The Bible View #826 — Christianity’s Opposition

In This Issue:
 Because What They Saw and Heard
Why Christianity Is Opposed
Not Recognized
It’s Love, Not Hate

Volume: 826    September 6, 2021
Theme: Christianity’s Opposition

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Because What They Saw and Heard
Bill Brinkworth

“Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. 7 For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding.” Psalm 47:6-7

Much of the world has developed a disdain for Christianity.  Looking at Christians the way the unsaved may see them, they may have a reason to believe as they do.

The lost see people who tout the name of Christ but see little difference between themselves and the supposedly “godly” people.  They hear Christ-followers ridicule their church leaders, catch them complaining, question and doubt God’s Word, and violate principles it teaches.  Unsaved people see believers live a life that is much like their own.

The unsaved world see poor Christian examples.  Dishonesty and perversion of church leaders are in media headlines. The lost often see the children of God begging for money and sometimes doing dishonest things to get it.  They hear of the sin the “godly” commit and observe the disunity between bickering believers. No wonder reproach is upon the name “Christian.”

Unsaved people seldom hear God being given credit for the blessings He pours out on His people.  Infrequently have they seen what they recognize as a genuine love for the Lord. Rarely have they heard how a converted sinner’s life was remarkably changed to produce an outstanding member of society. Few have heard of God’s answering prayers and the “impossible” miracles only His intervention could have caused.

Most of us can take some blame for their observations.  We have not done as the psalmist’s hymn in Psalm 47 encourages. We have not shown our excitement of being a child of God (“… O clap your hands…) — Psalm 47:1.  Instead, those people see the pooched lips and sad countenances of ungrateful believers.

The lost world needs to hear more from God’s children of all the wonderful things He does in their lives.  It would change their attitudes and beliefs if others heard of our answered prayers, deliverance from dangers, fulfilled prayer requests, and His leadership in our lives.  They need to listen to us “sing” His praises (Psalm 47:6-7).  If we are verbal about what God is doing, He will be real to them because His goodness and greatness have been praised and recognized.

God is not dead!  He is alive and working in lives.  I talked to Him today and daily see what He has done in my life and others!  The world needs to know that they are missing the biggest blessing of their lives without Him.  They will then know their loss if believers praise Him for His goodness.

“As a lost person, my tongue was quick with foul language. After being saved for a short time, God convicted me of my poor testimony for Him in that area.  I purposed to replace curses with praises to Him. I may not be much, but daily do those around me hear me praising His name and accrediting His wonderful works in my life!  He is worthy to be praised!” — B. B.

Why Christianity Is Opposed
Bill Brinkworth

There has always been animosity for those that live a lifestyle in accordance with the Bible. It is the same disdain that had Christ nailed to the cross. This resentment towards Christianity is undoubtedly alive and doing terribly today.  Ill feelings are particularly shown against Christians attempting to obey the Bible to the best of their ability.

True biblical Christianity does not, nor has it ever been a physical threat. Do not dare say Christianity has killed many.  It was certain false religions, not true believers, that committed those atrocities. 

Christianity has always improved nations, converted the sinner into a contributing member of society, given to worthy causes, helped the unfortunate, and done many other positive things.   Then why are so many voicing disdain against Christianity?  Here is a brief examination as to why many oppose Christians and Christianity:

They may hate God.  It may never be said from their lips, but that is often the root of why they are against Christianity.  They cannot attack God, so they strike out against Christians, seen as the next closest thing.
“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.” John 15:18 Also: I John 3:13.

They may have guilt from their sin.  Many deal with this guilt in different ways.  Instead of stopping their iniquities, some turn their hearts against the one that showed them their actions were biblically wrong. One that is living the proper, (most naturally know in their heart what is right and wrong) godly life often heightens their guilt just by another’s biblical lifestyle. They resent any light that is put on their sin.
“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil  For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved..”  John 3:19-20

They are on the enemy’s side. There are two sides: God’s and Satan’s.  People may be against the things of God because they are against God and for Satan.
“He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” Matthew 12:30
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” John 8:44  Jesus was speaking to “religious” leaders.

There is a spiritual battle raging, so expect skirmishes:
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

They see hypocrisy. The unsaved, much of the time, have expectations of how a Christian should act.  When they see the professing Christian not practicing what is preached or living the way expected, bitterness can be built against Christianity.

One of the most destructive forces to the cause of Christ is the liberal church movement.  They have removed much of the credibility, godliness, and character from Jesus’ church. The unsaved world clearly sees their hypocrisy and disobedience. We are to be an example for the cause of Christ in how we live our lives. Be different and be a godly light in this sin darkened world.
 “Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.  But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”  Matthew 15:7-9

“It is better to incur the world’s hatred by testifying against its wickedness than gain its goodwill by going down the stream with it.”  — Henry

Not Recognized
Missionary Baptist News

A story is told of a North Carolina preacher who lived when traveling preachers were entertained at hotels for free.  A particular preacher put up at a hotel for a few days, where the host most hospitably entertained him, but as he was leaving, he was surprised to be presented with a bill.

“Why?” he said, “I thought preachers were entertained free.”

“Well,” said the innkeeper, “you came and ate your meals without asking the blessing; no one has ever seen you with a Bible; you smoked big cigars while you were here, and you talked about everything but religion.  Pray, how were we to know that you were a preacher?  You have lived like a sinner, so now you will have to pay with the sinners.”

“A hypocrite is a fellow who isn’t himself on Sundays!”

It’s Love, Not Hate
Bill Brinkworth

The Bible defines true morality.  However, if one points out that the Word of God says lying, stealing, adultery, homosexuality, etc., are wrong and sinful, the messenger is labeled a “hater.”  The source of the authority for labeling the iniquity, the Bible, is then ignored. 

The word “hate” has become a defensive word that many use to silence anyone they do not like, understand, or with which they agree.  Once the messenger of morality or a difference of opinion is branded hateful, many believe they are justified in ignoring all that the person says, even truth.

The attack now is often on the credibility of anyone that supports biblical morality or opposes the popular mob-rule thinking, so their message can be ignored. Often those stating what the Bible says are ridiculed and even criticized.

All know that when something improper or incorrect in another’s life is pointed out, it will not be received well. So why would a person still point out another’s immorality?

In many cases, it is love for the person and what can happen if they continue in immorality or wrongdoing, not hate.  Love and concern are why most parents, teachers, friends, and neighbors endure the negative feelings and comments they may receive and rebuke those doing wrong things.

It is the sin of abortion that terminates the life of an unborn baby.  It should be spoken against.

Alcohol and drugs can kill people and destroy lives.  Their use should be rebuked. 

Lying costs people’s trust and destroys relationships.  It should be disdained.

Gambling often costs people all they have earned and destroys their families over the ensuing financial ruin. It should be spoken against.

Adultery destroys families, and innocent children have their lives changed because of another’s sin.  Unfaithfulness to a spouse should also be hated, along with other sins that always hurt lives.

Toleration of wrongdoing and sin will not stop iniquities havoc; it will only allow it to continue. It is not love that is silent while people suffer or do things that will hurt them. It is indifference and often hate. It is love that often causes people to warn others of immorality, no matter the cost.

In Christianity, it is the relation of the soul to God that is important, not the relation of man to his fellow man.”  — Russell