the salesman.

“Most of us have already signed a petition to the FCC to clean up TV,” said a choir member.

“Noble thought, but the Christian’s job is not to clean up the pigpen, but to keep the pigpen out of our homes, lives, and churches.”

“Let’s be reasonable.  There’s nothing wrong with laughing at comedy and having a good time,” interjected the youth leader.

“Yes, but we cannot laugh our life away or when sin is glorified.  Folks, the mission money your church needs is in your TVs and DVDs.  The revival you need is in the disposal of that equipment.” The salesman ended his presentation at that point as no one wanted to support missions or end their exposure to sin. 

The average church continued to wonder why they were always short of money for the missionaries.

“One leak will sink a ship, and one sin will destroy a sinner.” – John Bunyan

Trust God
Author Unknown

One morning in George Mueller’s orphanage, there was no food for the children’s breakfast.  The tables were set with empty plates and mugs.  Mr. Mueller prayed, “Dear Father, we thank Thee for what Thou art going to give us to eat.”  Immediately, there was a knock at the door.  Opening it, he saw the local baker.

“Mr. Mueller,” he said, “I couldn’t sleep last night.  I felt you had no bread for breakfast, so I got up at 2 o’clock and baked fresh bread.  Here it is.”

Mueller thanked him and praised God.  Then a second knock came.  It was the milkman.  His cart had broken down out front, and he wanted to give the milk to the children.

It was a happy group that gave God thanks that morning.  God never fails His child who trusts Him.

“And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.”  John 14:13-14

“Every believer is God’s miracle.”  — P. Bailey

 The Clock Ticks On
Author Unknown

The clock of life is wound, but once
And no man has the power
To tell just when the hands will stop
At late or early hour.

To lose one’s wealth is sad indeed.
To lose one’s health is more.
To lose one’s soul is such a loss
That no man can restore.

“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26

The BIBLE VIEW #884 — Spiritual Remodeling

In This Issue:
Just A Piece of Stone?
Inward Changes
A Notable Conversion

Volume: 884     November 14, 2022
Theme: Spiritual Remodeling

Sign-up at to receive the DAILY VIEW devotion.  The daily e-mail includes a KJV chapter, a short devotion on something taught in that chapter, and more spiritual food for the hungry soul.  Start your day with some good news from the Bible!

View 16+ years of printable, free BIBLE VIEWS at as many copies as you need and use them in your ministry, nursing homes (large print version available), Sunday school, deaf ministry, bus ministry, and church bulletin insert. 

Just A Piece of Stone?
Bill Brinkworth

Weeks of visiting different marble quarries finally paid off.  After examining many blocks of the art material, the sculptor finally found the stone for which he was looking.  Arrangements in the office were made, and the rock was promised to be delivered the following week.

When the delivery was made, the hefty piece was hoisted off the truck, loaded on a dolly, and wheeled into the artist’s studio.  There it stayed, as it was viewed, admired, and studied for imperfections by the stone carver.  Days later, a rough sketch was drawn on the piece of stone to give the sculptor an idea of what material was to be removed.

Soon, the hard work began.  A small, pneumatic hammer banged away, removing large chunks of the unwanted material.  The floor was quickly littered with marble waste.

After the course outline was followed, the tedious, detailing handwork began.  Day and sometimes night, the sculptor chipped off the unneeded rock.  Slowly, the block took on a form of a man.  A face, appendages, and clothing were slowly revealed on the once shapeless block of stone.

Patiently, weeks passed until finally, the sculptor stepped back and viewed the finished, polished piece of art.  Hard work transformed the once unformed piece of marble into a work pleasing to its craftsman and many that would view the artwork for decades.

In like matter, God can masterfully and slowly transform any willing person for His admiration and use.  Many may see the person as a hopeless case.  However, despite the imperfections He knows about, God has great hopes for what He can make of the person. 

When a person sees oneself as flawed with sin, having little hope in this life or the next, and trusts Christ as Saviour,  the Master steps in.  He sees what the person could be and patiently chips away, if the person allows, and transforms that creature into something the Creator, person, and society admires.

Usually, after a person is saved,  guilt from sin is the first sign of salvation.  After admitting and trusting God to overcome that iniquity, God begins the patient process of removing that transgression and others from the believer.

One by one, sin’s hold on a person is released as God helps dispose of the unneeded sin-caused flaws.  Outward and inward iniquities are slowly removed.  Some may have a more stubborn hold on the converted life than others.  At times, the iniquity’s removal may even be hurtful when it is pried from a life, but God’s handiwork continues.

Some cannot stand the strain of having sins removed from their lives.  Too often, many disallow the elimination of the clinging iniquity.  Although the Master Sculptor patiently waits, he urges the believer to allow Him to remove the hindering imperfections. 

After it is clear God’s convicting voice is ignored, the Master often halts helping the one that has rejected Him.  His disrupted handiwork too often remains unfinished for the rest of that person’s life because of his refusal to allow God to continue His work in his life.

Others are more willing to be changed by their Master.  The sinners know that their attempts are often futile, and they need the Perfect One’s assistance. 

