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The BIBLE VIEW #977 — Why?

In This Issue:
There Is A Reason
… But God Had Different Plans

Volume: 977    October 4, 2024
Theme: Why?

Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

There Is A Reason
Bill Brinkworth

While walking my four-footed friend, Buddi, I almost walked into a thread from which a one-inch green worm descended.  It hung 10 feet from a hanging oak branch.  The barely noticeable thread was used to safely lower the creature that distance.

As I watched the creature work, he struggled and wiggled.  His efforts, however, seemingly did nothing to lower him, let alone the five more feet to the ground.  Finally, he was still, but to my surprise, more thread was quickly produced from his posterior, and he was lowered safely and speedily to the ground.  After touching the ground, he wiggled away as if nothing had happened.

How similar is that creature’s 15-foot journey to what many experience.  Life often throws serious obstacles in the way of many.  They start out attempting to deal with the situation.  There may be some progress, but shortly they quit.

As the little worm experienced, many attempts to remedy a bad situation do not seem to get anywhere.  People struggle; they wrestle with the problem the best they can, but soon, they get tired and stop.  Then, out of nowhere, it seems the problem is solved, and they glide gently through the situation they never thought they would conquer.

For a Christian, a daunting situation is often when God will allow a change in one’s life.  Nothing that happens to us is a surprise to God.  He always has a plan for us that we often do not recognize.

Some believe life’s catastrophes are a punishment allowed by God.  For some, they may be.  The unpleasant predicament may be a price-tag for doing wrong, disobedience, or even sin.  Hopefully, the struggle will get the person’s attention, and they will change the direction they are going.

Years ago, my friend Kenny fell off a high ladder.  As he lay there knowing parts of his body were broken, he immediately went to God in prayer and asked, “Is this accident for something I have done or haven’t done?”  When no reminder of wrongdoing evaded his thought life, Kenny quickly assumed the fall would have another purpose in his life and prepared to endure what the Lord allowed.

For others, the challenge may be for another purpose.  The reasons can be different for each person.  No one should assume they know why a person has the trials they are experiencing.  Only God knows the real reason!
“When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.” Job 22:29

Some may go through fires of tribulation to teach a lesson requiring trust or patience for future benefits.  For others, the trial may move one in another direction, to keep them from further hurt from an unseen future calamity, the consequences of living in a sin-cursed world (sin often hurts more than the sinner), to use their character to show others how they should react in a similar situation, or many other reasons.
“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:” I Peter 5:6
“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you.” James 4:10

As the wiggling inchworm soon figured out, when attempts to fix a situation are seemingly for naught, relax and trust God to do what He will.  Do not develop a blame-God-attitude, but trust, be patient, and have faith that His leadership in handling the bad situation will bring glory to God and be for your best.

… But God Had Different Plans
Bill Brinkworth

We all, at one time or another, have had hard times.  Sometimes, those difficulties are caused by a group or an individual.  It seems that they are in control and changing the direction of one’s life. 

However, even if situations are meant to hamper or hurt, there could be a good result in the future.  Joseph in Genesis can certainly attest to that. 

The young man could not help that his father, Israel, favored him.  Israel’s blessings on his son made Joseph’s siblings quite jealous.  Their jealousy festered, and their hearts became bitter to the innocent younger brother.  It was not long until their bitterness resulted in their throwing the boy into a pit.  An opportunity arose, and they sold their sibling into slavery.

From there, many hardships happened to the teenager.  Joseph was sold in Egypt to Potiphar.  There, he served his master, but “.. the Lord was with Joseph…” (Genesis 39:1).  He was in a bad situation, but God had a purpose for the boy.

Later, a lie from Potiphar’s wife got Joeseph thrown into prison.  Even in this horrible situation, “… the Lord was with Joseph…” (Gen. 39:21).

While in prison and after some time, God used Joseph.  After a series of God-directed events, Joseph became second in command over Egpyt. 

Joseph spared Egypt and his family from a consuming famine using his new lofty leadership role.  All the terrible happenings in his life were to place him where God would use him to help many. 

Those hard times may have been intended to abuse and use him, but the hand of God allowed those circumstances to put Joseph in the place where the Lord needed him.  As the powerful man stood before his family, Joseph was able to say to his brothers, “Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.” (Gen. 45:5  Also: Gen. 45:7, 8).  Joseph realized that God had plans for him and put him in the right place by allowing him to face some difficulties.

Others have also found themselves facing unfair treatment, as did Joseph.  While wearied and discouraged from tumultuous trials, they also discovered that God used events to put them in a position where God could use them.

God allowed Satan to do his worst to the godly Job.  After perhaps a year of losing possessions and having friends and family turn against the non-wavering child of God, Job was blessed with much more than he originally had.
“And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.” Job 42:10

Moses remembered all the years Israel faced hardship and servitude in Egypt.  Still, he saw how God dealt with the pharaoh and the Egyptians in His timing.  Israel then saw that their prayers for freedom were answered as God led them to a land He had for them.
“… 4 Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself.” Exodus 19:3-4

God used the hatred of the Jews,  the cruelty of Roman soldiers, and the betrayal of Judas to give us eternal hope because of Jesus’ death.  God’s only Son was beaten, mocked, embarrassed, and nailed to the cross so that sinners would have an acceptable payment to cover their sins.  We are blessed because of His sacrifice, and now Jesus sits on the right hand of God.

The apostle Paul also was on the receiving end of unfair treatment.  However, what seemed like misfortune on his part, God used those methods to make him a witness in Rome.
“And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said,  Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.” Acts 23:11

We should also recognize that perhaps something happening in our life is ordered by the Lord.  A child of God was bought by the price of His Son’s blood.  If born-again into His family, we are His.  God will use His own as he sees fit.
“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” I Corinthians 6:20  Also: I Cor. 7:23.

So, child of God, first examine yourself if you find yourself in trying times.  Are you reaping what you have sowed in sin’s field, and maybe you are facing iniquity’s consequences?  Is it possible that you are not a child of God, and He is using your situation to get you to turn to Him for salvation?  If you are sure of your salvation, is God trying to get your attention to change your course?

If self-examination does not reveal any reasons, it may be quite possible that you are in the same boat as the above heroes of the faith were and where many other Christians have found themselves.  It may be God has future plans for you, and He is moving you to a place where He can use you.
“Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.  4 The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.”  Proverbs 16:3-4

Be encouraged, Christian, if you find yourself in a similar situation like so many others had.  You are on the winning side, so be patient, always do right, and wait for the Lord to use you the way He desires.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

The BIBLE VIEW #976 — Judging

In This Issue:
It Can Happen to Anyone!
Would You Dare
The Hand of God Was Against Them
What Inspired William Booth

Volume: 976    October 7, 2024
Theme: Judging

It Can Happen to Anyone!
Bill Brinkworth

Sometimes, we can be very judgmental of a person.  We are reluctant to show mercy when one sins or makes a mistake.  However, we should remember no one is exempt from making a wrong decision.

Anyone of us could make a mistake and get involved in thievery, dishonesty, immorality, or any other sin.  It is only God’s grace and our character that separates us from those that get involved in sin.  

Peter was a prime example of unexpected, ungodly behavior.  Peter boasted to Jesus that he loved Jesus so much that he would never turn against Him.  The apostle was determined that he would lay down his life for the Saviour.  Prophetically, Jesus responded, revealing that He knew Peter would deny Him three times (John 13:37-38, Mat. 26:34) before the rooster crowed.

After an angry mob took Jesus away, Jesus’ prophecy was fulfilled.  When a woman opened the door and accused Peter of being one of the ones with Jesus, Peter denied that he was even associated with Christ (John 18:17).

Another damsel asked Peter if he was one of those who was with Jesus as he warmed himself at a fire (John 18:25, Mat.26:71).  He flatly denied any association with Jesus.  Later, another servant asked the disciple if he was one of those with Jesus.  Peter denied even knowing the Lord (John 18:26) for the third time.  A rooster then crowed. Peter, I am sure, “Gulped!” He had done what he thought he would never do.

