The BIBLE VIEW #926 — Temptations

In This Issue:
The Weapon Against Temptations
There’s A Battle Out There!
Satan Knows
Always a Way of Escape
Making Provision

Volume: 926     October 2, 2023
Theme: Temptations

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The Weapon Against Temptations
Bill Brinkworth

All people face temptations at one time or the other.  Often, we can choose to do God’s will and way or ignore His desires and do what we desire. 

Jesus was not exempt from facing similar temptations.  The most famous of Jesus’ trials is in Luke 4, where the devil tempted Jesus.

Although most of us will not rank the personal attention of Satan’s temptations, we can learn how to face our temptations by following Christ’s example.  What gave Christ the victory then will help us succeed today.

In all three testings (Luke 4:1-13) Jesus faced, He was victorious.  We can also win when we are tempted to sin.  We do not have to succumb to the impulse to lie, cheat, deceive, commit adultery, or any other weakness our flesh wants to give in to.

None of Jesus’ trials were won by clever answers, reasoning with the enemy, or compromising.  They were overcome by simply quoting and abiding by biblical principles.

When Jesus was tempted to turn the stones into bread, He quoted Deuteronomy 8:3, “… make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.”  Satan attacked again and tried to tempt Jesus by offering power and the things on Earth.   Christ’s defense was scriptural: “…Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God; him shalt thou serve.…” Deut. 10:20.

By the third temptation, Satan knew how Jesus would fend him off.  Satan attempted to counter with Scripture.  Satan’s misquoting and misusing of God’s Word (Psalm 91:11, did not hamper Jesus.  Jesus simply quoted Deuteronomy 6:16: “Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God….”

The key to facing temptation is not running from it, ignoring it, or giving in to it.  It is determining if it is wrong, and if so, sticking to the guidelines given in the Bible.  That is why reading and studying God’s Word is so important. 

One never knows what temptations will be faced.  When you do encounter them, will you know what God’s Word says about the confronting trial?  Do you know Scripture well enough to make it your protection and guide you through the pitfalls you are encountering?

“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”  I Corinthians 10:13

There’s A Battle Out There!
Bill Brinkworth

One of the most important principles for a Christian to understand is that there is a spiritual battle going on.  Most of the assault is invisible, but the war against God and His followers rages.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

Peter closed his letter in I Peter with a similar warning as was stated in Ephesians 6:
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” I Peter 5:8

Many Christians trust Christ as Saviour, but that is as far as the relationship goes.  They never see there is a spiritual battle around them, they are involved in it,  and they are a casualty.

A Christian cannot lose his salvation in the battle.  It is already bought and paid for.  His name was already written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life.  However, a Christian can have his testimony destroyed in the foray.  That is the intent of the enemy, Satan.  He cannot take a saved man to Hell with him, but he can make sure the child of God is of no use to the cause of Christ.  If he can wound one of God’s warriors, that Christian will be out of the battle, at least temporarily.

Sadly, Satan has won many battles.  Many Christians have been saved, but the “roaring lion” sought them and devoured their zeal and testimony. 

The enemy of God and mankind may have pounced on a Christian’s pride and sent the child of God permanently home from church because his feelings were hurt.  Satan’s efforts may have crippled a babe-in-Christ by making it seem like the Word of God was too hard for him to understand, so the believer never read the Bible and was weakened by spiritual ignorance.  

Perhaps the enemy used the ploy of leading the Christian to a dead or liberal church.  The child of God never grew because he was not spiritually fed or educated with the Truth. 

The enemy also may have encouraged believers to read a modern perversion of the Word of God, so they never hear all God desires them to know.  They are also weakened because they were not fed meat from God’s Word.

There are thousands of weapons in the enemy’s war chest.  Satan hates God and the things of God.  Satan’s primary purpose is to make sure that the cause of Christ is hampered.  Sadly, he has succeeded with his attacks on many attempting to live for Christ.

