The BIBLE VIEW #991 — Backsliding

In This Issue:
Neither Cold nor Hot
Definition of “Backsliding”
Reflections of a Backslider
Causes of Backsliding
Signs of Backsliding
Consequences of Backsliding
Remorse of Sin

Volume: 991    January 27, 2025
Theme: Backsliding

Neither Cold nor Hot
Bill Brinkworth

In Revelation 1 to 3, seven churches are mentioned.  They were not only churches that existed when John penned Revelation, but they were also prophetic of major characteristics of church ages, in general, throughout history.  

Many believe that six of the prophesied church ages have already passed.  However, many churches in the current church age are very similar to the church of Laodicea.

The church of Laodicea was the seventh church of which John wrote.  This was a “lukewarm”, complacent, and ineffective ministry (Rev. 3:16).  They had riches and many things the world had to offer.  Still, they were doing very little for the Lord. God saw them as “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Rev. 3:17).  Their failure to do anything for the Lord disgusted the Father (Rev. 3:16).

Unfortunately, the Laodicean church pictures the church age we are currently in.  Like all church ages, not all churches were or are the same.  There has always been a remnant doing God’s will and way, but the majority of current churches are much like the church of Laodicea.  

Today, there is more concern for the social interests of man than the spiritual.  Clubs, committees, eloquent speakers, church entertainment, paid musicians, church appearances, and not offending anyone have a higher priority than the needs of people’s souls.  Preaching “Thus saith the Lord” is rarely heard anymore, and if it were, there would be many offended and some would desert the church.  

Physical wealth does not cover up the fact that the majority of churches are not heeding the tugging of the Holy Spirit and, in God’s eyes, are “… poor, and blind, and naked.” The money these churches have may not be the “blessing of God” they proclaim it to be, but a curse voiding their usefulness to the cause of Christ.

Part of a Christian’s responsibility is to live the way God commands and to tell others what God’s Word says.  Watering down the message to “fit in” or “not to offend” undermines its purpose. 

The Word of God is supposed to offend and convict the sinner.  That conviction often stops the sinner from a downward slide and turns him around with a repentant heart.  

Where psychology, psychiatry, counseling, and drugs often fail and mask the real problem, the Word of God often exposes the root of a problem.  If allowed, the truths from the Bible will change one’s life. 

Drunkards have been converted, their addiction halted, and their lives restored.  Adulterers have been enabled to stop their iniquity, and they and their families have been reunited.  Murderers have also been saved, and their lives changed.  God’s Word has changed the lives of liars, cheaters, gossipers, unbelievers, and countless more.  

There is not one sin that God cannot help one stop, nor one life that God cannot change.  Why would anyone want to hide God’s message or water it down after it has done so much to countless lives?

No matter the climate of the majority of lukewarm, worldly churches, until the Lord comes there is still time for personal repentance and a return to God’s ways of righteousness.  The door of opportunity for personal revival is still open at this time!

There is no reason an individual or even a local church cannot have a spiritual revival, nor is there a reason to be lukewarm and displeasing to the Lord.  We can be as full of zeal and excitement as the church of Philadelphia (Rev. 3:7-12) and others who purposed to obey and follow the Lord’s commandments.  Do not be cold, indifferent, and useless to the cause of Christ.  Be on fire and effective!

Definition of “Backsliding”
Noah Webster, 1828

Backsliding: The act of apostatizing [to forsake principles or faith which one has professed] from faith or practice.

Reflections of a Backslider
J. Newton

Sweet was the time when first I felt
The Saviour’s pardoning blood
Applied to cleanse my soul from guilt,
And bring me home to God.

Soon as the morn, the light revealed,
His praises tuned my tongue;
And when the evening shades prevailed,
His love was all my song.

In prayer, my soul drew near the Lord,
And saw His glory shine;
And when I read His holy Word,
I called each promise mine.

But now, when evening shade prevails,
My soul in darkness mourns;
And when the morn the light reveals,
No light to me returns.

Causes of Backsliding
W. M. Punshon

  • Was it the spirit of slothfulness that seized you?  Did you shrink from the effort of continued resistance to evil and of prayerful watchfulness against your insidious sin?
  • Was it self-complacency that took possession of your heart?
  • Was it anger that seized and shook you in its petulant grasp because you were not “appreciated” by your friends?
  • Was it because you envied pre-eminence that was denied you?
  • Was it the spirit of indifference that exhausted your recent energy?
  • Was it your rebellion against the godly advice you were given?
  • Were your convictions superficial things that only touched the surface of your nature but did not come from your heart?

From these and similar causes, many have rested in their ease or retreated until they have lost their joy and usefulness for God’s work and cause.

Signs of Backsliding
C. Buck

  • Indifference to prayer and self-examination of one’s spiritual condition
  • Trifling or unprofitable conversation
  • Shunning the people of God
  • Associating with the world
  • Taking the commission of sin lightly
  • Neglecting one’s Bible-reading
  • Immorality

Consequences of Backsliding
C. Buck

  • Loss of character
  • Loss of comfort
  • Lose of usefulness
  • And as long as any remain in a backslidden state, a loss of well-grounded hope of future happiness.

Remorse of Sin
John Bate

It is said that on the wall of one of the Egyptian pyramids is written, “The impious shall commit iniquity without recompense, but not without remorse.”  Does not this ancient inscription of heathenism receive its corroboration from the scriptures and the experience of every sinner in the present day?

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