Sin can happen to any one of us.  We can never put down our guard and think that sin cannot control or overtake us.  Do you think you are so spiritual that you will never fall?  Be careful; a rooster may be getting ready to crow for you at any minute.

Would You Dare?
Bill Brinkworth

One of man’s natural tendencies is to judge others by his measuring stick, usually himself.  Paul, in Romans 2, powerfully addresses that weakness.
“Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same thing… 3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?” Romans 2:1-3

Many times, when we judge others, we have or have had the same problem ourselves.  Those who have had or are still having the biggest issues seem to complain the loudest of another’s weaknesses.

It is often the ex-smoker who criticizes the loudest about another’s smoke he is inhaling.  An older man grumbles to a son about his child’s late hours coming home, forgetting how his father used to rebuke him in his younger, cohorting days.  One who recently lied on his income tax form somehow is not convicted when he judges a worker who just lied to him.  On and on our hypocritical judging goes.

God, however, knows the truth, and He remembers (Rom. 3:3).  For the born-again child of God, there is no judgment for sins.  All one’s sins are paid for and no longer remembered (Hebrews 10:17).

All Christians, however, will be judged (Mat. 12:36, Gal. 6:7, Eph. 6:8, Col. 3:24) for what they did or did not do for the Lord.  It is called the Judgment Seat of Christ (II Cor. 5:10), and it will involve reward or loss of rewards (Rev. 22:12).

Sadly, the unsaved person’s judgment will be at the White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20:11-15).  That fearful condemnation will be at the end of Christ’s 1,000-year reign on Earth.  At that judgment, the lost will be judged for their sins (Rev. 20:14).

In light of our future day of judgment before an Almighty God who knows everything about us (including real intents for doing something, what we did when no one else saw us, and all other dark secrets), our judgment of others seems so insignificant and embarrassing on our part.  We certainly want our mistakes and sins overlooked when we stand before our Judge.  Can we stop judging others and leave that to the One who knows all?

The Hand of God Was Against Them
C. Buck, 1871

Many say it is a presumption to pronounce the calamities of sinners as particular judgments of God.  A study was made of many cruel, persecuting tyrants who delighted in tormenting their fellow creatures.

The study revealed that they died not the common deaths of most men.  They suffered plagues and fatalities that were horrible and strange.  Even a skeptic would be moved by the evidence and would be apt to suspect that the hand of God was in their demise.  Here are some biblical-related examples:

  • Herod the Great attempted to destroy the baby Jesus Christ by ordering the deaths of all the male children that were in and near Bethlehem.  The historian Josephus reported that Herod had a long and grievous fever, a voracious appetite, difficulty breathing, swelling of his limbs, loathsome ulcers, violent torments, and convulsions, so much that he endeavored to kill himself.  The Jews thought his evils to be Divine judgments upon him for his wickedness.
  • Herod Antipas beheaded John the Baptist and treated Christ contemptuously when He was brought before him.  Aretas, an Arabian king, defeated Herod, and his dominions were taken from him.  He was sent into banishment, along with his infamous wife, Herodias.
  • Herod Agrippa killed James, the brother of John, and put Peter in prison.  The angel of the Lord soon smote him, and he was eaten of worms and died.
  • Judas, who betrayed our Lord, died by his own hands.
  • Pontius Pilate, who condemned Jesus to death was, not long afterward, deposed from his office, banished from his country, and died by his hand.
  • The wicked high priest, Caiaphas, condemned Christ for fear of disobliging the Romans.  He was turned out of his office by the Roman governor, whom he had sought to oblige.
  • Ananias was the high priest who persecuted Paul and ordered him to be smitten on the mouth (Acts 23:2, 24:1).  He was slain, together with his brother, by his son.
  • Domitian persecuted the Christians and was said to be the one who threw John into a cauldron of boiling oil.  The man was later banished to the isle of Patmos and murdered by his people.

What Inspired William Booth
Walter Knight

Many Christians say they believe in the day of accountability.  However, they are as silent as the sphinx when warning others to flee from the wrath to come.

The words that had much to do with William Booth’s being a “fiery” Salvation Army preacher was the indicting, taunting statement from an infidel.  The man said, “If I believed what you Christians say you believe about the coming judgment, day of reckoning, and the eternal lostness of impenitent Christ-rejecters, I would crawl on my bare knees on crushed glass all over London, England, night and day, telling men and women to flee the wrath to come!”

The BIBLE VIEW#975 — Transformations

In This Issue:
Godly Sight
The Great Transformation
The Most Wonderful Plant
Earthly Changes Are Not the New Birth
A New Captain

Volume: 975    September 23, 2024
Theme: A Great Transformation

The  Daily View is a free, daily devotion.  Sign up (https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/a26cc9M), and you will be e-mailed a link to read or HEAR a KJV chapter and a short commentary (200-700 words) of something in the day’s reading.  The e-mail will include a mini-sermon in pictures, a prayer list, Thought for The Day, and short articles reinforcing biblical principles.

Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

Godly Sight
Bill Brinkworth

It had been a long time since the older woman had been considered “legally blind.”  Many years ago, the sight had totally gone in her left eye, and slowly, the right eye’s vision deteriorated.  In the last few years, all she could see from the right were shadows and outlines.

When a doctor told her that surgery might improve what she saw out of the right eye, she hesitated.  She remembered how previous medical attempts obliterated the left eye’s sight.  Still, she pondered the surgery and soon gave her approval.  The day of the operation found her being wheeled down to surgery.

After the surgeon’s work was complete and she awoke from the anesthesia, the bandages were slowly removed.  It was not long until she opened her eyes to see color; then, as her right eye came into focus, she could see details.  She saw what the doctor looked like as he explained what had occurred.  She saw the room’s decor, the chairs, her daughter, and the papers clipped to the doctor’s clipboard.  One eye could once again see.  Her world now appeared differently from what it had previously.

As she continued to scan the room, she saw one thing that she did not like.  In the room’s mirror, the senior saw her image and the wrinkles time put on her face.  When she last saw her reflection, all she had seen was youthful, smooth skin.  Now, her observation was different.  She saw the real her, not what only her hands felt and could “show” her.

Likewise, a person’s spiritual understanding is different when they get saved (John 3:16).  Many things they were involved in now appear different.  What was then “normal” and done by many is currently seen as the Saviour sees it.  Sinfulness and guilt are realized when that activity is even considered.

Lies that used to be a quick defense for getting out of trouble now bring a guilty feeling when uttered.  Watching many television programs now brings shame to one’s heart, as those shows are now realized to be obscene and ungodly.  The obscenities spoken on the same programs are no longer funny but are now perceived as “filthy.”  Some are even recognized as mocking or blaspheming the Saviour.

Habits and other activities that were performed for many years are now felt as “inappropriate” and certainly not exhibiting good Christian behavior.  Much of what was done, said, and seen is now frowned upon after being “born again.”

A transformed vision and understanding come with the “new birth” (John 3:3).  It is part of the attitude and inward change that happens when one is saved.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” II Cor. 5:17

The “new creature” in a saved child of God has a new mind that perceives their condition differently.  It is that mind which thinks similarly to Christ: “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him?  But we have the mind of Christ.” I Cor. 2:16  (Also: I Cor 1:10, Philippians 1:27).

Although many claim to be Christians, few see changes in their thinking processes or behavior.  They see no difference in their lives after a profession of being saved.  That is not what the Bible tells us happens to a person when they “born again.”  They should think differently, and their lives should change.  Perhaps they have only a profession of salvation without real possession.

If you claim to be saved, has there ever been a time when your “vision” was changed?  Do you see your life and the world around you differently? 

After being born again, did you see the “wrinkles” of your own sin’s depravity?  Did the “sight” of how you were thinking and living shock you enough that you wanted to change your lifestyle and follow God’s direction?  Is your spiritual life different than it ever was?  Are you saved?

If you are unsure you are saved and have no one to talk to about that matter, please e-mail me at brinkworth@frontier.com.

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found.
Was blind, but now, I see!”