We have been warned.  There is a battle for the souls of mankind and for the disarming of Christian soldiers.  However, if the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6 is spiritually donned, all can be victorious in the battle for the cause of Christ.  With God’s help, we can overcome the trials and temptations we face.
“Whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the world,”  I John 5:4

You cannot win the war if you are not even in the battle.” — Author Unknown

Satan Knows
T. Watson, 1871

The devil does not know the hearts of men, but he may feel their pulse, know their temper, and accordingly can apply himself.  As the farmer knows what seed is proper to sow in such soil, Satan, discovering one’s temper, knows what temptation is suitable to plant in such a heart.  He tempts the ambitious man with a crown, the sanguine man with beauty, and the covetous man with a wedge of gold.  Mankind’s enemy provides savory temptations he knows the sinner loves.  

The temptations of Satan, which he intended for their destruction, frequently become jewels to adorn the crowns of God’s people when they stand before the eternal throne.”  Author Unknown

Always a Way of Escape
Author Unknown

There is a place in the Hudson River where, as you sail, you seem to be entirely hemmed in with hills.  The boat drives on toward a rocky wall, and it looks as if it must either stop or be dashed to pieces.  However, as you come within the shadow of the mountain, an opening is suddenly discovered, and the boat passes out into one of the grandest bays on the river.

So it is with temptation.  You are not to seek it and not to surrender to it.  God promises no way out in such a case.  But, if it meets you on your Heavenward journey, you are to go straight on, though you see no way out.  

God does not promise “… a way to escape …” (I Cor. 10:13) until the temptation actually comes.  If you keep on, the “way” will reveal itself in due time.  Remember, as in that river, the beautiful bay lies just around the frowning rock.  So often, your sweetest and best experience in life lies just behind your most threatening temptation.

When meeting temptation, turn to the right.” — Author Unknown

Making Provision
W. B. Knight

One day Bob was given definite instruction by his mother not to go swimming in the nearby pond.  Shortly afterward, he was to pass the pond enroute to the ballpark.  He took along with him his bathing suit, just in case he was tempted.  The boy made provision for the flesh to fail.

It was different for an older man.  He knew what tempted him and how he would react.  “When I pass a watermelon patch, I can’t keep my mouth from waterin’, but I can run past it.”

But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.”   Rom. 13:14

The Bible View #813 — Worldliness

In This Issue:
It’s Not What It Used to Be
We Just Can’t Win
The Ice Palace Is Gone

Free Daily Devotions, Bible Studies, Sunday School lessons and printed versions of The Bible View (including church bulletin insert and large print versions) are available at and

Volume: 813    June 7, 2021
Theme: Worldliness

It’s Not What It Used to Be
Bill Brinkworth

I was save over 40 years ago. God has wrought much change in my life because of the Holy Spirit’s work and godly influences from devoted preachers, teachers, other Christians, and my study. Although I can see how He has altered my life, I can also see the changes in Christianity around me.  Many strong believers and ministries still exist and are doing great things for the Lord; unfortunately, many are not.

Some changes I have noticed are:

  • There is little questioning of what Bible version is used.   In the past, the KJV was the only one used and believed.  Now, it is often pushed aside, and the “newer,”  inaccurate, unpreserved versions are accepted.  When the foundation of truth, God’s preserved King James Bible for English-speaking believers, is not read and obeyed, Christianity will crumble as is happening.
    “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” Isaiah 40:8  Also: I Peter 1:25.
  • Separation from worldly behavior, which the Bible condones, is often seen as “extreme.” Worldliness is not realized as a danger to spiritual growth and is not avoided. Observing many Christians in their daily activities shows they are not much different from the unsaved.
    “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” II Cor 6:17  Also: Isa. 52:11, II Cor. 7:1.
  • Sins, which ten years ago would have horrified faithful believers, now are accepted and even practiced by some Christians.  A biased media, liberal government education, and watered-down preaching have desensitized believers to sin and helped erase embarrassment and guilt from their iniquities. Many now do not even raise an eyebrow to sin around them.
    “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isa. 5:20
  • Few have little concern about living a holy life.  Many neglect to keep their “temple” from sin and even its appearance (I Thes. 5:22).  Conviction of halting unclean habits, practices, or beliefs is not common.
    “Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” I Peter 1:16
  • Living by faith is foreign to many.  Trusting God to supply has been replaced by spending credit or allowing the government to meet the need.  Giving sacrificially is also rarer than it was in the past.
    “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Heb, 11:6
  • Standing up for righteousness, no matter the personal cost, is uncommon. In the past, countless Christians lost their lives rather than tolerate or approve wrong-doing when they spoke against transgressions.
    “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;” Eph 6:14
  • Many Christians avoided movies, television programs, literature, alcohol, public activities, and other influences known to weaken beliefs and threaten holy living.  There is now less separation from ungodly behavior.
    “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” II Cor. 6:17
  • Many ministries and believers saw the danger of public education encouraging young people to do and think contrary to what the Bible commands.  To remedy that influence, Christians sacrificed to start and run Christian schools.  Salaries were often non-existent or lower than minimum wage, but the minds of young people were deemed more important. 

    As the government attempted to stop the ministries, many churches were fined and legally challenged.  Some pastors and principals suffered jail time.

    Today the sacrifices of earlier believers and their discernment not to pollute young minds with godless, social engineering, and eroding of Christian values are ignored.  Little concern is exhibited in insulating student’s minds from worldly propaganda.  The “I teach my child what is right” and “My child is strong and will not be swayed by what is taught in the government schools” seem to be the common defense.  Unfortunately, worldly philosophies are overpowering the minds of Christianity’s next generation.
    “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Prov. 22:6
  • Immoral leadership was never allowed.  Those inspiring for a position in government and business had their hopes shattered when it was discovered they were involved in dishonesty, adultery, foul language, financial impropriety, and other involvements showing they had low character and morals. 

    Today some officials and workers have been discovered to be morally corrupt yet are still allowed to continue their position.  Often this happens because the public is not made aware of their sin, or people are not concerned about the wrong-doing.
    “…   25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:  26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh…” Proverbs 1:24-27
  • Boycotting businesses and relationships that encourage or are for things God condones is rare.
    “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” I Thes.  5:22  

I am sure every previous generation of believers has also seen the erosion of Christian beliefs, morals, and biblical living during their lifetime.  Unfortunately, spiritual decay happens more often than knowing, believing, and living the way God commands. 

The spiritual decline will continue at break-neck speed if individual Christians do not stop the trend. We must make a stand to live how God commands. Personal revival and determination for a God-honoring and God-obeying life can change the downward spiritual trend. It must start with us Christians! The world is constantly changing, but God’s commandments do not. We do not have to believe or do what the unsaved world does

We Just Can’t Win
Author Unknown

Person: I want to do “X.”
Believer: You are free to do it.
Person: But, you think “X” is wrong.
Believer:  Yes.  The Bible says it’s sin.
Person. You just want to control me.
Believer: No, I do not. You are free to do what you want.
Person: But, you still think “X” is wrong.
Believer: Yes, but only because it may hurt you, and I want what is best for you.
Person: But, I still want to do “X.”
Believer:  I am not stopping you, and neither is God.
Person: But, I want you to say that “X” is good.
Believer:  I cannot say that.
Person:  Why do you hate me?”
Believer (with a very confused look on his face): Huh?

“The carnal mind seeks to create its own God who loves everyone, puts up with all matter of evil and foolishness, and gives in to the will of evil men who cry inequality!” Deane Edward Spencer

The Ice Palace Is Gone
Edited from an article by Newton, 1725-1807

When I was a boy, I read of an ice palace built one winter in Petersburg. The walls, roof, floors, and furniture were all of ice and were finished with taste.  All that was in the ice palace could be found in a royal palace. Before being frozen, the ice had been colored so that all seemed formed of proper materials. Still, all was cold, useless, and transient.

Had the cold continued until now, the palace might have been still standing, but with the returning spring, it melted away. There should have been a stone with an inscription reminding people of what once stood on the spot, as there was no sign of it after the spring thaw.

