The Bible View #910 — God’s Provision

In This Issue:
Little Can Be Much
Little Is Much When God Is In It
“I’ve Got All I Want”
Just Enough
Looking for a Way Out
Wealth May Not Give Happiness

Volume: 910   June 5, 2023
Theme: God’s Provision

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Little Can Be Much
Bill Brinkworth

Somehow, many Christians have gotten it into their heads that if God blesses someone, there will be prosperity and ease.  Perhaps some of that thinking was drummed into them through the “prosperity Gospel” crowd, who teach that God wants you to be rich and gives one an easy life if they are right with Him. Maybe our natural thinking makes us believe that any problems we have can only mean that we are not right with God and His hand is against us.  That teaching is not evidenced in the Bible often, however.

There were times when God gave peace and prosperity to some at certain times.  The majority of the time, God’s evidence of power is more evident during “bad” and troubled times.  Those times can get one closer to Him and allow one to see God’s mightiness.

Often, God works with a little, rather than much, to accomplish His goals.  Yet, when all was finished, there was no question that God had done a great thing with just a little.  His miracles are sometimes performed with irrational objects, resulting in the most illogical solutions.  Some of these supernatural occurrences were:

  • The earth was created in six days by God only, not over millions of years, and not by many “accidents” or a “big bang.”  

    Being created by one God is not how a “natural” man would understand.  A lot was accomplished with just a little of God’s time.
  • The people were scattered at the tower of Babel, not by disease or enemy, but by a “little” confusion of languages.  From that small instance, people were scattered, and civilization spread all over the globe.
  • Moses and God’s people had a way of escaping from the encroaching enemy when Moses stretched his rod over the sea.  They watched as God took an “impossible” method to open the Red Sea for them to cross to safety.  
  • The walls of a protected enemy were knocked down by a simple shout at Jericho, not ramming machines nor by a vast army.  A big victory was accomplished by an incident that would hardly be expected to knock those mighty double walls outward.
  • Naaman’s leprosy was cured by simply dipping in the Jordan River seven times, not by some doctor’s cure or super drug.  A little obedience healed the man in a big way.
  • Gideon was vastly outnumbered but won a battle with only 300 men, lamps, pitchers, and shouts.
  • Under-sized David slew his adversary with a small, smooth stone propelled from his unthreatening sling.
  • Tiny God-controlled hornets chased vast enemies.
  • Five small barley loaves and two fishes fed over 5,000 people.
  • A blind man’s sight was restored not by surgery or some miracle cure but by a little spittle and clay.
  • Man’s Sins can be forgiven simply by Jesus’ paying for them 2,000 years ago by His shed blood on Calvary’s cross, not by our good works or our payment for them.  The death of one “man,” Christ, became the most important action in man’s history.

Anyone can get by with the help of millions of dollars; there is not much of a miracle in that.  There is not always proof that God is in the solution when money buys the way out of the problem.  When there is plenty in the checkbook, just about anybody can change any situation.  Solving situations with plenty is not necessarily God’s fingerprint on the solution.

When God is involved in a situation, He must get the glory.  He will get the credit when a “little” does the impossible.  Nothing is impossible when God is in the matter.  God’s involvement is often evident when a little goes a long way and does extraordinary and wondrous things.  Little is much when God is in it because God can do anything He desires with anything!

“When you’re down to nothing, God may be up to something.”

Little Is Much When God Is In It
Hymn by Kittie Suffield

In the harvest field now ripened
There’s a work for all to do;
Hark!  the voice of God is calling,
To the harvest calling you.
Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame;
There’s a crown, and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ name.

In the mad rush of the broad way,
In the hurry and the strife,
Tell of Jesus’ love and mercy,
Give to them the Word of Life.

Does the place you’re called to labor
Seem so small and little known?
It is great if God is in it,
And He’ll not forget His own.

Are you laid aside from service,
Body worn from toil and care?
You can still be in the battle,
In the sacred place of prayer.

When the conflict here is ended
And our race on Earth is run,
He will say, if we are faithful,
“Welcome home, My child—well done!”

“I’ve Got All I Want”
Oliver B. Greene

After a Sunday school lesson one week, a little girl was heard misquoting Psalm 23:1, a familiar Bible verse that many children have memorized.  Although the child did not quote it quite right, she had the right idea when she said, “The Lord is my shepherd; I’ve got all I want.”