— From “Amazing Grace” by John Newton (1725-1807)

The Great Transformation
C. H. Spurgeon

I know a village, perhaps once the most profane in England.  It was a village inundated by drunkenness and debauchery of the worst kind.  An honest traveler could not stop in the public house without being annoyed by blasphemy.  It was also a place noted for robbers.

One man, the ringleader of them all, listened to the voice of God and got saved.  That man’s heart was broken.  The entire gang then came to hear the Gospel preached, and they sat and listened to the preacher and believed what he taught from the Word of God.  These men became changed and reformed.  Everyone who knows the place affirms that such a change had never been wrought but by the power of the Holy Ghost.

“No one should disregard a faith that can make sinful men good!”
— Author Unknown

The Most Wonderful Plant
Edited from an article by C. H. Spurgeon

A man had a garden that produced nothing but weeds.  One day, he got some seeds from a rare plant he had heard wonderful stories about.  

He sowed a handful of the seed in his overgrown garden and let it work its way.  He slept and rose and knew not how the seed grew until one day, he opened the gate and saw a sight that astounded him.

He knew that the seed would produce a dainty flower and looked for it, but he had little imagined that the plant would cover the entire garden as it did.  The flower exterminated  every weed.  As he looked from one end to the other, from wall to wall, he could see nothing but the fair colors of that rare plant and could smell nothing but its delicious perfume.

Christ is like that plant.  If He is sown in the soil of your soul, He will gradually eat out the roots of all ill weeds and poisonous plants and “turn under” your old nature.  All that will be seen will be Christ in you.

Earthly Changes Are Not the New Birth
John Bate

A man may pass from the lowest ignorance to the highest intelligence.  Degraded poverty may be exchanged for the most exalted riches.  A person may come out of the greatest obscurity into the largest publicity.  He may rise from the narrowest circle of influence into the widest sphere of power.  He may pass from one extreme to another in all things, be they moral, intellectual, political, social, and civil changes.

However, through all those changes, he may keep his innate bias to do evil, have an aversion to doing good, and continue to be a stranger to the new birth as it exists in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  No earthly change can substitute for the changes that only come from Above when one is saved.

“Deathbed repentance is burning the candle of life in the devil’s service and then blowing the smoke into the face of God.”  Billy Sunday

A New Captain
Edited from an article by C. H. Spurgeon

There was a poor man about sixty years old.  He had been a rough sailor, one of the worst men in the village.  It was his custom to drink, and he seemed to be delighted when he was cursing and swearing.  He came into a church one Sunday and heard preaching about Jesus weeping over Jerusalem.

The man thought, “Why did Jesus Christ ever weep over such a wretch as I am?” He thought he was too bad for Christ to care for him.

At last, he came to the preacher and said, “Sir, sixty years have I been sailing under the standard of the devil.  It is time for me to have a new owner.  I want to scuttle the old ship and sink her altogether!  Then, I shall have a new owner and sail under Prince Jesus’s colors.”

Since that moment, that man has been a praying man and has walked before God sincerely.  Yet, he was the very last man you would have thought would be saved and converted.  

God often does not choose just the “best” people.  He will also take the filthiest and the vilest and fashion them into glorious beings, making them saints.  Whereas they were sinners, He then sanctifies them and makes them holy.

The BIBLE VIEW #974 — Voting

In This Issue:
Christian, You’re Not Voting?
Who Should a Christian Vote For?
Christ’s Attitude Towards His Country

Volume: 974      September 16, 2024
Theme: Voting

The  Daily View is a free, daily devotion.  Sign up, and you will be e-mailed a link to read or HEAR a KJV chapter and a short commentary (200-700 words) of something in the day’s reading.  The e-mail will include a mini-sermon in pictures, a prayer list, Thought for The Day, and short articles reinforcing biblical principles.
Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

Christian, You’re Not Voting?  
Bill Brinkworth

America is a wonderful country.  Many gave their lives, and others suffered great losses so that we would have a country where we could have some control over the government.  Our early forefathers knew what it was like to have the government control everything by dictatorships and monarchies.  They designed our ruling body to be fair and unlike any other government at the time.

Yet today many take for granted what was given to them.  Many do not participate in maintaining the freedoms that they inherited.  Exercising the right to vote is one way to do that.  Here are some of the many excuses some give for not voting in an election:

“It won’t make any difference, so why bother voting.” By not voting, you are not even trying to make a difference in the government.  As Christians, we should have God’s wisdom on what is right and wrong.  Wisdom and insight into what pleases our heavenly Father should guide us through life’s many decisions.  By not trying to make a decision at the election polls, we are letting others, even the ungodly, make choices for us.

God commands us to make a difference in the world.  He compares Christian living to the seasoning — salt.  Without salt in our diets, our bodies would not function properly.  Without salt in our food, it would not have the taste it could have.  Hidden in the closet and still in its shaker, salt is useless.  A non-voting Christian is much like that useless salt.
“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?  it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men”    Matthew 5:13

The discernment a Christian has gained from reading and obeying God’s commands should show him that adultery, abortion, drugs, immoral behavior, and other sins are intolerable to God.  The Christian’s vote at election time should be a vote to show that he does not approve of a nominee’s practice or philosophy of wrongdoing.

In 2000, the presidential race was determined by the close voting at Florida’s polls.  The Florida Supreme Court-ordered recount determined that President Bush had won the race by 493 votes.  Just a few votes did make a difference.

“I’m not even registered to vote.”  We have a constitution that many countries dream of having.  One of the rights it gives us is the right to vote (Amendments 15, 19, 24, and 26).  The right to vote was fought for and not just given to us in America.

“God doesn’t want me to get mixed up in government”.  Where did you get that idea?  In the Bible, Jesus said to give the government what is due it.  One of the unique opportunities we have to give our government moral stability is to vote.
“And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s.”  Luke 20:25

The Word of God even commands us to pray, listen to, and respect our government:
“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” I Timothy 2:1-2 

“God is in control; it doesn’t matter what leader gets in.” God wants us to choose a godly lifestyle and gives us the freedom to do so.  Unfortunately, most misused their freedom, which is why sin is rampant. 

Israel’s early history included a time when God was in control, but there were God-appointed leaders even then.  Soon, men were picking their officials without seeking His opinion.  This is often happening today. 
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”   Proverbs 29:2  Also: Prov. 28:2.

“God doesn’t want me to stand up against the government He put in office.  If Christians did not vote, chances are His will was not followed in electing an official.  He often lets us get what we deserve by our improper choices or lack of influence.  Besides, many in the Bible stood up to change what the government was doing.  Moses stood against Pharaoh’s ill-treatment of Israel.  Paul let all know he was a Roman citizen and had his rights under their laws (Acts 22:25-29).  We are to stand up for the privileges God has allowed us to have.

“I don’t want to cross the ‘separation of church and state’ line.” The Constitution of America never said that we are not to get involved in politics.  It does have a provision (First Amendment) to keep the government from intervening in the affairs of the church:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Many of the framers of our early government were godly men.  They wanted godly influences to continue to make America a country God would bless.

God has given us a wonderful country.  When a country drifts from godly principles, anarchy, mob decisions, and sin dominate.  We have an opportunity to vote for candidates who think more in line with what God would want.

Admittedly, it is sometimes an exercise to select the lesser of multiple evils, but isn’t a Christian more qualified than an unsaved person to make that decision?  If we do not intervene, the world will go on a godless course.  How will the ungodly know unless we, as Christians, show them what God approves or disapproves of by our vote?

“If we forget we are one nation under God, we will be a nation gone under!”

Who Should a Christian Vote For?
Bill Brinkworth

When one is saved, he should be for what God is for and against what He is against.  We should be as Christ-like as possible.

With this in mind, how would Jesus vote if He were voting (and He is through us since we are His ambassadors — II Cor. 5:20)?  He would not vote for those standing against biblical principles but would vote for those standing for godly principles. 

