The BIBLE VIEW #970 —Do Something!

In This Issue:
Wasted Christianity
Willing to Please God
You Are Not Your Own

Volume: 970      August 12, 2024
Theme: Do Something!

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Wasted Christianity
 Bill Brinkworth

“So, did you go to college?”

“Why, yes, I did.  I graduated from Harvard Medical College and earned a doctorate in Medicine.”

“Wow, you graduated from Harvard and are an M. D.”

“Yes, I had a burden to help people;  my grades were good, and I had the resources to attend that school.”

“I am super impressed.  Do you have a private practice, or do you work at a hospital?”

“Neither.  I am not working in that field at all.”

“Well, what do you do now?

“I work at Walmart and stock shelves on the night shift.”

The one asking the questions stopped, and his jaw dropped.  “Now, there is nothing wrong with working in Walmart, and stocking shelves is an important labor, but the world expects and needs more when one is well trained and experienced.  God gave you the ability and the finances to attend that fine school and to achieve such a goal, yet you are not living up to what He has enabled you to do.”

Although the above situation may have rarely happened, all would agree that the character in the above account wasted his abilities and training.  Most would shake their heads in bewilderment as to why such an accomplished person would not be in the field he trained for.  Yet, many Christians, if not most, have wasted their ability similarly.

Romans 12:6-8 lists seven of the spiritual gifts God gave to every Christian.  All Christians have at least one of those special abilities, including prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhorting, giving, leadership, and mercy.  Most are given the desire, but God’s training through hardships and blessings better enables a believer to help and change lives with the gifts God has given them.

Read more about the spiritual gifts given to every Christian at

Unfortunately, most believers do not know they have a unique God-given ability and that God desires them to use it for His glory.  The majority are wasting their life and are not doing what the Lord desires them to do.

This world is floundering without godly direction and desperately needs Christians’ help, encouragement, and godly examples.  If all of God’s children used their God-given spiritual gifts, this world would be much different.

Christian, you were given a special spiritual gift, so do not just sit and admire it.  You were entrusted with it to help others.  Make a difference.  Use the spiritual “degree” God gave you.  The world needs your help— now!

A Christian should make a difference in this sinfully dark world.  He is often the only ‘light’ many will see      !” — Bill Brinkworth

Willing to Please God
Bill Brinkworth

So many take the responsibilities of a Christian lightly.  They hoard their salvation for themselves and do not share it. Many of their closest family members and friends may not even know of their salvation.  Sharing the Good News that saved them rarely happens. 

Paul, however, took his salvation and responsibilities seriously.  II Corinthians 4 shows how earnestly he shared what God had shown him.

  • He did not let hardships get him off course from his burden to share the Gospel (II Corinthians 4:1). His persecutions, imprisonments, cruel treatments, and rejections did not deter him from his task (II Corinthians 4:8-10).
  • Paul did his best to give the whole counsel of God, as honestly as he could (II Corinthians 4:2), and to all he could. His testimony proved that by his uncompromising and courageous stand for the Truth.
  • If the Gospel was hidden from anyone, at least on Paul’ss watch, it was not his doing (II Corinthians 4:3).  If it was concealed, it was from the efforts of the enemy of God, Satan (II Corinthians 4:4).
  • Paul preached Jesus, not himself (II Corinthians 4:5). His preaching was not to gain a job for himself, popularity, or a weekly paycheck. His mission was to tell the truth he had learned the hard way.
  • As frail as our bodies are and as distracted as we can be by temptations, we have a body designed to serve God (II Corinthians 4:7).  Imagine that!  God wants to use us! What an honor!
  • Although we may face persecutions and hardships in this life, if we are saved, we have an eternal future in Heaven (II Corinthians 4:14)! 

God used Paul not for his talents or what he had but for his attitude and willingness to please His Saviour.  We are to emulate our Saviour.  Following the guidelines set by biblical heroes, such as Paul, are also good examples. If our attitude to please our Saviour was like Paul’s, we would all be busy with the Master’s work.

“If we, who know God’s truths, don’t tell others, who will?— Bill Brinkworth

You Are Not Your Own
Bill Brinkworth

“Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?  Is thine eye evil, because I am good?” Matthew 20:15

Does a Christian have the right to do whatever he wants with his life?  According to God’s Word: No!

The context in this chapter is the millennial reign when Christ rules  Earth for 1,000 years.  It gives one another an idea of what will happen during that time and how some will be rewarded.

In Jesus’ illustration, he told how workers, starting at different times of the day, got paid with what the master thought was fair.  They got paid the same, whether they worked 10 hours or one hour. The “boss” was doing the hiring, and all agreed to work for what he offered them. The whole point of the illustration was to teach that the master was in charge, and it was by His rules they had to abide by.

Although Matthew 20:15 was the landowner’s reply who was doing the hiring, it illustrates a great truth in describing a Christian’s relationship with the Lord.  We are not our own.  We are purchased with Christ’s blood.  We have a promise of Heaven.  Everything after getting saved is a bonus!  Let us surrender our lives and do what God desires us to accomplish!

When adults are asked what they want to do in their future, they usually tell you what they figured out they would like to happen with their lives. When a child is asked the same question, you similarly get a battle plan of what they would like to do. One seldom answers, “Whatever the Lord wants me to do, I’ll do!”

Sadly, that open invitation to do God’s will is rarely even thought of by Christians. Unfortunately, when you hear of someone handing their life to God with no reservations, it is often only after they have tried it their way and that way had failed.

It would save many heartaches and much of a “wasted” life if one would immediately, after they are saved, hand their life over to God as a blank check.  “Fill it in with what you want me to do, God, and I will gladly, happily, and faithfully do it until you tell me otherwise!” Boy, would that attitude change lives and Christendom as we know it.
“Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God?  Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?  21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?” Romans 9:20-21

“… God is not going to reward you for the amount of work you have done.  He will reward you according to your faithfulness to the job which He called you to do.Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee

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