Men build and plan as if their works were to endure forever, but their creations are often gone in time. After all their preparations and labors, there is usually no reminder of what they spent their money, passions, work, and priorities on.  They put their life’s priorities in temporal things rather than those that would last for eternity.  Their labors were spent on the wrong temporary things.

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” I John 2:15

The Bible View #801 — Temptation
In This Issue:

Have You Been Seduced?
Vexed by Ungodliness
Keeping A Distance from Temptations

Volume: 801    March 15, 2021
Theme: Temptation

Have You Been Seduced?
Bill Brinkworth

Many of the problems early churches faced are very much a concern today. Those ministries had to deal with many that departed from the faith and followed “seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (Timothy 4:1). Being this is the “latter times” Paul spoke of, this problem is very real today.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;” I Timothy 4:1

People, then and now claim to be Christians. They may be; they may not be. At first, many make a profession of salvation and start doing something for the Lord. Too often it is not long, before they are nowhere to be found.

Why did they wander away from trying to live for the Lord? They may not have been saved and were only going through “religious” motions. If they were truly saved, they are still children of God, but they may have been “seduced” by demonic spirits.

Perhaps those spirits caused their feelings to be hurt or offended their pride. People may have faced an overwhelming temptation and succumbed to it. There are thousands of ways a person can be trapped into running in the opposite direction of obeying God.

Satan and his devils cannot get anyone unsaved. Still, they certainly can make sure one’s testimony is so destroyed that they are of little use for the cause of Christ. That is one of Satan’s goals, and unfortunately millions have succumbed to his trickery.

None of the reasons a saved person gives for not serving the Lord are legitimate. Nowhere in the Bible is there any reason one should stop living for and obeying God’s commandments. All rationales for not doing what a Christian should are not of God!

“Well, you don’t understand. So-and-so in church said mean things to me, so I’ll not go anymore.” You have been seduced, and a non-holy spirit knew where your weak point was.

“That preacher just doesn’t feed me anymore, so I’m out of there!” You have been seduced, and the wrong spirits are giggling because they “got another one.”

“I’m not reading my Bible anymore. I just don’t get anything out of it.” A deceiving spirit has seduced you.

“If I live like a Christian, everyone will laugh at me.” You have been seduced.

As Ephesians 6 reminds us, there is a spiritual war going on. Satan and his devils try their hardest to seek one “whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8). Be wary in the raging spiritual battle and purpose to always do the will of God — no matter the temptations.

Vexed by Ungodliness
Bill Brinkworth

“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” I Corinthians 10:13

When given a choice by his Uncle Abraham, Lot chose the choicest of lands to raise his cattle and family (Gen. 13:8-11).  He left Abraham (named Abram at the time) the less appealing land and kept the “best” real estate for himself.

Lot’s selfish pick may have appeared to be the best choice. There was, however, one important matter the nephew did not consider when picking where he would live.  He did not contemplate what his soon-to-be neighbors would be like.  The places he lived near were the twin cities: Sodom and Gomorrah.  Those cities were known for their rampant sin, particularly homosexuality.  It was there that the righteous man, Lot, chose to live.

It was not long before he was involved in the city’s government (Gen. 19:1, 9).  He was not only living among wickedness, but he was involved in the choices made to help the community be managed. Shortly, his constant exposure to godlessness and sin affected Lot. The Bible says that he was “… vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked… in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;” (II Peter 2:7-8). The part of Lot that wanted to live and please the Lord was “irritated, harassed, teased, and disturbed” by the lifestyle he allowed himself and his family to be exposed.

As a Christian, we usually cannot live on top of a mountain, away from the world and all sin.  Most of the time, we have to live around iniquity. It is seen in the workplace, heard on the television, and we can be exposed to its consequences and involvement wherever we go. 