Since no candidates make 100% of their decisions based on biblical guidelines, our vote should be for the one closest to using those guidelines.  Granted, it is getting harder to determine who is lined up the closest to the biblical standard, and in some instances, it is a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils.  However, several areas of a nominee’s philosophy, life, and standards can be examined before casting a vote for them.  Here are several to consider:

  • What is their personal life like?  If the nominee’s life includes acts of adultery, drunkenness, filthy language, dishonesty, lack of attending church, and other signs of wanton, ungodly living, how can that person be expected to make decisions based on biblical principles and standards?
  • Where does he verbally stand on the things of God?  Does He speak about his faith?  If he is involved in a church or religion that does not concur with what the Bible teaches, he cannot be expected to make biblically correct decisions.
  • What is the value of the nominee’s word?  Does he do what he says?  Is he double-tongued, “politically correct”, trying to make his words pleasing to everyone?  Is he constantly changing what he says depending on who his audience is?  Does his word mean anything?
  • Is the politician more interested in being elected than leading the country in a moral, bible-principled direction?
  • Where does he stand on abortion?  God is against the taking of the innocent lives of babies!  Life does start in the womb: Gen. 25:21-23, Ex. 21:22-23, Jer. 1:5, Ps. 139:15-16.  Any official that has such a low esteem for the taking of innocent lives should not be a person anyone would want making decisions about euthanasia, healthcare for those that are older, abortion, etc.
  • Where do the nominees stand on rewarding citizens for not working and getting government support?  God wants us not to be slothful and instead to be workers (Prov. 12:11, Pr. 13:4, 11, 23, Prov. 20:13, Prov. 22:29).
  • Do they believe that each person should learn the consequences of wrong decisions, or do they think that other people (government’s money) should help finance their mistakes?
  • Where do the politicians stand on punishing crime?  God punishes sin.  Our legislators should also be strict on crime.
  • Are they for things God is for and against what He is against?  Where do they stand on moral issues, loss of freedom by making more demands on citizens, obeying the existing laws (constitution and other laws that are already on the books), getting the government to take the place of God (by allowing the people to turn to the government for provision, rather than God)?
  • Who are their associates?  You can tell much about a person by whom they associate with.  If one’s closest associates have godless lifestyles, one can assume that kind of lifestyle does not bother the politician, and they would never cast a vote condemning it.  A person who is genuinely against immoral lifestyles would not gravitate to people living that way.
  • Where do they stand on drugs and alcohol?  God wants us to care for our bodies  (I Cor. 3:16).

What does the nominee’s life show onlookers?  If you voted for the want-to-be-leader, would you be picking a choice that abides as close to godly principles as the choice allows?  Would Jesus consider voting for that nominee?

“A man that stands for nothing will fall for anything!”

Christ’s Attitude Toward His Country
W. Jennings

Jesus was a model citizen:

  1. He called the country He lived in His “own” country: Mat.  13:54,57.
  2. He kept his country’s laws and refused to be made a king or to start a political revolution: John 6:15.
  3. He recognized the right of taxation (Mark 12:17) and paid taxes (Mat. 17:24-27).
  4. He was loyal to national institutions: temples, synagogues, etc.
  5. He recognized the first claim of His country (Mat. 10:6, Luke 24:47).
  6. He warned it of its perils (Mat. 23:37-39).
  7. He rebuked its officials (Mat. 23:1-36).
  8. He wept over its sins and impending doom (Luke 19:41-44).

“Corrupt leaders are usually elected, not by bribes, but by apathy!”
— Author Unknown

The BIBLE VIEW #973 — The Blood

In This Issue:
The Blood
Our Substitute
Nothing, but the Blood

Volume: 973      September 9, 2024
Theme: The Blood

All should read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day, and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

The Blood
Bill Brinkworth

One word mentioned or alluded to over 378 times in the Bible is “blood.” Its usage indicates:

  • it is essential for life (Lev. 17:11, 14),
  • that man’s blood should not unnecessarily be shed (Ex. 20:13, Gen. 9:6),
  • “Innocent” blood should not be spilled.  Those that do so will be accountable (Prov. 6:17, Lev. 20:27, II Sam. 4:11),
  • that some in the Old Testament were given the responsibility to revenge the blood of those murdered (Num. 35:19, 21, Jos. 20:5),
  • and another very important usage.  That important usage of “blood” was its application toward man’s sins.

When Adam and Eve first sinned, innocent animals had to have their blood shed so that the two original sinners would have their sins “covered”.  God killed animals that had done nothing wrong so that the first man and woman’s nakedness would be covered.  Innocent blood was shed to cover their sins.
“Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.” Gen. 3:21

Shortly afterward, frequent sacrifices to the Lord included other animals being killed, usually cattle and sheep, for the “covering” of sin.  When on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments, Moses received God’s instructions on sacrificing the lives of animals to be incorporated in worshipping God (Ex. 29:12, 16).  It was always innocent blood that was necessary to “cover” the iniquities of men.  That was God’s plan after sin was first committed.

However, those “payments” for man’s sins were not permanent.  They had to be repeated over and over again.  The blood of the sacrificed animal was not sufficient to cover any of man’s sins indefinitely, and it was not long until man completely stopped offering the proper sacrifices God required.

Man’s treatment of sacrifices was no surprise to God.  He knew from the beginning that there was no work man could ever do to pay for His sins: “For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.” (Hebrews 10:4)

God then allowed the one sacrifice that would redeem (Col. 1:14) all man’s sins.  This perfect, innocent offering also was not guilty of doing anything wrong.  Like the earlier Old Testament sacrifice, this Sacrifice’s blood was also spilled.  

That offering, however, was not sacrificed by ordained men of God, as was done in the Old Testament, and the blood was not put on an altar.  That blood offering dripped down the arms of a “Man” that was nailed to a cruel Roman’s wooden cross over 2,000 years ago.  The blood of that sacrifice was willingly offered by God’s only son, Jesus, and it was sufficient to be given only once.  The sacrifice never had to be repeated as it covered all man’s sins from the time of Jesus’ offering until the time the rapture occurs.  Jesus is the only worthy Lamb of God whose blood can pay for all man’s sins.

One of the main purposes of the Bible is to show the importance of the Saviour’s blood.  The Old Testament continually pointed to it.  However, there was a time God made a new covenant (testament) with man.  Jesus became the new agreement God made with mankind.
“And he [Jesus] said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many.” Mark 14:24   Also: Mt. 26:28 & Luke 22:20.

Man’s sinful nature very clearly shows that he cannot stop sinning.  He has continued to demonstrate this from his first appearance on Earth.  Being “good” is impossible because all people are sinners (Rom. 3:23, 5:12), and his good deeds will not eliminate his past sins.  This also includes “religious” activities, good intentions, and anything else man may think will pay for his sins which are against God Himself.  God has made it clear that there is nothing man can do to pay for his sins.  That is why He had to give the only sufficient sacrifice — His Son’s blood. 

Has there ever been a time in your life that you have admitted your sinnership to the Father, believed that Jesus’ sacrifice was payment for all your sins, and asked Jesus to be your Saviour?  If not, please do so today!
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9

One might better try to sail the Atlantic in a paper boat than try to get to Heaven on good works.” — C. H.  Spurgeon

Our Substitute
Edited from an Article by C. H. Spurgeon

In Prussia, a law exempted the only son of a widow from going to war.  It was said that the country was so in need of recruits that the law was, for a time, rescinded, and a widow’s only sson was taken.  A woman came forward saying, “Ay, take him.  My country is dearer to me even than he is.”

She put him forward and said, “Go forth, my son, to die if it be necessary.  I give thee up.  I give thee willingly.”

You could see the red eyes of the widow.  She had wiped it dry and wept in secret.  If we were to steal behind the door when her son was gone and saw her pouring out whole floods of sorrow, we would be able to know how great her love for her country would have been that she was able to turn him over.

Beloved, we never would know Christ’s love in all its heights and depths if He had not died for us.  We also would not know the Father’s deep affection for us if He had not given his only Son to die for us.  What boundless love!