Those that allow God to remove what He knows will hamper His use and their “beauty” slowly becomes what their Creator desires.  At times, His changes are painful as they are removed, but the trusting heart of the believer knows that His God knows best and willingly endures the changes. 

Once thought unfit, blemished, and “unusable,” God’s creation takes on a new form and usage.  Selfishness is redirected to others’ needs, and conscience-nagging sins are discarded.

As the Master removes the unneeded ”baggage,” the once “hopeless case” is now being used by Him. Completion of small tasks given to the Christian-under-construction proves the believer’s allegiance.  Since the child of God has proven faithful, more opportunities of service are entrusted to that believer.

The believer’s obedience to studying and obeying God’s Word soons qualifies him to teach a Sunday school class.  Witnessing to others and showing God’s way to Heaven has proven him fit for a bus ministry, enabling him to win others to the cause of Christ.  The reward for the Christian’s obedience is more work for the Master.

Days run into weeks; months turn into years, and the trusted believer is still faithfully at His God-assigned tasks.  Yes, there were times he did not feel like teaching his class, but still, he labored at the ministry.  Souls were told of salvation, and many saw God’s glory in the changing and using the once imperfect person.  

If one looks closely at the creature God changed, some scars from past sins may remain.  However, God looks past all those and sees how the person has become a masterpiece for His use.

God desires to be allowed to have the same liberty in your life.   Will you admit your imperfections and let the Master Sculptor change your life?  He is willing and awaits your reply!

“Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God?  Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?  21  Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour.”  Romans 9:20-21

Inward Changes
Bill Brinkworth

Repentance is the “… pain, regret, or affliction which a person feels on account of his past conduct…” (Noah Webster, 1828).  This sorrowful attitude over one’s sins was a vital part of John the Baptist’s ministry and is essential today when one is saved from the eternal wages of one’s iniquities. 

Although a repentant person will change one’s behavior, just changing conduct alone will not save anyone. If a lifestyle change were necessary for salvation, those acts would be a type of good work, and no good deed can save anyone from the eternal wages of sin (Ephesians 2:8-9).

John, the Baptist, illustrated that a broken heart over sin would produce a better life when he spoke to four types of people:

  • To the religious but not righteous, John told them that if they were convicted over their sins, they would prove it by a lifestyle that would show “fruits” from their inward changes.  Their changed heart would change how they lived, and others could see what the changes had done in their life (Luke 3:8).
  • To the common people, he told them that a giving attitude would show a changed heart (Luke 3:11).  John must have known that they were covetous of the things of this world and that they were not trusting God daily for their needs.
  • To the publicans, he also said there would need to be some changes in their lives. Publicans were notoriously dishonest tax collectors. John told them their spiritual remodeling should include honesty (Luke 3:13).
  • To soldiers, John did not tell them to quit the army. He told them their change of heart would include halting unnecessary violence, lying, and dissatisfaction with their salaries.

A changed, repentant heart is proof of one’s salvation. The areas John said should change in lives over 2,000 years ago should still change when one’s life is altered by salvation today.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” II Corinthians 5:17

“You cannot repent too soon because you do not know how soon it may be too late.”  — Fuller

A Notable Conversion
C. H. Spurgeon

A jail chaplain once told me about a surprising case of conversion in which the covenant of grace was the chief instrument of the Holy Spirit.  My friend had under his charge a man most cunning and brutal.  He was repulsive, even in comparison with other convicts.  He had been renowned for his daring and the utter absence of all feeling when committing acts of violence.

Several times the chaplain had spoken to him but had not succeeded even in getting an answer.  The man was sullenly set against all instruction.  At last, he expressed a desire for a specific book, but it was not in the library.

The chaplain pointed to the Bible, which was placed in his cell, and said, “Did you ever read that Book?”

He did not answer but looked at the good man as if he would kill him.  The question was kindly repeated, with the assurance that he would find it well worth reading.

“Sir,” said the convict, “you would not ask me such a question if you knew who I was.  What have I to do with a book of that sort?”

He was told that his character was well known to the chaplain, and for this reason, he recommended the Bible as a book that would suit his case.

“It would do me no good,” he snapped, “I am past all feeling.” Doubling up his fist, he struck the cell’s iron door and said, “My heart is as hard as that iron.  There is nothing in any book that will ever touch me.”

“Well,” said the chaplain, “do you want a new heart?  Did you ever read the covenant of grace?” The man answered sullenly by inquiring what he meant by such talk.

The preacher replied, “Listen to these words, ‘A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.’” (Ezekiel 36:26)

The words struck the man with amazement.  He asked to have the passage found for him in the Bible.  He read the words again and again.

When the chaplain came back to him the next day, the wild beast was tamed.  “Oh, sir,” he said, “I never dreamed of such a promise!  I never believed it possible that God would speak in such a way as that to men.  If He gives me a new heart, it will be a miracle of mercy, and yet I think, He is going to work that miracle upon me, for the very hope of a new nature is beginning to touch me as I never was touched before.”

That man became gentle in manner, obedient to authority, and child-like in spirit from then on.  He was a new creature.

“Too often, deathbed repentance is burning the candle of life in the service of the devil and then blowing the smoke into the face of God.”  — Billy Sunday