The truth we adults often fail to remember is that God does provide all our needs, and we should be content with His provision.

“Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?” Luke 12:24

Just Enough
Edited from an Article by Robert G. Lee

God miraculously dealt with the people of Israel during their wilderness wandering.  God said, “And I have led you forty years in the wilderness: your clothes are not waxen old upon you, and thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot.  6 Ye have not eaten bread, neither have ye drunk wine or strong drink: that ye might know that I am the LORD your God.” Deut. 29:5-6

The Israelites’ clothes did not wear out for forty years, and they received a daily ration of manna rained down on them from Heaven.   The manna was “…  like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.” Exodus 13:31  God faithfully provided for them daily.

They received enough manna daily for every man, woman, and child to eat.  If they tried to save some for the next day, it would be covered by worms and stank.  God’s reason was not because of the shortage of supplies.  It was so they would obey Him and trust Him to provide.
“Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.” Exodus 16:4

God wanted to know whether Israel would trust Him for their daily provisions.  Though it took the equivalent of one hundred and eighty freight car loads of manna each day to feed these three million Israelites and ninety-four tank cars of water per day, God did not let them lack at any time.

If we trust and obey what God has told us in His Word, He will provide for us.  He will meet your needs.

“When a train goes through a dark tunnel, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off.  You sit still and trust the engineer to get you through safely.  Trust God today, no matter how dark your situation.  God says, ‘You are
coming out!’”

Looking for a Way Out
Oliver B. Greene

At a cross-country steeplechase exhibition, one horse suddenly shied away from a hurdle and ran into a barbed-wire fence.  The result was a disaster, as the rider was taken by ambulance to a hospital, and the bleeding horse remained ensnarled in the wire until the slow process of cutting it away was completed.

The underlying tragedy was seen in the fact that the jump was a low one, which the horse could have easily cleared.  Yet, the horse mistook the fence to be an opening in the course and thus an escape from the obstacle.

We are often like that foolish horse!  When faced with difficulties, do we look for the way out rather than trusting God’s provision?  Do we break for an opening at the first opportunity, only to find that we have become ensnared and that our present difficulty is far worse than the one we sought to avoid?

Wealth May Not Give Happiness
Author Unknown

After the death of Abderman, Caliph of Cordova, the following paper was found in his handwriting: “Fifty years have elapsed since I became caliph.  I have possessed riches, honors, pleasures, and friends.  In short, I have had everything that man can desire in this world.  I have reckoned up the days I could say I was really happy, and they amount to fourteen.”

The BIBLE VIEW #877 — Money

In This Issue:
The Car in the Cellar
The Musings of a Dollar
Affluency Now, Bankruptcy Later
Both Jewels and Life Lost
Applegate’s Cow

Volume: 877     September 26, 2022
Theme:  Money

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The Car in the Cellar
Bill Brinkworth

Years ago, a group of friends met in the basement of a city home.  During a friendly game of billiards, a crazy idea popped up in conversation.  “Wouldn’t it be funny,” one may have suggested, “if we could build a Model-T right here in the basement?”

Soon the group of mechanics was chuckling at the idea.  They all offered to pitch in.  Everyone volunteered to help bring the pieces of the automobile, one by one, through the upstairs doorway and down into the cellar.

The joke and dare became a project.  As promised, each man brought a piece of the car down the steps and into the cellar.  As more pieces arrived, the assembly progressed.  After an extended period, the car was completely assembled: fenders, tires, engine, interior, and every other part.  The professional mechanics even got it running.  What a neighborhood joke the car in the basement must have been.

Time passed.  One by one, the weekly meeting lost another member.  The original builders even forgot about their project.  

Soon, even the house was sold.  The new owners chuckled at what was downstairs, but the car’s novelty was quickly forgotten.

As I recall the story, the house was condemned many years later.  After the residence was destroyed, the old Ford was rolled away and sold.  The house and all the mechanics were gone, but the “treasure” remained.

What a similarity that Model-T is to what happens in many lives.  Little things that really have no importance become far too paramount in lives.

Many lives have been wasted, marriages destroyed, and families split up because priority was given to hobbies, friends, jobs, and “things.”  Once their life is over, the possessions may remain, but what was important was destroyed or never given the priority and time it deserved.