To be almost saved is to be totally lost! — Author Unknown

Nothing but the Blood
Words from a Hymn by Robert Lowry, 1876

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Refrain: Oh!  Precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

For my pardon, this I see,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
For my cleansing, this my plea,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Nothing can for sin atone,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Naught of good that I have done,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

This is all my hope and peace,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
This is all my righteousness,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


Now by this I’ll overcome—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
Now by this I’ll reach my home—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

“Jesus paid a debt He didn’t owe, so to Heaven I may go.”  — Author Unknown

The BIBLE VIEW #972 — Telling Others

In This Issue:
“You’re Forcing Your Religion Down My Throat!”
Too Late!
Bloody Hands
Verses on Soul-winning

Volume: 972      August 26, 2024
Theme: Telling Others

All should read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day, and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

“You’re Forcing Your Religion Down My Throat!”
Bill Brinkworth

Infrequently, after telling another what the Bible says one must do to know they are going to Heaven, I have heard, “You’re forcing your religion down my throat.” Often, that might be a tactic to halt what one doesn’t want to hear. 

In most cases, when someone is explaining the Bible’s way to Heaven or what the Scripture says about a subject, it is because they are concerned for another’s soul and life.  Why would anyone knowingly want another to spend an eternity of torment?  How can anyone not say anything when they know, according to God’s Word, that the person may face terrible consequences for their actions?  A caring, concerned Christian should want to do one’s best to alert any from a terrible future.  It is not “forcing” a belief on anyone.  It is a warning!

Can you imagine being on a nearby hill overlooking cars traveling on a two-lane road?  From that vantage point, an onlooker could see a distant truck swerving all over the road, from one lane to another. 

From that point of observation, down the road, traveling toward the upcoming danger, the observer could also see a car traveling in the direction of the dangerous swerving truck.  Unless the car pulls over to the safe side of the road, the vehicle may be struck by the oncoming lane-wandering vehicle.  Someone could be hurt from the possible danger the observer could see.

Would the onlooker not do his best, if it was possible, to warn the car of what may await it in the immediate future?  The vehicle could be damaged, and the driver and any passengers could be harmed or killed. 

Would he not scream as loud as possible to get the driver’s attention?  I am sure arms would frantically be waved or anything done to prevent the accident that would soon happen.

One warning another of a burning eternity in Hell or consequences of a drastic wrong decision are similarly alerting another, as anyone should do, when one sees an imminent danger.  That person knows of the Bible’s promises about everyone’s future and cares enough to attempt to keep anyone from being eternally punished or affected by wrong decisions.   At the cost of possibly being misunderstood, disrespected, or disliked, the believer bravely heralds the upcoming danger.  He is not “forcing” anyone to do anything.  He is just relaying dangers he has learned from God’s Word.

Listen to those delivering the truths from God’s Word.  Heed the biblical warnings they are sharing with you.  Their cautions are to help you.  They may be the last opportunity to prevent you from a nearby eternal disaster.

Too Late!
D. L. Moody

Many years ago, a merchant lay dying.  When the physician who attended him saw there was no chance for him, he thought it would be time to talk about Christ to the dying man.  

There are many Christians just like that physician.  They wait until a man is just entering the other world, just when the sands of his life are about to run out, and when the death rattle is in their throat before they speak of Christ to the person.

The physician stepped up to the dying merchant and began to speak of Jesus, the beauties of Christianity, and the salvation He has offered to the world.  The merchant listened quietly to him and asked, “How long have you known of these things?”

“I have been a Christian since I came from the East,” he replied.

“You have been a Christian so long and have known all this and been in my store daily.  You have been in my house, associated with me, knew all these things, and why didn’t you tell me before?”

The doctor went home and retired to rest, but could not sleep.  The question from the dying man rang in his ears.  He could not explain why he had not spoken before but saw he had neglected his duty to witness.  He went back to his dying friend, intending to urge upon him the acceptance of Christ’s salvation, but when he began to speak to him, the merchant only replied in a sad whisper, “Oh, why didn’t you tell me before?”

Oh, my friends, how many of us do the same as the physician?  We do not make the eternity of those we meet a priority, and we let too many slip through the cracks into an eternal Hell.  If we do not tell them while we have the opportunity, they will continue stumbling in a godless direction.

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Proverb 11:30

Bloody Hands
Bill Brinkworth

“If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he [the watchman] blow the trumpet, and warn the people; 4 Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.  … 6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” Eze. 33:3-6

When God gave His words to Ezekiel, as recorded in Ezekiel 33:1, He first gave the prophet an example so he would understand the importance of the task he was to be given.  The parable was about a watchman who was selected and placed in a position to observe any enemy entering the country.

If the guard saw the enemy arriving in the land, he would blow a warning trumpet (Eze. 33:3).  The watchman was not responsible if any perished for not heeding the instrument’s blast in either fleeing or facing the enemy; their blood was not “on his hands”.  He was not guilty of any deaths (Eze. 33:4) if they occurred.

However, if the lookout saw the enemy coming and did not alert the people with the instrument’s warning sound, the death of any slain would be on his hands.  He would be guilty of their demise (Eze. 33:6).  His negligence made him accountable (Eze. 33:6) for their shed blood. 

God then gave Ezekiel the task to be the nation’s watchman (Eze. 33:7).  It was not so much a physical enemy he was to warn his people of, nor was he to man a trumpet and perch high on an observation post.  The prophet’s task was to take the warnings God gave him and ensure God’s people heard His words.  After Ezekiel delivered the message, it was up to the people what they did with the warnings.  The rest of the book’s chapters reveal that Ezekiel fulfilled his commission.

Today, according to God’s Word, there are no longer prophets (I Cor. 13:8), no matter what many claim.  All God wants us to know is preserved within the pages of the King James Bible for English-speaking people, so there is no longer a need for one to give us the message from God’s lips, as did Ezekiel.

However, since we have God’s Word, it is still imperative that all hear His message.  Every Christian is responsible not only for reading God’s Word and obeying it but also for making sure as many as possible hear God’s warnings.  We are to be watchmen warning of a horrifying eternity, telling of the one Way (Jesus) to avoid it, and telling all we can about how God wants us to live.  Yet, most Christians have not done what is expected of them.  There is blood on many hands!

God’s name is cursed, while most are silent.  Our Savour is mocked and ridiculed, yet not much is said.  Many live an ungodly life, yet nary a word that would help them leaves few Christians’ lips.  Most around us have never trusted Christ as their Saviour and are doomed to eternal torment, yet not a word is offered to rescue them from a horrible future.  Too many of today’s watchmen are silent! 

Their warning “trumpets” are hushed as many are never warned of God’s words.  There is innocent blood on too many hands.  Oh, that we would have diligent, bold watchmen who would sound the warnings God wants us to announce.  Sound the “trumpet” loudly as danger is close, lives are at stake, and it is up to us to sound the alarm!  Keep your hands clean from the blood of others!

“Oh, how many we have encountered could have been saved or have their lives changed if we were bold enough to share the Word of God with them!”

Verses on Soul Winning

“Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.” James 5:20
“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23
“To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” I Cor. 9:22
“For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.”  I Cor. 9:19
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
“If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.” Rom. 11:14
“Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.” I Tim.  4:16

The BIBLE VIEW #971 — The Bible

In This Issue:
What Is the Bible?  It’s All Here
The More You Dig  The Keystone
When I Read the Word of God
Why Many Do Not Read the Bible
New Testament Reading Schedule at http://www.openthoumineeyes.com/assets/readntt.pdf

Volume: 971      August 19, 2024
Theme: The Bible

All should read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day, and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

 What Is the Bible?
Bill Brinkworth

One could knock on many doors and ask what books are in those houses.  Few would have the same books.  Fewer would have the same book that was over 100 years old.  Rarely would any household have a book that is at least 500 years old.  Most of the houses, however, would have a form of one of the oldest and most popular of all books, the Bible.  Parts of the Bible are over 4,000 years old, yet many still have a copy of it.

What is this book that so many have, cherish, and some even ridicule?  It is not just a book; it is the preserved Word of God.  It is the road map through a difficult life.  It tells of a saving plan that will give riches and life eternal.  Its advice, when followed, will change one’s life and alter one’s future.  It is the only Book that tells the mind of God.  It is God’s Word.