However, if we are not wary of it and do all we can to limit our exposure to iniquity, we too will be “vexed” by sin.  It will wear on us, and if we are not careful, evilness will be commonplace to us.  Seeing or hearing sin will not bother us like it did previously. The spiritual part of us will be desensitized to sin’s evilness.  If we are not careful, we will be involved in it and think it is normal because “everyone is doing it.”

Despite what the unsaved world is doing, sin is and always will be wrong.  The only protection from being desensitized or involved in it is to do one’s best to avoid it.  If you are vexed (troubled or bothered) by filthy language on television, there may be some channels you should never watch again, or you may have to stop watching the “hellevision” altogether. 

Filthy words creeping into your language? Maybe there are some influencing foul-mouths you should no longer listen to or associate. Seeing things your eyes should not be seeing on the Internet? Limit where you browse, or maybe you will have to stay off the Internet. Dirty images you have already viewed plaguing your thought-life? Avoid further looks and recite Scripture verses, particularly about what you are thinking.  It is difficult to have the clean Word of God and filthiness in your thought-life at the same time. The sinful thoughts will flee!

The key to keeping a holy, unsoiled life and testimony for the Lord is to separate (II Cor. 6:17) from the world’s ungodliness.  It is possible to remain undefiled in this ever-increasing, sinful world. If we purpose in our hearts to not be defiled by ungodliness in this world, the Lord will do His part to help us.  He will give the believer “a way to escape” sin’s vexing grasp if the believer desires it!

If you can get along with the world, then you are out of step with God!” — Dr. Harold Sightler

Keeping A Distance from Temptations
Bill Brinkworth

“I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.” Psalm 101:2

Successful people often reveal how they got so many achievements and victories.  David did that in Psalm 101.  He accomplished what he did, not only because of his wealth and powerful position.  David attained so much because he behaved himself “wisely in a perfect way” (Psalm 101:2).

In this Scripture, “perfect” was not referring to sinlessness.  “Perfect” in this context means “moral, upright, sincere, undefiled.” Although he fell spiritually several times, the leader of Israel tried his best to live the way that was pleasing to the Lord.

David revealed several ways he kept from spiritually falling even more than he did.

  • He protected his eyes from seeing the wrong things (Psalm 101:3).  Israel’s leader may not have had the amount of pornographic temptations that awaits to snag wandering eyes today. Still, he had to divert his vision not to see things that would also lure him into sin.  If David had a television in his day, there would have been many programs he would not have watched.
    “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes:…” (Psalm 101:3)
  • He avoided those that were lazy and did not work (Psalm 101:3).
     “… I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.” Psalm 101:3
  • He would not allow himself to be self-willed and unreasonable (“froward”) —  Psalm 101:4.
  • He avoided those doing wickedness (Psalm 101:4).
  • He kept from those that talked ill of other people (Psalm 101:5).
  • He kept from those that were prideful (Psalm 101:5).
  • He surrounded himself with others that also worked or tried to live the “perfect way.” (Psalm 101:6)
  • He kept his distance from deceivers (Psalm 101:7).
  • He avoided liars (Psalm 101:7).
  • He did all he could to stomp out wickedness in the lands he controlled (Psalm 101:8).

Although this Psalm was written over 3,000 years ago, every behavior that David did to protect himself from falling into sin would help people today.  Temptations surround every single one of us. We will also be inclined to sin if we do not separate ourselves from those destroyers of our testimony and joy.  Avoid wrong influences, or you too will succumb to sinful behaviors and evil temptations.

The reason the world is not seeing Jesus is that Christian people are not filled with Jesus.  They are satisfied with attending meetings weekly, reading the Bible occasionally, and praying sometimes.  It is an awful thing to see people who profess to be Christian who are lifeless, powerless, and in a place where their lives are so parallel to unbelievers lives it is difficult to tell which place they are in, whether in the flesh or the Spirit.” — Smith Wigglesworth

The Bible View #757

Articles in this Bible View: “There’s a Battle Raging,” “Oh, Happy Day,” “Avoid Temptation,” “Too Much Bridle,” …
Theme: Temptation for the Christian

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