Vast numbers of people have died with quite an impressive number of “things,” but spiritually, they were destitute.  They had all this world offered them but died and went to Hell because their eternal destination never was a concern to them, but their possessions remained.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36

“Things” are not that important.  They give temporary enjoyment, but that joy is not permanent.  Relationships with people are far more important.  Our children, family, and friends should be valued more than temporal things.  

What are we to profit if we have big cars and houses, but our children have had to raise themselves and have ruined their lives?  How are we rich when we have large bank accounts, but our family does not talk with us anymore?  What joy will that fancy car you sacrificed to have bring you when you have no one with which to share it?  

When our life is over, our “things” will remain, but will our influence on others be remembered?  Will our life have made a difference?

When the “house” of our world perishes is what remains that important?  On deathbeds, the shiny frills of this world are rarely mentioned.  

The assurance of Heaven and regrets for poor relationships are usually the primary concerns during our “end.”  Do not wait until death is imminent to get your priorities right!

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” I Timothy 6:10

The Musings of a Dollar
Author Unknown

If money could talk, it would make one of these three speeches:

  • It may say, “Hold me, and I will dry out the foundations of sympathy and benevolence in your soul and leave you barren and destitute.  Grasp me tightly, and I will change your sight.  You will care to look upon nothing that does not contain my image.  I will transform your hearing so that my soft metallic ring will sound louder than the cries of needy widows,  orphans, and the perishing multitudes.  Keep me, clutch me, and I will destroy your sympathy for others, your respect for what is right, and your love and reverence for God.”
  • Or it may say, “Spend me for self-indulgence, and I will make your soul fat and indifferent to all except your pleasure.  I will become your master, and you will think that I only am of importance and power.”
  • Or it may whisper, “Give me away for the benefit of others, and I will return in streams of spiritual revenue to your soul.  I will bless the one that received and the one that gave me away.  I will supply food for the hungry, raiment for the naked, medicine for the sick, and send the Gospel to the needy.  At the same time, I will secure joy and peace for the soul that uses me for others’ needs.” 

Author Unknown

Dug from the mountainside
Or washed from the glen,
Servant am I or master of men.
Earn me, and I bless you;
Steal me, and I curse you;
Grasp me and hold me,
A fiend shall possess you.
Lie for me, die for me,
Covet me, take me —
Friend or foe,
I’m just what you make me.

I finally figured out why people get nervous and upset when the love of money is preached.  The preacher is criticizing and devaluing their little ‘god,’ and they don’t like their religion belittled.— B. B.

Affluence Now, Bankruptcy Hereafter
Author Unknown

A tribe in Africa elected a new king every seven years.  For seven years, the king enjoyed the high honor and was provided with every luxury known to the savage life. 

During those years, his authority was absolute.  He even had the power of life and death.  For seven years, he ruled, was honored, and surfeited with possessions, but he was killed at the end of the period. 

Every member of the tribe was aware of the king’s fate, for it was a long-standing custom.  However, there was never an applicant lacking for the post.  For seven years of luxury and power, men were willing to sacrifice the remainder of their life. 

They may have been pagans, yet in the proudest civilization of our day, men and women of intelligence and leadership are making the same choice between things now and spiritual bankruptcy in the hereafter.  Scores are willing to be bankrupt through eternity if they may only have wealth now.

Both Jewels and Life Lost
Walter Knight

Some wealthy persons of Pompeii, aware of the coming volcanic destruction, fled, leaving valuables behind as they deemed them worthless compared to their lives.

Among the discoveries in the city’s ruins were the remains of a woman in the act of gathering rings, bracelets, and other valuable articles of jewelry left behind.  The woman delayed the time of her flight and was overwhelmed by the holocaust!   Both her jewels and life were lost.

“Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them.  Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.  But ye said, Wherein shall we return?  Will a man rob God?  Yet ye have robbed me.  But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee?  In tithes and offerings.  Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.”
Malachi 3:7-9.

Applegate’s Cow
Author Unknown

A summer boarder at the Applegate’s farm asked, “How much milk does that cow give?”

“Wal,” replied farmer Applegate, “ef ya mean by voluntary contribooshun, she don’t give none.  But ef ye kin get her cornered so’s she can’t kick none to hurt, an able-bodied man kin take away about ‘leven quarts a day from her.” 

Unfortunately, that sounds like the way many give to the Lord.  Too many are like farmer Applegate’s cow when it comes to giving.