* The Bible is exactly what God wants us to know.
“And Moses came and told the people all the words of the LORD, and all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice, and said, All the words which the LORD hath said will we do.  And Moses wrote all the words of the LORD…” Exodus 24:3-4

As Moses received God’s commandments and wrote them down, God also used other godly men to preserve what He wants mankind to know.  The recorders of His Word included kings, leaders, prophets, disciples, professional men, and others.  The Creator of this universe promised that we would always have His Word with us (Isaiah 40:8).  He kept His word.

God promised He would give us a perfect copy (Matthew 5:18).  No words are to be added or removed.  Other than the King James Version, all of the other 250+ modern, English versions violate this commandment of God.  That is why a Christian should stay away from the modern altered, changed translations and revisions.
“Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.”  Deuteronomy 4:2
“Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” Proverbs 30:6
“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Revelation 22:18-19

* The Bible will always be made available to mankind.
“The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.” Deut. 29:29
“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but
the word of our God shall stand for ever.” Isaiah 40:8

* The Bible contains God’s promises.
“Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations;” I Chronicles 16:15

* The Bible is His Word and our guidance.
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” Psalm 119:11

* The Bible also contains prophecy, wisdom, songs, history, and life examples.
God committed to keeping His promise and to preserve His Word.  Many gave much time, and some even lost their lives so that we could have God’s truths.  The least we can do is read, believe, and obey It.

“I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man.  All the good of the Saviour of the world is communicated to us through the Book.  But for it, we could not know right from wrong!” — Abraham Lincoln

It’s All Here
Author Unknown

A young Christian, packing his bag for a journey, said to a friend, “I have nearly finished packing.  All I have to put in are a guidebook, a lamp, a mirror, a microscope, a telescope, a volume of fine poetry, a few biographies, a package of old letters, a book of songs, a sword, a hammer, and a set of tools.”

“But you cannot put all that into your bag,” objected the friend.

“Oh, yes,” said the Christian.  “Here it is,” and then he placed his Bible in the corner of the suitcase and closed the lid.

“The Bible was human in penmanship, but divine in authorship!”  — R. G. Lee

The More You Dig
Edited from an article by Sir Walter Scott

The most learned, acute, diligent student cannot, in the longest life, obtain an entire knowledge of the Word of God.  The more deeply he works the mine, the richer and more abundant he finds the ore.  New light continually beams from this source of heavenly knowledge to direct one’s conduct and illustrate the work of God and the ways of men.  The student will finally leave the world confessing that the more he studied the Scriptures, the fuller conviction he had of his ignorance and the Word of God’s inestimable value.

“The best truths are gotten by digging deep for them.” — D. L. Moody

The Keystone
Aubrey Price

Remove the keystone, and the arch will fall into a heap of ruins.  There will be the same stones there, but they will be scattered in confusion and useless for any practical purpose.

You may admire the Bible.  You may praise its poetry and say its precepts are truthful, loving, and good.  However, if you doubt its authenticity, you render it powerless for that for which it was given — namely, to save the souls of men.

When I Read the Word of God
Billy Sunday

Twenty-nine years ago, with the Holy Spirit as my Guide, I entered the portico of Genesis and walked down the corridor of the Old Testament art galleries.  There, I saw the pictures of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Isaac, Jacob, and Daniel hanging on the wall.  I passed into the music room of the book of Psalms, where the spirit sweeps the keyboard until it seems that every reed and pipe in God’s great organ responds to the harp of David, the sweet singer of Israel.

I entered the chamber of Ecclesiastes, where the voice of the preacher was heard, and into the conservatory of Sharon and the lily of the valley, where sweet spices filled and perfumed my life.

I then entered the business office of Proverbs and on into the observatory of the prophets, where I saw telescopes of various sizes pointing to far-off events.  They concentrated on the bright morning Star, which was to rise above the moonlit hills of Judea for our salvation and redemption.

Then I entered the audience room of the King of Kings, catching a vision written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Into the correspondence room I went, where Paul, Peter, James, and John wrote their epistles.

I stepped into the throne room of Revelation where sits the King of Kings upon His throne of glory with the healing of the nations in His hand, and I cried out:

All hail the power of Jesus’ Name,
Let angels prostrate fall
Bring forth the royal diadem
And crown Him Lord of All.

Rightly dividing the Word multiplies our understanding.” — Author Unknown

Why Many Do Not Read the Bible
Author Unknown

When Queen Elizabeth I’s, of the 1500’s, wrinkles became deep and many, it is reported that an unfortunate master of the coin mint incurred disgrace by a too faithful likeness of the Queen.  The die for the shilling was broken, and only one mutilated specimen still exists. 

The queen’s maids of honor took the hint and were careful that no fragment of a mirror would remain in any room of her palace.  A magazine of the times said that the Queen “had not the heart to look herself in the face for the last twenty years of her life.”

A mirror exposes wrinkles, dirt, etc. that may be on one’s face. The Word of God also exposes the sin within one’s heart.  Reading the Bible shows us our dirty iniquities. 

If we refuse to repent and change, we soon get tired of seeing our “dirty faces” in God’s mirror, the Bible.  That is why so many stop looking into His Mirror.  How foolish!  Better to see the dirt, confess it, and be cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb than die “dirty” in one’s sins!

The BIBLE VIEW #970 —Do Something!

In This Issue:
Wasted Christianity
Willing to Please God
You Are Not Your Own

Volume: 970      August 12, 2024
Theme: Do Something!

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day, and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

Wasted Christianity
 Bill Brinkworth

“So, did you go to college?”

“Why, yes, I did.  I graduated from Harvard Medical College and earned a doctorate in Medicine.”

“Wow, you graduated from Harvard and are an M. D.”

“Yes, I had a burden to help people;  my grades were good, and I had the resources to attend that school.”

“I am super impressed.  Do you have a private practice, or do you work at a hospital?”

“Neither.  I am not working in that field at all.”

“Well, what do you do now?

“I work at Walmart and stock shelves on the night shift.”

The one asking the questions stopped, and his jaw dropped.  “Now, there is nothing wrong with working in Walmart, and stocking shelves is an important labor, but the world expects and needs more when one is well trained and experienced.  God gave you the ability and the finances to attend that fine school and to achieve such a goal, yet you are not living up to what He has enabled you to do.”

Although the above situation may have rarely happened, all would agree that the character in the above account wasted his abilities and training.  Most would shake their heads in bewilderment as to why such an accomplished person would not be in the field he trained for.  Yet, many Christians, if not most, have wasted their ability similarly.

Romans 12:6-8 lists seven of the spiritual gifts God gave to every Christian.  All Christians have at least one of those special abilities, including prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhorting, giving, leadership, and mercy.  Most are given the desire, but God’s training through hardships and blessings better enables a believer to help and change lives with the gifts God has given them.

Read more about the spiritual gifts given to every Christian at

Unfortunately, most believers do not know they have a unique God-given ability and that God desires them to use it for His glory.  The majority are wasting their life and are not doing what the Lord desires them to do.

This world is floundering without godly direction and desperately needs Christians’ help, encouragement, and godly examples.  If all of God’s children used their God-given spiritual gifts, this world would be much different.

Christian, you were given a special spiritual gift, so do not just sit and admire it.  You were entrusted with it to help others.  Make a difference.  Use the spiritual “degree” God gave you.  The world needs your help— now!

A Christian should make a difference in this sinfully dark world.  He is often the only ‘light’ many will see      !” — Bill Brinkworth

Willing to Please God
Bill Brinkworth

So many take the responsibilities of a Christian lightly.  They hoard their salvation for themselves and do not share it. Many of their closest family members and friends may not even know of their salvation.  Sharing the Good News that saved them rarely happens. 

Paul, however, took his salvation and responsibilities seriously.  II Corinthians 4 shows how earnestly he shared what God had shown him.

  • He did not let hardships get him off course from his burden to share the Gospel (II Corinthians 4:1). His persecutions, imprisonments, cruel treatments, and rejections did not deter him from his task (II Corinthians 4:8-10).
  • Paul did his best to give the whole counsel of God, as honestly as he could (II Corinthians 4:2), and to all he could. His testimony proved that by his uncompromising and courageous stand for the Truth.
  • If the Gospel was hidden from anyone, at least on Paul’ss watch, it was not his doing (II Corinthians 4:3).  If it was concealed, it was from the efforts of the enemy of God, Satan (II Corinthians 4:4).
  • Paul preached Jesus, not himself (II Corinthians 4:5). His preaching was not to gain a job for himself, popularity, or a weekly paycheck. His mission was to tell the truth he had learned the hard way.
  • As frail as our bodies are and as distracted as we can be by temptations, we have a body designed to serve God (II Corinthians 4:7).  Imagine that!  God wants to use us! What an honor!
  • Although we may face persecutions and hardships in this life, if we are saved, we have an eternal future in Heaven (II Corinthians 4:14)! 

God used Paul not for his talents or what he had but for his attitude and willingness to please His Saviour.  We are to emulate our Saviour.  Following the guidelines set by biblical heroes, such as Paul, are also good examples. If our attitude to please our Saviour was like Paul’s, we would all be busy with the Master’s work.

“If we, who know God’s truths, don’t tell others, who will?— Bill Brinkworth

You Are Not Your Own
Bill Brinkworth

“Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?  Is thine eye evil, because I am good?” Matthew 20:15

Does a Christian have the right to do whatever he wants with his life?  According to God’s Word: No!

The context in this chapter is the millennial reign when Christ rules  Earth for 1,000 years.  It gives one another an idea of what will happen during that time and how some will be rewarded.

In Jesus’ illustration, he told how workers, starting at different times of the day, got paid with what the master thought was fair.  They got paid the same, whether they worked 10 hours or one hour. The “boss” was doing the hiring, and all agreed to work for what he offered them. The whole point of the illustration was to teach that the master was in charge, and it was by His rules they had to abide by.

Although Matthew 20:15 was the landowner’s reply who was doing the hiring, it illustrates a great truth in describing a Christian’s relationship with the Lord.  We are not our own.  We are purchased with Christ’s blood.  We have a promise of Heaven.  Everything after getting saved is a bonus!  Let us surrender our lives and do what God desires us to accomplish!

When adults are asked what they want to do in their future, they usually tell you what they figured out they would like to happen with their lives. When a child is asked the same question, you similarly get a battle plan of what they would like to do. One seldom answers, “Whatever the Lord wants me to do, I’ll do!”

Sadly, that open invitation to do God’s will is rarely even thought of by Christians. Unfortunately, when you hear of someone handing their life to God with no reservations, it is often only after they have tried it their way and that way had failed.

It would save many heartaches and much of a “wasted” life if one would immediately, after they are saved, hand their life over to God as a blank check.  “Fill it in with what you want me to do, God, and I will gladly, happily, and faithfully do it until you tell me otherwise!” Boy, would that attitude change lives and Christendom as we know it.
“Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God?  Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?  21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?” Romans 9:20-21

“… God is not going to reward you for the amount of work you have done.  He will reward you according to your faithfulness to the job which He called you to do.Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee

The BIBLE VIEW #969 — Learning about Sin

In This Issue:
Shame!  Shame!
Knowledge and Wisdom
Close to the Edge

Volume: 969      August 5, 2024
Theme: Learning about Si

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day, and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

Shame!  Shame!
 Bill Brinkworth

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.” Ephesians 5:11-12

The Bible clearly commands Christians to keep far away from the luring hold of sin.  We are not only to do our best not to commit sin and avoid those involved in it, but we are also not to talk about the iniquities others are involved in.

This last principle has been ignored by most, and the opposite is practiced.  Many, instead of obeying God’s commandments, “educate” the masses about certain behaviors.  They hope that knowledge of the side effects of certain socially unacceptable practices, often what the Bible identifies as sin, will help people stay away from them.  Unfortunately, education about something one should not do frequently stimulates an interest in trying that very thing.

Programs to educate youth about not doing drugs quite often put the ideas in their minds about doing it and show them how to do something they would never have known about if they had not been shown how or introduced to it by “education”. 

The Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D. A. R. E.), a publicly-funded program that uses law enforcement resources to help children resist drugs and gangs, illustrates this fact.  Instead of reducing the number of children involved in those things, it has been found that there has been an increase in their involvement in drugs and gangs. 

The Family Counsel of Drug Awareness reported, “Since its curriculum (D. A. R. E.’s) went national, two patterns have emerged: more students now do drugs, and they start using drugs at an earlier age.” Education about something that should not be discussed often increases the practice, not decreases it.

Billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money have been spent over the decades to give young people a sex education under the guise that knowledge will help them keep from making “mistakes”.  Instead, sex education has increased and encouraged sex at an early age before marriage.  Birth rates quickly prove this fact.  In 1950, when sex outside marriage was not openly talked about, especially in the school curriculum, birth rates for unmarried women were about 30 per 1,000. 

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that the birth rate has decreased from previous years, but it is still over 450 per 1,000 unmarried women.  The CDC also notes that abortions in 1970 were 10 per 1,000 and have increased more than 70 per 1,000, not including the effects done by increasing usage of birth control, including the day-after “emergency” birth control drugs.  Again, education about not doing something has become a “how-to” and an invitation to “do”.

Other once unwelcomed behaviors are also on the increase.  There was a time when few even knew a divorced couple; now, it is difficult to find couples that have not been divorced.  Perhaps the exposure in movies and television about divorce and adultery has made a once feared occurrence a ho-hum common one. 

Homosexuality, imprisonment, poor parenting, lack of respect for Christianity, crime, and hosts of other once frowned-upon activities are so common in public-school lesson plans and media “entertainment” that they have lost their social stigma and are now acceptable and even encouraged in some areas.  Knowledge of once taboo areas again have contaminated society by going against God’s commandment of discussing something that should not be even whispered about.

The world often defends its efforts in “educating” by belittling God’s commandments and labeling them as making the masses willfully ignorant or “censoring the truth”.  The truth, however, is that in most situations, speaking of practices that should not be committed only puts the idea in one’s head. It does not take much thought to develop the idea to “I’ll just try it this once.”  Once it is experienced, inhibitions are worn away, and more frequent practice is easily accomplished.

The human brain is an amazing organ.   It seldom completely forgets what it has been exposed to.  Conversation about doing improper things often is where the idea to commit them originates.  God’s wisdom warns us not to talk about sin because it won’t be long until you are neck-deep in it.  God’s commandments are always the best.  If heeded, they will keep you from the hurtful consequences of sin.

“The itch of impertinent and unprofitable knowledge hath been the hereditary disease of the sons of Adam and Eve.  Many have perished after learning more about what destroyed them.”  — Hall

J. Mason, 1871

A desire for knowledge is natural to man’s mind, and nothing discovers the quality and disposition of the mind more than the particular kind of knowledge it is most fond of.  Thus we see that low and little minds are delighted with the knowledge of trifle things, as do children.  

An indolent mind is concerned with that which serves only for entertainment.  A curious mind is best pleased with facts.  A judicious, penetrating mind is interested in demonstrations and mathematics.  A worldly mind esteems knowledge like that of the world.  However, a wise and pious mind, above all other kinds of knowledge, prefers that from God alone.

Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge and wisdom, sometimes far from being one,
Have ofttimes no connection.
Knowledge dwells in heads replete with thoughts of other men;
Wisdom in minds attentive to their own.
Knowledge, a rude, unprofitable mass,
The mere materials with which wisdom builds,
Till smoothed and squared and fitted into place,
Does but encumber what it seems to enrich.
Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much,
Wisdom is humble that he knows no more.

Common sense is often not easily found!” — Author Unknown

Close to the Edge
C. H. Spurgeon

A lady advertised for a coachman and was waited upon by three candidates for the job.

She asked the first one this question, “I want a good coachman to drive my pair of horses.  How near can you drive to danger and yet be safe?”

“Well,” he answered, “I could drive very near.  I could go within a foot of a precipice without fear of any accident as long as I held the reins.”

She dismissed him with the remark that he would not do.  To the next driver, she asked the same question, “How near could you drive to danger?”  Being determined to get employment, he said, “I could drive within a hair’s breadth yet skillfully avoid any mishap.”

“You will not do,” she said.  When the third one came in, his thinking was different.  She asked the third applicant, “How near could you drive to danger?”

He responded, “Madam, I never tried.  It has always been my rule to drive as far from danger as possible.”

The lady hired him at once.  In like manner, I believe that the person who is careful to run no risks and to refrain from all sinful conduct, having the fear of God in his heart, is most to be relied upon.  

If your salvation is built upon the Rock of Ages, you will not want to see how close you can get to sin.  You will want to keep as far as possible from it.

“Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.” — Tennyson

The BIBLE VIEW #968 — Murmuring

In This Issue:
Against God’s Anointed
Misery of Murmuring
Do We Dare Murmur?
Danger of Murmuring
Murmuring and Contentment

Volume: 968      July 22, 2024
Theme: Murmuring

All need to read the Bible every day.  Do you have difficulty doing so?  Sign up to receive a daily e-mailed devotion, which includes a KJV chapter a day, and
much more spiritual food!  There is even an option to HEAR the chapter and devotion.

Read what readers have said about the e-mailed devotion at

Against God’s Anointed
Bill Brinkworth

God uses men and women for His different purposes.  God has delegated many of the needs of His people to different ministries He knows are paramount.  One such need that God knows is important is to have a shepherd of a local assembly of believers.  That man is called a “pastor” or “preacher”.

Maybe because of jealousy that they are not called to the position of pastoring, or knowing they are not scripturally qualified for such a role of leadership, or perhaps they disagree with how he is performing his ministry, or have the belief they can do a better job than their pastor, many talk against and about their preacher.  What a dangerous mistake they make when they do so.

Throughout the Bible there are examples of how God dealt with those who rose and spoke against God’s man, such as:

  • When Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, Miriam was plagued with leprosy (Num. 12:9-10).
  • When the people of Israel spoke against God and Moses (Num. 21:5-6), God sent fiery serpents to chastise them for their sins.
  • When Korah and over 250 others spoke against Moses and Aaron (Num. 16:2-3), God allowed the earth to swallow Korah and the others up.
  • When children mocked God’s man, Elisha (II Kings 2:22-23), God allowed two she bears to destroy 42 mockers.
  • History tells us that Pontius Pilate, who ordered Jesus’ death, died by suicide.
  • Judas turned against Jesus and became so miserable about what he had done against Jesus that he killed himself (Mat. 27:5).
  • The thief who perished on the cross with Christ spoke against Jesus and did not get saved and go to Heaven.

David would not go against King Saul, even though the King did wrong several times against him.  David’s heart was, “The LORD forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the LORD’S anointed:…” I Samuel 26:11.  David knew it was wrong to oppose God’s man.  However, today, many do not restrain themselves from talking against or doing ill against the leader God has placed over the local church.

The pastor of any church certainly is not perfect.  No one will agree with everything anyone does, let alone the many decisions the local shepherd has to make.  He probably would not agree with all we do, either.  However, he is the leader of the local church that God has for this time and should be obeyed, respected, and encouraged.  Unless scriptural error is involved, God takes him home, or God relocates him, he is to stay the church leader. 

** Murmur: A muttered or subdued grumble or complaint **

Belittling and questioning his ministries does much damage:

  • Murmuring against God’s man is a sin, and sin can only harm one’s life.  One will not be all one can be with any iniquity in one’s life.
  • Murmuring about another’s work for Christ will put one in a position of judging (Mat. 7:1), and that is the Holy Spirit’s job, in most situations, not ours.
  • Complaining about the pastor or any other church leader or facet of the church will only spread discontent among others.  It will sow seeds of discord and, in most cases, will only hinder, not build, the ministry (Proverbs 6:16-19).  Division among members will result when leadership is opposed.
  • Speaking against the pastor or another God-appointed leader could hinder the Holy Spirit of God from working in lives or could bring the wrath of God on violators.
  • Speaking ill against God’s leader will not encourage the pastor to do all he can.  It discourages most pastors, and the body of Christ will surely suffer.
  • When we talk about or question what the pastor is doing (or other church leaders, for that matter), we are negating his authority to the listeners.  If our children hear us roast the preacher after a sermon, it may not be long until the children lose respect for his ministry and do not heed the biblical advice that is delivered from the pulpit or classroom. 

    One day, the parent may wonder why their children are not following what was taught in church from the Bible.  They would never suspect their bad-mouthing of the preacher in their home had taught them that if the parents do not respect the pastor, they do not have to either.
  • Murmuring against the man of God will hinder the effect any ministry has on the neighboring community if any disunity among church members is heard by them.

Aaron and Hur knew a principle about helping the man of God that would encourage and support any pastor today.  They noticed that when Moses’ arms were up while directing a battle, Israel had the victory over the enemy.  When the leader was tired and had no strength to lift his arms, the battle was in the favor of the enemy.  Aaron and Hur made sure their leader’s arms were held high so that they would get the victory.  They physically held up their leader’s arms.

If more people would realize that honoring God’s man is honoring Godand His work and would encourage and help their pastor, more spiritual battles would be won. More pastors would be encouraged.  Lift your leader’s arms, do not force them down!

“If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything!” — My Mother

Misery of Murmuring?
T. Brooks

Every murmurer is their own executioner. 

  • Murmuring vexes the heart. 
  • It wears and tears the heart. 
  • It enrages and inflames the heart. 
  • It also wounds and stabs the heart.

Every murmurer is their own destroyer.  No man is as miserable as the gossiper is.  No man hath such inward gripes and griefs, and bitterness and heaviness as he who complains.  Every murmurer is their own tormentor. 

  • Murmuring is a fire within that will burn up all. 
  • It is an earthquake within that will overturn everything.
  • It is a disease within that will infect all.
  • It is a poison within that will prey upon all.

“The very word murmur, how simple it is.  It is comprised of two infantile sounds — ‘mur mur’.  There is no sense in it; no wit, or no thought in it.  It is the cry rather of a brute than of a man.  Murmur — just a double groan.” 
— Spurgeon

Do We Dare Murmur?
John Bate

The Lord of the harvest has the right to come and take any part of His grain from the field, in whatever condition it may be.  He may pluck it up in the tiny spiral blade or in the blooming ear.  He may let it grow until it bends under its weight and shines its golden richness. 

It does not become the grain to murmur at the proprietor’s conduct.  It was his grain before it was sown, his land in which it was planted, and his servants who sowed it. 

Has the grain any right to complain of its proprietor?  No more have we of God in any of His doings with us.  Can He not do as He chooses with His own?  Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do right?

“If you’re busy rowing the boat, you won’t have time to rock it!”
— Author Unknown

Danger of Murmuring
T. Brooks

Caesar prepared a great feast for his nobles and friends.  Unfortunately, it was a miserable day.  He was so displeased by the rainy weather that he commanded all the men who had bows to shoot up their arrows at Jupiter, their chief “god,” in defiance of him for the rainy weather.  When they shot them, they, of course, fell short of their target, and the arrows came back to Earth.  In so doing, the arrows fell upon their heads so that many of them were wounded.

All of our murmurings and complaining, which are as so many arrows shot at God himself, will one day return upon ourselves.  They will never reach Him, but they will hit us.  They will not hurt God, but they will wound us.  Therefore, it is better to be mute than to murmur. 

Murmuring and Contentment

Some murmur when their sky is clear
And wholly bright to view,
If one small speck of dark appear
In their great heaven of blue;
And some with thankful love are filled
If but one streak of light,
One ray of God’s good mercy, gild
The darkness of their night.

In palaces are hearts that ask,
In discontent and pride,
Why life is such a dreary task,
And all good things denied?
And hearts in poorest huts admire
How love has in their aid
(Love that not ever seems to tire)
Such rich provision made.

 “Ten minutes’ praying is better than a year’s murmuring.” — Spurgeon